. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN Bonorable Prank XI Vanor County kttom*y ;arQlim county &oado, Tea8 e whether ox not tha tohlolA8 rry~ or thlr -@to, boP for tho pnoumlw that ths]ran 80 :34 Article QQwkb~, aupra, lo all lnoluairc End doer not &co u&y provfoion to axeqt rabialoo mmd by politfoal oub- ~&Yiaiono or the akteh. Eowwer the isglalatturepasosd Artfoh BWISa-J, Verrion'o &m&ate6 Ciy'lfStatute*, rhloh provlbeo In part an foll~vmt %mioro af motor Ybbioho, . , . abloh are the pawprty of an6 uad rroluol~*ly In the samfee of tb4 Gnitad SW** OoYernmQnt tbs fate Of Tnxuo, or aSlyCQUtY, City or Sohosl D&riot thereof, ohall epply lnnwALly to ro #t*T 8U. srrohYthiOh8‘ but ohall not be requiref 80 pay the rogf.atratlonfoe8 km&s presoribsd, . . ." hi ardor wordo, tho Le@inlatwo bar oaia that all oQz%aro of, aotorrebloloa whiot: are opanto6 upon Ebr public hl&WyO ef tha ntate rhall uy th, lkonoo tee, sxoept tlrocorbfoh atO wnimaratml in Qtlo P 0 6693a-3, oupmd Tb& XXI&O Or BttitUtO~ 6CQMtFUO$fQtr riu I@ QM'Sit UO to sxtend tba szqtion to aLlt$oti rub4iYicio~s of th4 @tat@ not HIntfonsb la li4id Artio Pa WTba-3. 60 are, therdkiro, of the 0 inion that Bexar-t2s4fau-Atuoo6o~ Countlso Wtor Impmro- punt s iotrlot go. 1 lo rot e%wt frQn the polymantof th@ motQr YbhiQl* 1i0~0. fora, kiot* tbat tbs foregoing fully nnow8ro your lntiulry, w am APTROW AUG 14, 1940 You20 very truly