DocketNumber: O-3711
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS \-.. f AUSTIN mmorable C. R. csme8s stete hattar ana lrftiaibnl~pv~pert huctln;'Patar A Pear slrz. ~onsmblo U.8. Usma@, Ps@. 8 =(S) Xi your8e CsestIe8 1.Is La aaewbf the negative, lees1 f6r the Bssd weuld It be to pay an AssIstant~eoro8ary a salaryof )8,000.00 per par rroi th88a rtrnas, ii st40h8~10~ usfe m3f;mrlaea fir 1~ the prevalllngapproprlatIon "(4) Xi yeur aaswer to wsstien 1 18 ia tbs nsgstilre, would the apesfslprorlsIonsgQ~Srn1~ lxpaasos under ths pmelllsg appro- trcrtellng priotlonbill apply to the expense80000stof the AssLstant-Seeretem *ia r-s thsss rui?- IBs Xxulsstlon Fee, tba Re-exsmfmaflon hr(Jsslor), ena thh,Rr-sxsslnmtlonfse (?!a11 or lFlml) srs sutbsrlssd bf Art. #Ml; the Rulproo8l tse is arthorlud by Art. 4Wor srd the Psrtlalxssm$nstIonmm (funior)md Psrtlslmm- lsutloa Fse (?Issl)a r elutbarlm4 by Arh 480% PO these ises the pr~rlslensor Art. WDL quote&bo;low, spplp *The fund ‘re~llmedr- the *forawl& rses aball be sppllsdibat to the payment Of nsssssrrysz- psnsu of the bomd 0r exealnen; aa7 muinl~ funds shell be spplledby the order or the besrl UB oonpsssstlsgPrbsm ot tbo bear8 1, prpp0rt1011 to their I&on.* ft is OBly "'pcrbllo pbllles"rbish srs witkin tb+ pmrIrIoss of Oonst. Art. 8, woo 6 roqulrlng lp roprl8$108 by the Le,gislWirsas 8utborltyiOr their apeml fttkre or disburssaeat.Lfkd8e OQIY 'publlsii&b&~* BOO&b!@as- pocltsQIn ths Stste Tmssutl~ Wblle the sutbsrltyto oollsstthe a3~e-ssentlone6 fess is spoairloall~oonterrsd upsn the BosrQ by the Le&lsturo, tbe fees am nst~osl- 1eotsQ ror the Stats, bat for the porssssl benefitat the i.sdlrIQosl msmbsrs of tbs &mid. The Beard nsabers sre eoapeasste4 fox their senloos and rslmbonaQ for La&&r expensesby the fees nhieb they are l~8brlaed bf Art. MOE, 80 oolleet cad retain. 3Inoe tbsss be8 are not caltseted for tbo ~tsts, they are not *pub118mnlssw, nood ast be taxnsd twax to the Sate Treacrwerand a0 not ropaira l bfeanlslapproprlatlon as a 00naitien preoddaat to their expen41tOrsq As to these fsss, your guemtlona me amwere aa roii+3wsr ... .- Q*;i’Z 1. Buoh ises nee4 tmt be dqnwlt# In tbe ateta ~aoryr 8. Ro answer reaulrod. s. The Bo8rdmsy p8f sn Asslstant+3soret*~s sslsrf at #I!,OOO.OO per year from sueb fbes, slaos no l pprsprlatlond th8r8n f8 ne0088arf~ 1, Ws+ella6 sxpessellmltstlsnsunder tha eummt lppraprIrtIanbill do not spply to the Baarilin the srpsdltors OS these fees~ Tl~slmt thru fess lists4msst be Uutt with saprately in tais oplnlsn. ft 18 a rrolll8r principle of lsw shat the rl*b of s pub110 orflosrts ohsrges tse.for MS s``loss YJ mt rest ln Implloa8~on, but mart be lxpresslfoosferzsuby 1s~. %a otfleer rt mot slslm or resoh 8nr money withmat a law lmorlti~ him te ao w, asa elearlr ilxlsigthe mount fo wbleh ho 1s entttlod." s4 Tea Jur. 811: aimfortT* ROblnwa, 118 lm. 84, 844 88. 6G91 )bOtaazmu Uo. v. Boggeee,1W Tm. 04, lS9 R.'(I*SO68 Rsll- ma 1. Qarpboll, S9 Tax. W: St8t.ov. Weore, 89 Tn. SB9, %slos v. B8#rrisGo. [Mr. Ap .) l?Bl,B.Xr 6ll, mfYlm.& LPO dl*W,.~4lT. See slss @es. 118, Pub P1% plos+ 84 T. J. 0, btt. Vt~tutes presedblm fsss for:pabllootilbm UT sttiotlt ooastmdt ,sad bonoe s ri@t to ises WY nst~rssl la ~liOatf8B.” 8& Ti J. m.8 m. f$$t,yOt Rod$al*, 118 Ter. 199, MO i9.W. ES& 10 not eattFle4 *An officer to tooefte, for thr periomuee o? hi@ olflelslduties,my eompaaration other Shsn rooh so is providedor petitteU by Is*.