OFFICE OF THE ATTORNRYGENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN EonorableBen 0. Oneal,Prerddrnt Mate Board of Bduoation Auetin, Tsxae bar sirr whiah you ask t above oaptioned a, Vernont8 knaotawa hereby @a,, You are interslrtedin ths.inte p tati n ot the olausb”*l .provfdearurther, that suoh fiu&r hfgh aohoel textbook8shell be fumiahad trsr only to suah eahool6tstenM aa maintain junior high 8ohoolorgenieations, a& oertified by the proper oohool authoritierrto the State Board of Eduoation.* XonorablsBen Oq Oneel, Prtmidont,Page 8 Yo ul8k wðerunder the sbotr p u0wa seotionthe Board of Eauostionnay adopt textbooksto be wed ror inrtruotlon In gradesabots the junior hi&h sob001 levels. ~Thissootion s~th~rtiee the SaOptf0S 0r tsttbookeo&y r0r junior high eohools. 'POhold that it applieoto other sohoolswould be oontreryto the plain w0Mieg of th Statute. xt 18 ntdrsrt that grsdes above the juniorh&h sohoollore18would not bs per@ or the juniorhii@ sahoolr It r0iiotte thitt yocr question must be SWJWS~a in the iM@QtiVS. 39 ‘hX. fW. 1%X. You also ask whether textbooksmay ba sdoptrd fer eaes seven, eight, and nine in sohoolanot hsvb orgnniwd rWar hQh sahools. It 18 Our opfnlonthat ual.ess 8 junior high school is aUslnistretltsly sst up aaa operatedas mob, 8eo0lon8 or ArtloloINMa has no appllortlon. It it Is ao #et up and Opttrated, than SOOtiOna would apply to the adop- tion of tartbooks. JY it is not, t&on thr adoptionof text- books would be goreanad by other statutory provislons. See Artiolre2813; pB44, SS44a, SsotloaI+ / ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS