OFFICE OF THE A-TTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ioatr l tea t88 thaw thln& aa 88% e&ab~irhed to 0i %x06 a8 prl808 8 1088 theYefer* ti3 kmw wb4msr 0 p*y the tax since* w8 bme Rot e cax8- we me48 ~Mmm--aa4 ff em to pay the tnx, ea what fkgure shoal& we barn the tex. In Seation la of Artiole 6, &use Bl&$ No. 0, ?Orty-8OVanth Le~l8ftltW8, 8 tsr Oi OM per OAnt Of the oonsideration paid or to be paid 18 levied upon retail sales 0r motor vehicles sold in this S&ate, and fn See- tiOB 2 Of 8tiid hrtiole 6 there is 18vied a use tax upen every motor rohlole purahased at retall sale OUt8ide olt thla State and brought Into thi8 State for u8e upon the highwep8 by a Ye8ident oftbfe 8tata or by firm8 or oor- poratioao dornia5JaM or doing business in thier State in arnent equ8.1to one p8r sent oi th* totnl considera- clfl tfcm paid or to be paid for uald rehfcle UC said ratrtl sale. . I’OU mQUO8t OUr OpiniOa ai bQ whethsr the oar8 mentions4 in WY. Ibrine's btter may bs regietered for U8@l by Chevrolet YQtOl-DiV181OQ 88 008lQ8Ry Car8 Without the pBlyasnt of any tax unber raid Article 8. Ii the rmt0 thus 8ubmit+ied to you are oorreat then no tax Is due ant!these tehloles would be entitle4 to be lW@Stel%d without 8 8bOWiw that U&y 8UO?l t8k haa beon mid, ah08 Said Artiole.6 levied no tax emept in the strnt of a rale. IImfevef,lf by chance the oorpora- tion of whioh Chevrolet Wtor ~lrision Is a division pur- oha8ed tbess oar8 rr0i8 8406 oth8r pereon, ooa~any or ear- porstion e tax Of one per OMt Or t&e tOta GQn8id8x8tf,on paid wouI6 be due and the OtkT8 wuld not be entitled to registretZon without tta payout. Yours very truly Y 2, 1941 A!L’l’ORIBW GJEHERALOF'TXXAS aBy SSi?i!MNT FIRST ?, @tL.4eLC ATTORNEY .EEREML Glenn 5..bti8 1 A88i8tMt GRLztt;