fQ .., ‘:...._ 0. .:.’ ..’ I:‘..... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorablr Tbom88 A. What Count7 Attorn8y Liberty Coun8y Llbertr',T II11.88 Dmr Blrr tlnont faota from your ra "I hav8 a Qua8tlo th8r ornot a aertaln adrrrtl8 888 for 8V8T7 t8llQIld8, OOklrt, until tha bO0kl.t a booklet 18 turned 011r to tha t@lra 84ni# it t0 th8 rdfnr r8i8 M15taiIW4 a M8tW rho8 (Ifor .8Oh~OOrra8pOllbi~ mabar i8- 4t,8lldth8 prita8 -0 trorP68OQUFt8 of oil to $20.00 in o48haencrOh4ndi84 or pmalums. In other word8, tb holder o f l8oh number who bp- pon8to fill out his book and 88n48 ltln gear 8W8- thing r'rngbg from two quart8 of oil up to $20.00, 8houl4 ho h8ppW to h8T8 th8 nuabrr thst WOuid 88% llth4r the $20.00 orrarohandi44 a8 rsr44144 b7 thr mn8ter 8hmt. Honorable Thorn44A. Whal;.t - peg.42 "*.* IllthI8 pErtiOUl4r oaaa, m hmo (1) 8 oonrlQ4rstIon anb it scula be 88 fOllOW81 'Tha pUrOh484r, it 18 trur @It8 hi8 MUOh8n- 4188 fbrhi8 mOna7 andin844itiOn thOrat0, ha g8t8 th4 8kmp ad Ifh8 grt8 enough rtamp8 it will 8~ tit14 tit0 8all4h%8 booklet ill 8nd Oglt;;ip888 in hairy the luok7 numbor torln tha k It. 18 tru8 that ha.gat8 miroh8ndl8o In addlkoi to the 8kmpr bat 08 7ou dll raaall, in th bank night 4eol8lon th@Oourt ha14 that tha iaot that th8 per- Oh888rOf8 tiokatto th8 piOtUre 8hOW 8nd @Ot the PriVihgI Of 8441`` the 8hOW, 414 not XWBOT8 it fkOa a gam8 Of OhanO8, baoau80 at th4 88418tirr8 hr obtained 8 ohaao8towln tha prls8 glronb7bhr piotur8 8ha to the hOld8r of tha 1~04 nurbu. =+ 4 + Thi8 0480 18 8Ola8Wh8tdif?arO!lt, but in thlr 0688 8tbar, wa 8ti11 hare the Opportllaltf oonf8rrd upon the holdrr of 8aoh nuabrr to grt (20.00,lthr happrnr to hold a number, whloh aa- OOrdin# to thr m88tU 8h88t,WO ~14 8IbtitlOhlr t0 (1o;m. It8 $!I18OppOr8Unity thath8h88Ordght &Ta th8 numbu oalllqiorthr (aO.00 On th8 M8- tU 8h88t t&It •nOOkU8lJ8~tt48 8a188. Thr pUrOb8ar 4048 not &OW hi8 aunbrr or et it sight la ti8l8 hip to ,until h8 88d8 it into tha Hfin8T7, an4 nObO6y know8 but th8 m?inary What nUPbar8 8rO an- fitlad to $20.00. Th8 WbOl88al8 daalOrOrth@ r8- 88118r or th8 hOld8rOfth8 booklrt dO8a not know whath8r hal8rntltlr4 ta tb #2O.OOornot, until altar 8h.y 8m4 th8 booklet. into th8 X'OfiMr 8n4 th8n in turn notle tha holdu of tliabooJ*8$. “+8 + l” w8 h8T8 08rafUlly 0058id8r8d thr faOt8 4atuph```` in 70&r r Oq Ua 8t 4a8oribiag tb Op Ua tiOn Ofthr ld+UtiaiISg 878ta amlnt8lns4 an4 oprmtad b7 tha rotlaing an4 88l88 ma- P-Y* Art1018 III, S~otlon 47ofthr OoMtltutlon of thr stat* Of T8X88 read81 "Tha L4gi8lhtPr4 8h8llpa88 prohlbitin& th8 l8t4bli8h!a4ntOf lOtt4rIO8 and &Ift 4Ut4rprI888 . - Honorablm Thoass A. Wheat - p",g 3 in thi8 Itate, 44 vail fl4the 41114Of tlOkat8 in lottedoe, gift antarprisco Or othar 4Ta8iUl8 in- ~01~ing