OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 82 n$E&.iirOW~OndortLis motion, of H. 3. No. EO5, 3 Rho ia tho dedgnated agent?" \ &~ea Bill Nor POb, Aate of this49th Logialature,~ $8 an eat amdiing aortain seotlone of I?oueoBill lo. 457, Chaptar 4, Aots OS the 46th Lsgisl&ture,Regular Seksaion, 1939. Eoueo Bill Ho. 409, Aate of the 46th Legi;ilatum, 1m Art10163l,4W3-3., Vwnon*a Anaotated Penal Qod*, Seation 8 OS xoatueBill No. 406 A8tr o? the 49th Legl6latur0,a~- Soetlon 69 of Hotwe Sill la. 409, Aats or the 46th Logirla- tum, ahiah road* aa ~wted above in yaw lottsr. Itwill begII&M that SUbiOn a6 Or &%0x0 l&wda VUI&O~'# &t&3- fated Penal Qode (II.B. Ho. 40?, Aots of the 44th Lo&a%* fun ) prcnid 08t vho tons *~duignatea agontcrtamns laak ootm$r tax eolloator in tho Stats who amy peciorn hii8butloo undu thie sot'through sny xe5ular deputy.” .