.^ OFFICE OF THE AR’ORNEY QENLRAL OF TCXAE AUSTIN Honorable Charloy Lookhut Stat0 Treaauru Aurtln, Texas Dear Sir: ._ . . ., :w0 w0 in rwm~*~or opiliionupon tlia iollwln& qu* reatsd:in.Natf'o mold br the Uni tad Civil ‘Statute8 l duty or investing ouund Dollarr bond8 l8 u e 8u th o r lr a d fo r invr mtmo nt o f th e Pamnont School JUIM.~ olaam of meourltiea autborlroa for intmmtmont of ?i!ho perrrmnentpublic irea school fund8 16 ioUnd i?~Artiola 9669 Or Vunoa*r Annotated Civil Statutes which reads as follows: . Eonoabla Gharloy bokhart, Pago 8 ‘Tbm State Board Cc Bducation la 6utborlred end &owarod to lovaat~ the parmanont pub110 .frao 6obool fund6 of tba Stats in bonds or the Unltad States tha Bt6tm of Texea, or any ooun’ty ~haraor , and ha indapandsnt or oomon school dlatrlota, road precincts,.dralnage,lrrIgatIon, nevl ation and laraa diatrlot6 in this state, and f ho bonds of inoorpordtedoltlea and towns, ga;bll tiona and pledges oC the University ot .* f&deraoorlng ours) The National Defense Bondo a5 to which you inquire are l dlraot oblig6tlon oi thm United Statma Oovarnment, and, therefore, lq our oplnlon luoh.bonda undar the authority of Art&o10 9669 legally bo pmroheaed em ti intrartment for ; ..-.*a9 .+=Jw*, "ir.aJompwry ?Qilaed : ',. ;. 1, .. Talimtlugthat 'ho ip~olug r8tlar4otorllyamwar y o u r iu q u lr 7,%a lo Youra vary truly ," APPlfOVlt~ JVLY‘lB'; 'l?il'.' ATTd&Fi Cl!Nl%ALOF T&AS. "- ' . . . /a/ Orormr Sallua FIRST ASSISTABT ATTO8mlY ..,, fxmnut 6, rod AIppR[)*ID~OpfMO8 COIlMI%‘l’B8 n 8.t.8. CHAf-