OFFICE OF TWE AT~ORNEY~ENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Rol.a& Boyd : County Attoraey Collln Courlty . ``luE.nueg,.PL’exas ed for the ercergency olty lb& in the aounty X!kP brosdaartn~ eseen- tlal policb infomation concerning it, when the ShharLff hold: n’Pcloa~ varrmt for e party he is u;r?~blo to looatc? :ClW br%xkfi.Ets a ~lci:up for hllil all oyer 'i?cx11sand adjo?nir?g 3tctfs. Elen the dOpU.tiCS CPO IlOt OthZFJi?C SX~liOj72d, tht? ShePilT wends then to petraol Ilirljn:ny 75, 253, 24, o? 78; vhen he weds the``ZWP rcdio thair 3nn3truotiana to t1ma. i Honorable Roland nctta, page 2 :. :, .,~ .‘: ,._ ._: ‘,~, ‘ .” ...‘. ‘: vh8 Sheriff has XTIP~broadoaat l&sages in an attempt to locate rml-avay .children, missing ~‘~:‘perwona, and stolen property.. z . “Queetiom C& the Sheriff with the &proval :’ of the Cor;sisai9ners Court pay ths City of hcKi;irmey, or Bedio Station XL?=2a reasonable mount monthly for this rncU.0 service? : “Art .. 3899 (b) provisos that each officer who ~:~receivee a salary shall bo enyomred to pumhaso ‘. and have ahavged to the cou;lty ‘All --- masonable ~e.xpensos necessary -..-.y.w. in the pro-,er-Z legal con- ‘. duct ofti office,‘.. .‘. .” I .. ‘Tit oacurs! that the ssrvice the Sheriff ‘re- -:.,: ceives frcrtrtE?ZWPIs of the se3e natwe as that he -.~oceives fromthe telephone company. In feat by .YY reason of XTUl.the~ Sheriff’s telephone bi.11 ia materially reduced, and In addition he 1?8ce``ves ‘. a service that only a radio can give. It ‘eee7.33 to cl? that tNa is 83 reasonable e,ad neoassarg~ex- ., ._. “i h.avs mad all of you on the mitten and sworn applica- tion ol the shorlff stating the necessity therefor purchase equipment for .s bureau of crikinnl identi- ficatioz, such EB cameras, fi?:y,ar Drir?t cards, Inks, chezioals, ciioroscop6s ( radio end laboratory oquip- nent in keeping v;ith the systos in use by the ~a- partizefit of lublic Safety of this Ztpte, OT ths Gnlted states Deparkeut of Justice esd/or Bureau of CrLtinnl Identificstion.” . It is our opinion thet the above quoted statute is broad &ou@ to cover the contezplo ted expense, end that the same ~zmv be ellowed provided the procedure prescribed tkereln~ is follo&d and approved by the co.mzi.esi;onersl court. Therefore, your ‘ques- tion is answered in the affirmative. :i Very truly yours a ATTORNEY GENERAL 0~ TMAS