OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. M. Trimble, First Assistant Stste Superintsndentor Xblio Inetruotlon Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion f?6. O-3922 Ra: Oeoupatlontax on utlllties We have reoelved ~yourletter of Au+st 28, 1911, In whlah you enolose a latter to you from Mr. E. A. Parrin, Sugarintendantof the Cmaron Public Sohocls. Mr. Parrin's letter reads In part as follows: *The Cameron Bohcol Dlstrlot is a school diatrlot In whloh the city haa assumed oontrol. The alty tax assessor oollaota our tax, both malntenanoe end bond. The olty oounoil turns over to our tra&surrr 756 on $100.00 aasaeaad valuation for the maintananoa or our aohool. They pay the bonded lndebtadnesadirect. Our sohool beard is eleotad. *The LegislatureHoently approved a special tax whlah should be paid to the oity governments by the utility oompanies.The eleotrio oompany, the water oompany, the gas aompany,.andthe tela- hone oompany pay to the,oi,tyapproximately {2,500.00 annually. I auppoae this ia an oooupation tax. "I wish to know Ii the sohoola are entitled to partlolpatain this tax and if so, to what extent." The Forty-seventhLfqti~latura et Its regular session passed IIouseBill 8, the Omnibus Tax Law. Artiole 7070, R.C.!?.,as amended by Artiole IV of Rouse Bill 8 levies e State coounationtax on telephone oorcl:?anies. Eowever, seotion 2 of Artiole 7070, as amended, read8 as r0ilowf3: X6norable T. ?J.‘?rIr.ble, yego 2 *(zi NC city or ottor polItIocrlsubdlvialon or t.Elsmxe‘e, by YlTtue or Its texklg wwr, :lollaaFewer, or otherwlee,shall Xa~otceau occu- pation tax or charge or sny sort, for tha ;*rIvlle@ 0r Uolnc ?as%ness, upon any psrcaon, oor::oPa*ion, or a*aociatIozi required to pay an 0oou;ation tax under this Art&la; provldrd, that nothlna in thla ArtIols aball ba oonatrued to prohlbIt the oolleotlon or UC vitlor``~ t&sea as provided or not prohibIted by law, or any tax now 1n;poaadby franohisc,and provided !‘urtharthat thl8 Artlola ah811 not wrreot any oon- treat now in exlstmoe or hereafter nodo butwosn a city and the holder of a franchise.* rirtielo7060, R.C.“., a8 .monded by Artialo tr or Rouse 8111 8, levies a state oooupatIoatax on aa8 oaapanlea,eleutr10 light ooqanlee, oleotrio povbs ema- panles, and water work8 or water end U&t plant8 boated in any inoorporatadtonn or olty and uscrdTor looal.aale aml dl~trtbutlon. ikwever, the r0u054hg provltilc4 lp:wara: Wo city or other polftleal mubdlvlsIonof this Sate, by virtue of its taxing power proprlstary poacr, poUc4 power or othalwr~, shall 218~0s~an ooougrtkm tax or ehbrge or my eort upon any p er so n, o o r p o r utloo ar i, lrao6letlon ropuir6d to pay tin ooour&ion tax under this Artlolc. ~?othIn~in thi6 Artlale shall ba ooa- atrueb am arrecting In any way the oolleotlon 0r ad valorem tnxos authorlaad by law: nor Impalrlng or altering In any.way the plwleions of any oontraota, agr6ementt3, or rranahleer now in lxlstanoa, or horaartortasdebataaen 4 city and 4 putiio utility, ralatinp,to psyzentr. or any sort to a olty. Rothtng in this Article shall be eon- *trued ea ycohlb:tin&an fnoorsoratedolty Or town fior mk:ny: a~remonsb1.e oharE6, otimrwlslalawful, for thb us6 of its a~troets,alloys, and publlo waye by a gub,fIoutmltp In tba conduct of lta buaiWea, and each auah oity she:1 have such right and ?owerg but any ouch oJxwgea, whether Os~igristsd66 r~ntubi or Ronarable T. I:.Trlmbie, Pa3 3 otherwise, end whether measured by gross receipts, units of installation,or in any manner, shall not in the eg,gregateexceed the equlvelent of two (2) per cent of the floss receipts or such utility eithln suah municipalityderived from the sale of ivs, electric ener'py,or water. Any speclel taxes, rentals, aontributions,or char&es accruing after the effective date of this Act, under the terms or any pre-existingcontrsct or franchise, ageinst any utility paying sn occupation tax under this Artlale, when paid to any such city, shall bacrcdlted on the amount owed by such public utility on any charge : or rental~im?osedfor the use ot streets, alleys, and public ways, levied by ordinenae, and accruing after the effective date of this Act; prov~ldedthat where valid ordinances have been enacted heretofore by cities imposing 6 charge or rental in excess of two (2) per cent of the gross receipts of such utilities, nothing herein shall be aonstrued so as to prohibit the aolleation of such sums as mey be due said cities thereunder from the date of said ordinanaeaup to the times this Article shall become errective." Thus, we see that the povterto impose occupation taxes on the businessesnamed in the above mentioned statutory provisionsie expressly denied to cities or other political subdivisionsof this stete. It follows that there is no city tax under these provisions in which the city sohools are en- titled to'participate. &ticla'Xx or House .Blll8 provides for the dls- position and allooation of revenue derived and collected under Articles IV and V. One-fourth or such revenue Is to be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the Available School Fund. The balance of the revenue la to be deposlted in a Clearance Fund in the Treasury. Then there are provisions for the.e~propriation,trensfer, and ellocation or certecinnmounts of the moneys rro?;the Clearsnce Fund to the Blind Assistance Fund, the Children AssistanceFund, the Old Age AssistanceFund, the Teacher Retirement ?ysts.;*:, and the CXneral Revenue Fund. Eonortible T. X. Trimble, Page 4 If the statutoryprovisionswhich we have con- eidered ere not the ones to which you here reference, please notiry us. Very truly yours By Lk@& ATTORIWY Gq Glenn R. Lewis Assistant