Hoaoroblo R. C. Xil8oa. Pa60 ? footlou 17, Artiolo 39120, Vernon*r Annotate4 CllII :*tttutn providrr in put: a.%otlon 17 (aI Tha term *pmolnot otflaorm* ta wed in thir art 001fm :urtioo8 of the Posoo ma c0mtt bm *In 811 oountlmr ia thl8 P;txte euoh proolnot offioerr ohall ooatlnue to be oua ennted ror tbrlr srrvlorr on l rtt btrlr untP1 the co~3~1ir- hmon~ Court ohall haro dotemined otborwlro in aaoordraw with tho provis&onr of %ttloa 2 or thi8 sot. * . . . .* Stotloa 2 or Article )912a, supre, provlCe.8 in mrtl Vho Cosaisrloatrs' Court of rroh oounty in the Ftnte or Pexa8, at ltr ?&rat regularrmtlng In Jtnuary or taoh aalsndu Jbu, ohall, br order rsuo and entered iA the nlnutea or atBid court, detarzlnt okether prtoicct otficarn cf tuck aowty (OXO6Pt publia uolglxrr end rogistrtrs of vital atttl8tlos) the11 be ocmpnratsd on a salary ksi8 ea ~0ridd lot in tbL8 AOt, or uhttber they the11 *o o ivo lm tholr aorgtarrtion, ruoh *es 0r ors~oo as mty be ttrwd by tht~ in the’ performmoo ot tnt dutltr or tttlr 0:ri0tt, en& rhall bt the it duty or the oounty alork of oaoh oounty to forward to the Com.ptrollor 0r 3ublllo AOoowts 0r the “tat or Taxar OA or krom tbo 318t Ooy 0s Janwry t otrtititd 0-y or mtob order. . . .* Subriotion (b) or neotion 17, Artlolr 3912e,ruprr, prcrPlCer in part-t -Ga o@antIrd tiwm lt shall bets btmc dtter- tined that pmoinot offioora shall be ooaptnaottd moBomb1. m. a. u1laoa,?rm 3 . ,