OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I!rauoxabl6+a;Lter IdimQhi&onaad Ffonanblo Ben mwlls ohal;ll9ka Pm8 3 and SSQl, Vernon't~mot&ted airi& Statutist,read in par% aa foliow5: *Article ass& EW#apt as otherwise pmvid.ed in this aat,. tba uraual iaee that may ba ratainad by praalnot, county and dietriot offfoers mentioned in tbte m%t;iclo shall be 6,srollaver '1. IQ oomtlee oonixlning twerzty-five(25,000) tboueand or lees inhabitantez county judge, dietriot CT criminal disttiat attorney, shariif, county clerk, &mnty attorney, dietr%ct clerk, tax oollector, tax eeeoeeor, or the eeeue~ear and oolleotor of taxes, twenty four hum%rad f#iS4OO.)dollars each; uetiae of the pes