IL. 1. - 425 OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~norable I. Predeckl &tttnty Awlitor 00lveet’on county caeeetoa, Tezaa lki8rSir: oplnlon BO. 0-3891 Ret Commis8ioners'Courts, oounty .ftma8amI the Tea8 Defensr Guard This depetment h&s roesired yaur mpusst, for na opinion. Ee quote the body of yew. lettem *An applleationhas b+n'rsoeited,from ths loeal unit OS the Texne Bone Defense Cum& . by the GalveatoonCounty Coudssionera Ceurt request1 an apprapriatfodof one thouseA &Alar8 3( 1000&C) for their use ad benefit. I em unable to locate eny la* whleh permite the County Commiesitmera:Cowt t4zaeke an ap proprfatlcn for suah a purpes ; '.'% *Xindlp infonu 'iu~Kwimth&Z !wrk any legil euthority to 8ign a warrant ie&md to thin or- piaiF&EtlOil.” An act imowma8 the Tern8 Defmse Sum& bet, Aotr lW, 47th Legislature, House bill Ho. O:, authorlzea the Governorof the State to orgaW&wl maintain Wuoh IpiZitary ioroeabe~the Qovarmr may aeon nrctmaary to defend tN8 Nate." This force la koorn a8 the Texan Defenee Quad. Ssotion 4 of that sot j~mvlderr~ Txtc. 4. For the use of suoh foroas. the Governor is hareby authorieed to repulslt~cn from the Seijretaryof Zar rrueharma az& eguip- me ~&w$t@.$e in possession 02, end CM be sparea lQi>:theRkr Department8 aml to wake available to suah forma the faoilitlesof e&ate amoriss ana tboir equipmentand rush cthar State yraoliaoe ard property 8~ may be available. hutkorlzetion1~ heroby provided for school authorltiento permit the use OS eahool buildings by the Terar Detmee @m-d; provided further that County Cosmtiesf~nsra 12ourte,city authorities,oomntIQitls8, and clvlo Ma ,natriotlo organicotr;iorm are es~oww- ed and authorizsdby this Aot ta provide funds, amoritm, equipment,material trafu- gortation, or other agprnprlate.SWV~Q(I~or facilities, to tho Tezao Lk3hsnseWed.* Aooordingly,you are rrspoatfulW aavfao# that the Texar Dt~ieoaeOuarQ AOt @ant8 you the neoaar~rfaythorlty to e&ip mob B warrant rm ia h+rsin dewr'ibed, mbbjeet, OS ooure8, to the qualificlationthat in all o%hor r~ptieta, it Ir regular4 aasw4rB yvur question. Se believe that this fiil.1~ Youre very truly n A’f?WURT CWRERALOF TEXAS w u WA.’T. Fusing FLitSI’ ASTSTANT Aea#&ia$i - ATTCRN~Y GENERAL BP WI00