* Omsb~ County Cattle60. v* mftexmtt, Mr. Appp.1aa saw. aa A peblle offleerIs not lntltfstlte oollest,Soot renlsu he 1s authorIs& or rrpulretl te reader ln his ofllelal eapaolty,any eaapematlon or $00 other thsn sush so asy be pm- ride4 by law. If tlmlsw ltborlms of m+Ulres the oftleerto rmaer sw%sla semloes and does not provides Se4 tbevefor, the affloarIurt rsoder eush smloes wIthoutsh8rige. It a publle efiieerool.lssts by ?eaa aat euthorlscr(l law for senlam~ be Is X%psireUor saUlerlss4ts mr&er la his oftlola~sspsolty,ha rust reoonatrsr sash tseg t@ the ss+ lrelmtY hs regresentmttheugh be PY bs eMwrlss& by law Bon@rrrbh C. R. Uereur, PWJ. 4 fo ro$aia a6 hi8 wepenee6ion tu6 prwided fey by lew, ho em- m* retelnIeer for offlol~fl*nlo*8 d&h ?M ie not outhE- rid br low to ehnrgeOnd r&elm. iaFreE+t 00. 'I.l?0@~6, 101 'Nx. ass, 138 3.E. 110; me0ee CO. v* AM Cnrr15@Oa* et 01, (8oM* A&q).)00% yet reporte4. A6 te 6errloee wbleh 8 pub118offloor le neither ngrtfrednor euthorld by low to ron4er ln hle oirlafeloagmolty, ho eteada(IOa privateeltlxen,and ha UJ eontrrot a8 eat 9rlrate el8lrwa,to be eea&wasntedthorefw. 8iorrLs v. Kerll~, 79 Tax. 147, 1S 38. EtVl Crosby Coanty t?bttLo Co. t. YeDarmttr Nil 9.11. 86s; 8.3. v. Mosby, 10 8. Ct. ML9, 188 rt&. 895,88 Lans. Ch. 83
. Mb. 8umuhoorpensatlon, of eouree.18 aoll4mtedend say be rclte~lJied by the oifioerin bie private mpeoity. The feregoln@ rule, howewm, la 8abjeet to tka tollorin(lqwllflaetloa: Thom& the btfioerbe neither re@reU nor rlrtheris~ by l&r to ma&or 8 reniee la his o?tlofeloagboitj,yet ii ho giree l altlma to onbere~n~!in any abnner that he l lutherlsulor avqrdra6 to rmder euaohlenleo in &lo offioL ir rrrmolty and thmt luth c r 1 0s 60requlns 6 Us to oolloote f8a fez euah l*nlms tba mono t-hueeollaete4from tbo oltlsen 18 (Iawe& .eLfuted uader 80I or of offleeend tha effiaerie mqui.re4to leoouat for lt to the 8etereigntf he repreeente.Rwlpg re nee5tob to tba ait thet he re satltledto renderthe 8em Poe an& 6meaa tbe tee by aathorityof low la the qent of the eweNl@I, the offioerla not psdtte0 to prefit by his *raa&ml $on8uot,be% lb rkrppd, ba e~ab~rthla lwerelgaL,to lemrt that b hailno batborltyta oolleotthe f- for tbo #o+erel86 bat oelleetod it la hle eapr,olty es l privateolt%meb Ihu be. t+ tlreaer (Arlc.) 46 9. (a) 11Sg 99 A. to It.648 6nd o*uo olte4 in the eaaetatlen ttmrete. *Tt1*1.cut6 prov1dr1 *T&e boardmey proeatlbetolw ngrtlrtloneand by-lbwe, la hammy with the prcnleffmaof thlr title, for it0 om pro666415g6 6aQ ~oremaant io* th6 6x6+ hutlon of eppliamt* for th* praoBloe at aed%ein* 6nd eb6tetrlee~* Thle mle-meklmg wrer dcu not eanfer alitbtlt~ to 08ar8e net proride for by t&0 atatotee, 00``~000 lb,eU0r I000 the 3``4 te enlargelk eathorltp or furledlotloa to a to The powor extend8 only te the e&ab2hahmeot @,i roga- letioae;net inaonsleteat with tha lew, but ISIh8rrosytherewith, ,~ fmaoraS10C. IT.Cavnau, Pq* 5 for the administration by of the powersenQ doties eonierretl the law upon the f?oaFQ - tha pawer to xvrldothe prees&rel dot&la by which the pro*lrlonsof the Plw abell go ereeutml. -ial et al Y. RlaharsoL,et ll, 146 !?.V.(8) 806. The stetuteeTorrraine,the 3aoa~I authoriretbe leea- -0 of liaencerfor tha prestleeof mdlelne. They 40 net pm- ride exprsselyfor the lsawnee of a dup3Joetelloenecrin eeme tlseorl&ml has been lost or demtroya6. No feo la rorlde4 for laeaffroeof a 4tiplleato l.leeaee.The duplleetePioen8a8 et0 Ieeu& end a fee aolleetedtheroforunder l rule l4opted by tbe ?Jomd. Binee ths lnw epeoi?ioally ooatuzplatertho lo#aena4 at writtea eertifloatcrerlbenoln6that llo*aaete pmotlae aedioine in this State baa boon granted bl thb Board, it lo oar optalbnthat in th elxe%oleeof