i OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TexA6 :Oplnioll wo. o-SDOS Refund Of ~JWU,OZ'Z'O~O````~ . . "(b) Xaoh e!nployer,ahelloause to be deduoted from the salary of eaoh member 011eaoh and every.pay roll of suck QitlBlOy8r,fo~ eaoh anU,svery pay roll period, five (4) ape? WtItUII&'Of his earneble oompensation,grovlded that the sum of t+.deduotfotm cm&e ior a member shall not yloeeq ,~ne'ZWad~d aad Blghty Dollax% ($180) during any one.Q).~year:.Deduotfom 8&W be&i wHh me firot~pay 4$@.ll~m9ri&0r~the a~&001 gest 19S7-38. In detm7nM.n~ 478 Ron. John 8. RuQQ, Jr.. pase 8 &ha? 11 of the Bat prevideat "The TFMMZOr al the Stats of TOME ahall,upon beecriag OUrrtOdiM or the Teaohor Ratimaent Fmd, glre a bend la the mm of Fifty Thousand($sO,OCO.Oc) muam; the Xxooat%~O Becrreku &all &YO bond in the sum or mwwir0 Thousand ($es,ooo*@o) Dellars, and the stat. BMrd oi:Tmetee~ aall xwqrrfraany other snproymu alkd mamben OS the ata%a &mrd of fftleteea to g;fm.boad ia suoh amounts aI)the Board zmy deem M~OMIV~, oondftianod tbataald bonded P-M will faithfullyexeemte the dutlee ot the rarpootlre oifioea. All bonds nhnll k rad*'rith a good and solvent 6uroty ampany, autborined to do buaine88 in the State of Texas, aaid bonda ahnll be ando gayabxe to the stat6 Beard of %+maatw and &all be l pprcned bg it and the Attermoy Genmal gr T0xa8. _ AU MQ*~BO n``eaai~y and ingident to tha exeautien of oue$ibomb, inelud&d prem&wW thereoa, shall be paid by the State Board QZ Tru~t80~ from the.l!qmm vd." . It itrnated-d&&t the meney thus paid by eAstaIm %&to tha By8tem by the B3bbe mhool authorities was not deduated f?aathe @alaTieu ottheteaohera, nsrdld syoh MaeheM par rrodhllupu+a snj other mer. It was vered to thm Syotem by the ooIleokor, the employing mob001Y letriot. Honor, thr pueet~l;tondsaided in Gox%&mna Cotton Mills T. Bheppard, 71 8i If. (26) Z47, to whi&h you Qireoted our atton- tion 16 net involved. In the oaae or PrleQdmn 0..kaesioau surety CampMy, I81 8. 1. (26) 870, the 8upreae Qoiut held that the Une@oy- ment -matto& Fund uea not subjeot to the appropriation rofl@ioo, Artlale 8# ,Seotion6, of'-$orConstitution. m ?he opinionin th+ oat50 we quote brierlyr !Phemoney here involmd la not the propetiY 0~ the :ia&‘in any oapaoity, but is a tnwt fund ta be held out of the State Txmauury, but in the hands of the state l%easurer as tmmtee, for the benefit of a alar8 of @mployerawhose emplo~ess pay it in by virtue of a tax l*rieQ, the tax being In tha nature of an exaise ta%" - c. 4Y9 w. Cohn 8. Rudd, Jr., gage 6 There is nothing to differentiate the nature of mae two funds, that ie, the Unemp&yment Compeneation Fund uI the Teacher Baring Fund, in rtiepeotto said Artiole 8, wtiod 6. The S,tateTreasures ib only 'theaustodian or nmtee oi the noneya in the Teaaher Saving Ftm3 for the mefit of the contributing teaahere. &ah fund ia not the roper$y of'thg Btatiei&the usual mense. These moneys being lder the @anagament and oontroS of l&a State Board of Trurtees, t 18 our opinion that upon entry of an order by that body for loh warrant the Comptroller will be authorized to isatm the MO* Yams very trulg Glenn R. Lewis Ausistant