OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ikmo~abk J. B. (Bill) Xiell County Attorney hilabwulty Llttlefl6lA* %zaa Dear 311-c t*qu6otln#g 6R 0pinioJi or tab heraln, has hem rb- a Bona xeme toted in Larrbcounty, total mm oi '&roe Hundred Thhoc;saad Doll6rsJ,ths pr66*6aizlpor tha 8166tlora0llathe benba wore tqqmveb br the Attrsme;y keral’. Offloe oi the State cf Texas,,ths bcuab wara 8016.,aa0 She Shrori xunaretl Thousand DollaRis aent to the County W@ooitoq or IQQb County, Taxae, uhlah ft 61 otabeb rbtare tbo Bon. J. 2. (Bill) L&l, pago e Piret National Bank of ilttlorield, thereafterthe Commlasionor~’Court of L&b CWu&y, Tours through tbo Treasury of Lamb i::, *’ ahsokia the sum of GIloEundrod Thousand Ij0ihir6 0:t of tt;oCounty Depository,of lamb County, Texas, end placed the sa1cAin the i?ltznState Eank of Olton, Texas, The question is, 16 the Tlret National Bank ot Littloflolb,Toxae, the County Depository, SOlOOtS by the Cosmlseionor~’Court of iamb County, responsible, loeaily, for the One IlumlrodThouaand Dollars, plaood in the Elton State Brink, Olton, Tome, after the same has boon plaood in the eolootodCounty Depositmy, ~4 aan the Oomaieelonoro*Court logelly place thi6 mono~ in anotbor bank, not the duly rsloetob County Dopoel- tory, by aoeoptlng a bond appmrod by the Gommleefonorsl Court imm the Olton Stmto BMk, Glton, Texas, ax16ii it is possible for the money to be ptiacodin the lald Olton Ltete Sank, should the First Rational Bank ot Littloflold,Texas, the County Dopoeltcwy 6 prove the bond or ehould the Comdeeionorei court of & b Couaty, Texas, approve the bond OS the Olton State Bank, ,if aemr oen be,&iron. I hare oomultod the 8. C. S. Vernon8 Annotated irk Art. BSU, Vol. 8, Chapter 'ho, pertaining to County Dopoeltorioe,and Tour Jurieprudenooport&~- ina to County Dopo61t0ri.6,md the 66ih dOOidO66 given there under, and I hate ehookod the bo0i610nS IR the Southvmetem Reporter, and It 18 the opinion or this said oifloo.that the money bolonglng to the County must be placed in the soloatd County Dopoel- tory, and the Gommieeionore*Court has no rl&t, b&ly to plaoo the one hundred thoueand in any pleas sxoept the oo&otod oounty depository. An6 it I6 further the opinion of this otfioo after the one hundre& thousand dollere is.cheokod out of the oounty Uepoaltory,the oounty dopoeltory is not mSponS- It& any further far the SW%@, and that any bon6 given foa the sate kupln of the 6wmy 8ftor the ammo me obockea out of the tounty Dapoeitorf, by aheok from the eala Lamb County Treasury, by orders of the Gem- mleeioners~ Court, would be isppruvodby the Gomale- aloners’ Court of Iamb County, Toxae.” The proooduro for the solootlon of oounty depositories is prosoribed by Veznon~s Annotated Ciril Stetutoe, naemly lion. J. R. (Bill) tiall,pwe 3 krticloe 2544-2552. blthln ?1?teon days after the solootion o? a ooahty depository,It shall be the duty of the bahicIng corporetion,eesocietionor 1ndIvlduslbanker so aolootod, to qualify am oounty depositoryin one or mro of the ways proe- oribod by Article 8447, Vernon's Amotetod Givll Statuton, and 3oneto Bill Ro. 212, Aote o? the 47th kgielaturo. Artlolo 2549, Vornon*s Annotated Civil Statutes, rsado ae follower *As ooon as odd bond be giton and lpproroA by the Commies1onoreCourt, end the Comptroller, an order shell be made and entered upon the ainutoe o? said Court doeignatingeuoh benklng oorporatlon,aeoooia- tion or lndIvIUuo1banker as l depository for the funds of maid oounty untli sixty (60) dye after the time fixed for the next eolootiono? a dopoeltory; and thereupon, it shall be the duty of the oouhty treasurer of eaid oounty lmmeAietolpupon the eeklug of suoh order, to transfer to ealb depository all the funds belonging to said oouuty, as roll as all funds belonging ta any dlotriot or other auuioIpa1 eub- division thereof not ooloetIugits own dopoeIto~, anb imemAletolyupon roooipt or any money thoroeftor, to dopoolt the eemo rith rid AOpOaItor~ to the OredIt or aaid oounty, AIcitriotand muhIoipalitioe. It ehall also be the duty of the tax oollootor or ouch oauuty to deposit all taxes oollootoAby hia, or under his authority, for the Btato osmIouoh oouety and its various AletrIote and other munIolpe,l eubdlvleione In such depositoryor AopoeitorIoe, as coon ao 00lieot- 06, pending the preparationof hie report of suoh oollootion ena eottloniont thenon. The bond of euoh county dopoeltoryor aopoeltorlosahall stand &a eo- ourlty for all suoh funds, Upon ouoh fuhde being do- pooltod as heroin required,the tar ooll6ator o.eA sureties on hle bond, shall thoroaitorbe rolIoroA of rooponefbllltyof its aafokooplng. All oouuty Ao- posltories shall oolloot all ohooke, drafts end deemode for money 80 deposited with them by the county snA when using duo dillgenoo shall not be lieblo oh euoh ool- lectlons until the prooooda thoroo? hays boon duly rooolroQ by the doposftorybank, provided that any ox- penso incurred In oollootionthoroo? by the depository, whioh the dopoeitory~isnot allowed or permItteA to pay or abeorb by reason o? any eat o? Congrooe o? the United States or any rogulotion by either the Board . Eon. 3. 8. (I)ilL) ball, pago 6 illthrefareneetcjtt?SUcrblllty of tbo wuntiy depository of the nmabors 0r t+o roma$ssionors~00Ptt and the ilatiilit9 ralatlto tc the o"lOc; 000 rhiah was vlthdrem .rzuas&i& oauaty degwltory em2 ci.poSkwl in the Gltcm B8eto Bank, we thiak, $8 thm 1% no loss st&fisreCaor eusthmd by the ootmty, that it 18 net n604sssry to peu on ,tt68* partiaulsr met&era 8t 8hls tilts. i~ovfev4r, as above Stetod, tho @lOQ,W~ should bm rith~r8nn h-081tte oit0n st4to hak ura pi40d in the au* ulocte4 md derlwaated oountp dopeeitory. Xn the lrex8 MJ by tbo aouat lass Is euffsrul ox Sustal.riod by remon of the lbove mntionsd transaation, no shbillbe J Ed to p*u upun the 1iabiUtg or tbo oouritybep6sltory, timit surotlu, and 8he f%Wbers oi tta msuaissio~%or8~ oourt Maen pr~sozt8ed wi$h t&i&3 QU6hiCXl end ell of the irOt& in OOJkQ6OtiOEI thrn*ibh. Trc8ttng ttket tbo foro*lhig filly bmwws your ingulr7, wo 11re 19 1 L