the mloyimklrq powertbo Rae* le wathmb6d ta proridefor t&a Issueno*of duplio8tel%een*ea te mpleoo orl@ml orrtitlastu lest or deet``ed~ The atatate~ rotb4rlslrqim foe therefor,hwwtr, the Doer(L imd no 1*601 lutltotlty ta fix urd eollootone bJ rule. IWin. o6lleetodeaob ieu for eenieor rendare in It8 offloialoej+waty for whloh tbo litwlathorlsoe80 fee to be aolloettd,t&tomonlre thaa eollbatedoaanotbe le~ftally retelasdaad oxpond& by #a Beard, kt doul& be turned over tq the state Tr:(~muw. Tnrrunt Co. vr Butl*rj IpoeeeeCounty ** Currlagton,alted above.. Blnoe tlk6be ho8 hve not beon a$ roprlatod?oT lxp*ndlture by tb@ B o a r d, th e y a re no tlvellrbfe to the Board for any purpeao~ Fenit The wMettlealetlea PoeP o$llootedby the l& mti a xe eh nr g unties o d fbe purpoxt8dl~tborityof a rule adopt& bJrth& b&y. The permit* purportte authmltb ~roepe+tt+* #Uloel etudentato take ooureosin naddiolmo in rr6diael eollegee, graQuate,and be a6mittaQte exanhatlon far lieeneebf the ?oati. ‘1118etetutsa nelthcrsrprerelyaor by trpllortloaeutberlseor requiretbe RoaxQto r0p;ulat.e th4 0tWeslon of 6taaeateto mod- loal eollagsa. In lnsufngthee8pamltr end oolleotlnga fee therefor,it hartundertekrato do SOS and is so dalng it h8e euoWds6 it0 leufal authsrlty. The only eoaoeraof the Barn*, under thr lo;+,,la to dettnnine,b’honen ep@.leent for llosa8e preseatm hlrasalf far eraninetlaa, whetherhe Is u gmdunf6 of 0 vaputclbla me51081sohoolm le deiind by the statute. The tee for $ttelT&lng thla feat km ubreosd wfthia the $8S&8 ezuafnetlonfee prorldet? bT law. The !!bard laoks the power to enlame ltr jerlsQletlon cad inarearme lte fee8 bf lleenelfqok- dentr to mtrlaulste in aedloaleollegee. pumablo C. A. Cavnua, Fr(r56 It aeea8 alear that tb* P8ar4, In provl4lng fer 5n4 155alng autrlanlation p5rmlta 5nd oheygltag a too tbarotor, r*p~*ei!iteU to the appllosntrfor etxebgsraltathat the nom4 ms bl law authorlmtdto regulate the ad5la5lsa ot studeate w udlorl aoll5ges an4 to ohnrpe th5 tee5 prctaorlbed by it8 m&e tor th6 laruenoo of perzuitafor tb5t purpose. ho tees thw 5olle5teb wore oolle5t54 ua4er color ot otftse, and aan- Qot be ratalned by the 305r4. Tb.7 ahoul4 be turned over to tbc mate Truaarer. The Vmdorawent NV 15 aallesto4 under mle of the psoOrd. Ihe tae 16 r0r ewioralae, or reooawn4ln~ the hyaioirno lloe~aed by the Board In thlm state tor liornaing Pa anotherCtota rlthoot eXMin8tlan. 'IheBoard la twither 8~t``;O.d QOf lWqUit& by lta8Ute tQ fQFQiSk aUOh 6QdO?W- m5ata. Buffloient irat are not &van uo to amble 01 to &tarmirm whether there were ooll55to6 by the 9a5rd mw teea or under solor of ottioo. It the b5r5 55 prlvat* oltlram no*rdin oolleatlngOWh tsea 414 not &v5 the L-iti56M~tet wh m th elenioaa were ren4omodto undontmd In any una6r th*t the law crutberised tha Board in ita oiileirl or r*gaired upeitl to r a Qd8r m6h lerviou mad to Oh a r a60 toe therotor, theniaes votb oollrroted In their @rata aapaoltiu and may 80 ntdnadg lt the oontsaq be true, the teea wre oollseM4 uu8eroolor of effloa 5n4 &haul4 be turned over TV the 8tato 1Tru5M.r. 910 mere toot8 that th5 Kurd nubara r)em lok& te tunish awh endoruaients bsaaue~ of their otflol8l pool- tion8,tb a th f el yigneitthe lQdQnemQt8 otttei8lly, or that they srtabliehd by rul5 or order a tee for ruoh lervloo,bou Qot 88trbll8Rthat they lapre8eata4to the oitlsuu in any aanmf that the law wthorlaad then to randsr susb aenlou offlolrl.1~an4 to oall5ot a tee theroter. Moaby v. U.S., oit& ab0vo. Va trust that the tore~olag oonatltutu a lutfl5155t Mower ta year qn5atioar. wbura vezy WalT