186 OFFICE OFIHE AlTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN son. a~iff0~6 B. ~onrs, Prosldont, Psgo P nopotia 8tatut08, miiol00 432, 433, vonra~8 kino- tat04 Penal Cods. The d tustlon prormtod in pup letter 18 almost %dontIcal to the on8 tm hod before us ln oon- oI&orlng Opinion Ho. 0-845, whioh road8 as followot -In y4ur inquiry or October 28, 1939‘ pq rteto that tho aortitont ludltor of bho T&x08 bteto Colbgo TOT woaon is the tothor of the burlnear aw~yor. YOU rok If WA8 rO- latlonohlp ooartltutrr a tiol~tlon of any low 00 no t4 lmoko the oporntion or Artl- alo 435, Penal Cods, or any other o)atutor~ pro8orIptIonor penalty., 'wtiolo 2627, ~oriood 8tatut.o. out- unrs the dutlo8 an4 POW28 Of th0 Board Of RO~OIlt8 Oi the RXar Stat0 cOlb@O iOr WOauO. Article 2625, Ro~lsod $tatutW, prorldor, omong other thingr, that tho Boer4 shall ban the power inaldont to thofr pooltloa, end to tho aemo rxtont, 80 for aa mol bo ap- pllaoblr, a8 lo mkforrod br law on th8 Ro- 6MtS Of Ohs met0 UnIroroIt~. Wio80 8ta8oto8 Irks It oloar that tha Boer6 or Regonto employ th8 proioooor8, agont8 Ma rpi0~008 0r th0 00u460, 0nd ~0 rid nothlw in tho rtatmtor whloh raul& prrront tb0 Board Of ROgORt8 l mp lOr ia U l lntir or 8W 11~. I? they 8aw iit to do 00, pmrldod, of OOUIOI, that tho fosllr lrplomd IO not ro- lat.4 withIn tbo prOhibitIondo~roo, to lnf nab*? Of the Board Of ROgO~tO~ qo thorororo lttow~r that th8 toot that th rsthar of tha buolnoso aon6~or of tho oollyo I8 oooioknt lu6Itor 6008 not In 8ny- wit lafringo tho Bopotlam r0otutoo of thlr 8tato.O It 18 our 0pLni0n tht the wit0 or l mabOr of tho fooultr of tho Tour Toobnolo(``olColbm -Y x0& aiirrOTd Be ~0008, PrOSidOn`` Pa60 3 ba la p lo y a b y a %h# Board Of Dlreoton at the Collage. Ycurr roxy uuly iwfnim OPINION coYYrrru BY (iii2