the lottar prlnolpel, sslxb!i8he4 or l=- i8tiIIg.in othrr 8tate8." hr8Uant thanto, tha LOgi8btUr8 O? thi8 Stata ha8 Wl8Otr4 Artlolr 654 of the Panal Coda whloh maka8 It unlaw- ?ulto88tabli8h 6 lOtter7 or d18908a Oran 88t888, r.81 or prr8on81 by lottary, an4 furthrr 1~8kar if unlawtul for any pu8on to8*11, offer for ralr or kmp ?or 8818 any tickat or put tlokrtr In an7 lottu7. A8 rtatad inour Opinion lo* O-1819 an4 rearrirnrd in OplnictnNo. 0-2063, the llamank s88antl81 to00n8titUtO 8 lottar am: (1) a prlu; (2) ttm~lmi~nto?oh8nor; (3) a oon8l4rratlon. Th8 CITY OI WR?K T. ORIFTIm A'mSE'!ERTC:"'FANT(Tar. sop. ct.) loo 8.~. (24) 695; FRFIPITH AWJSEKZNT CO'FANY T. MOROAli,98 S.W. (24) . Appl7luq tbr80 Wl188 t0 tha f6Ot8 giTWl in 7OUr l’OqU.88, it i8 Olear that ths film8 18 Frront iOr th rma80n ohmant th8t tb. OU8tOEtOr, Up011pUrOha8iq 8 dr8i&ll8tOd WOWIt Of MrOh8ndi88, ?Of whloh ti ir giT0i.l 8tq8, b8 8 ;3"t~l~ rao*lra 8omo a-n* of rurolmadl8o or promlum8. tharr i8 no doubt that the d~mant~o?Vh8nOa 18 pM8ant in the 8Oh8m8 for t ha r888on t&t ttrr bu8tom8r may raooivr a prim, 48pondlng upon 6 partloular prw4rr*nat*4 ambar, hoa tw quartr of 011 ap to 820.00 lnoa8h or mOrOhanbl88 Or prelip1, th8 aXaQt 8UWUllt Of MI187 Or othu prig8 drpaad+ in8 Upon whrthor or not th8 OU8tOaU 18 luok7 8nOqlh t0 ho14 a number l ppaarlng upon tlm u8tor 1188 l ntltllng him to th8 larger 8aPOUZIt8 8proltl84. fn other wordr, A an4 B dght ptIrOh88.tha 88W 8EOUEt O? mclrohandi88?raP 8 488lW aLd MOeiT. th8 88ma numbor Of 888lP98 an4 78t A, b7 CIN89n O? holdlw 8 aortain nturbaron thr ma8t8r ll8t, WOUld on17 Ire- oalt8 two quart8 o? all.,wbrrrar 1).b7raa8on o? hol4lng anOth8r number on tha martar lirt, woulb b8 antiClad to thr mmximua prim of #20.00 in o88h or mUOh8adl88 or p~ium8. Wo, llk8wls8, ballova thrrr 1s no doubt but what th llomant Of 8On8id8r8tiOll 18 JW8Ult in that the WhOlO88l~r Eer8 01 p8tmSh8gS i88titiql ?roP the U8a Ot tha 8mtr& ?@ think it aould not ba danlad that the real purpo8a of th8 Honornbla Thoms A. Whartt- psgr L 8g8tsm Is to lnorsas4 ou8toa4n add patrO!UqW and tharrbr lnor48ao business and prOfit8. Thi8 dapartnsnt ha8 writtrn many opinlor.4aomtru- lng th8 lottary law8 or tA4 mata of Tazas and It h4m round ra~atdl7 that 8OhWi88 Or 878tOm8 O? thl8 tJp4 TiO1at.e th4 lottery lawa or tbl8 8tak. Yor the rmeona 4lr0a8sod, and bar.4 upon tha authorltlra oitad and thr additiOn8l authorl- tlw oitad in opinion8 WO. O-1.819and NO. o-2063 and WO. 0-1174, OOp1.8 Of ukloh wa BM 8JllOlO8bgfor your COMid~MtiOn, ~8 8ra of thr opinion, alldvu ar8 80 4dT144d, thnt the CtyIta or 8Oh8mU dsscribad in pour ropua8t la a lOttOry, in riola- tlon of Artlola 654 of tb8 Penal Code a? th8 Stat8 of Taxam. Tour8 vary truu ATTOFaENERAL OF TEXAS