DocketNumber: O-2560
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN 3ofiorsble L. L, Germ county AttorIley Groesbeok, Texas Your reoent n of this Depart-, ment on the questions as been received. Your ,letter 23 or Limestone rov~slons lncluderd t.s30!3andAPt. articles the maxi- 0ffiolale or Lime- census of 1930 $ 39,497 inhabitants. ODUhtiOJl Of Line&one oft$aera were paid u&Car the 37,501 to 60,000 braolmt as prwldbd in krtioles 3883 an& 3891.~ . . . *Sirme Limestone Ooianty le mbraced within the prwislon of Artiole 3912e, Botion 13, and ainoe Y. B, 141, provl6eB ior a repeal of all law8 in oonfllot with this law, I an of the opinion that 3912e, Seo. 18, applbs to Liaeatona County arzd supersedes the m&mm braakot provision in Art. 36E3. _ Konorable L. L. Ceren, Fage 2 “AS to qlioation 2, the rainimm salaries for county cud dlstrlot oifioers as provlded ih Art. 3912e, Sec. 13, would be t&e’total amount earned as co-yens+ tlon by the ofiioial $n eaah county aha alstriot oftice ih his offi~isl caga~ity i’oi the Ziscal yesr of 1935. AI& slace the above 20,COc) sna less thfin 37,500, and Zaving a valuation In 8x0898 Of ,:15,00G,COO. valuation zcoor~ii~; to tSla ‘apgwved preoeaiig; tax roll 0: suoh aounty tha zixizm mount allmfed suoh otfioe~ as salaries xay be increased one (1,s) per cent for esch oae cillion dollars valuation or fraotional .part thereof, in exoesa of aalG rifteec nikllon dollada over and above tha isixlmus ~&mountallowed euah officers unaer law8 erleting on :.uu,Tust24, 1935, sod s&ace tie m3xlmum anount allowed to.aact county ahd district officer under the law8 that existed 06 Auguet 24, 1635; was $4,350 aad shoe the last prcoedlrg w~.~roved tax roll of Lim6stclle County gives the yrogsrty valuation at $la,2m;i35( I az of the opinion that’ the z%axlnurp salaries ,of county an2 district olficisls of tkia couaty ie 44,250 Qlus Z,$ of that sum which is Z-25.00 which would mk2 a mx1mu.x salary of $4,335 that any oounty or district oriicer or Liaestoce County oould reoo?veP i ‘.., ,/~ SecZio;l 13 of’ A&ale 391Ee, Vernonra Annotated Civil Z,stutes, reads in party ae folloze: WX Co,r;iscloners* Court in oouatiee havinti a po;ulntioh of twenty thousand (20’,000) inhabitants o.? .C!OJW, ar.d 1es.o t!ian one hundred end ninety thousand (lQO,O00) lahnbitcnts aocordinr: to tne last _crecedillp, iaderal Cansua, is heroby authorized and it si;all be its dut’y to.fix the salaries of all the follo;&g named officers, to-ivlt: sheriff, asaeasor ant oolleotor of tams, gouhty judge, oounty attorney, Lnclurling orimlnal d.istr’:c;, attoraoyo and ccunty~ uttornups :vho perfors the diitics :or dlstrlct attormys, dietriot clerk, cuuRty clerk,, treamrer, hide and a&ml inspector. Xaoh o,F said oftloers s-hall be ;;aiG in fc.onay ar 3MUOl salary in twelve (12) equal instailneo~s of hot less tt;an the total sum earm% as cost- penaati,On by hia 1~ hfS 0fff~ia1 OSQtiOity for the fisod year 1935, nad not more t!ms the mxtmu!i amount allowed such 0rfi~ar I;?dar h-3 existfn~ OR mgust 24, 1925; provided that ih counties havit~ a +pulstioo of twehty thousand (20,000 and 1er.s thar. thirty-seven thousand five huhared (37,5OO I acoordi;l,- to the last :?iecaaf::~: Federal census, and Hoonorable L. L, Corm, Page 3 “having bn assessed valuation in excess OS fifteen ‘Xl11105 (~15,00C,000.00) Dollars, accordk+ to the last a??roved pracediag tar roll OS such oounty the mtxJsiun iWuXl5t allowed such officers as salaries nag be inoreased one (15) ger cent Sor each One Ullfon ($1,000,000.00) Dollars valuation or Sraotlonal part thereor, in efaess of said TiSteer ~111i05’(~15,000,,000.00) Dollars valua- tion over acd above the m.xinu!n amunt allowed such officers under laws existin& on Xugust 24, 1935; and provided that i5 countisa having a opulation OS thirty- 8even thousand five hundred (37,500 P and less than sixty thousand (60,000) according to the last pm-oeding Zederal Ce5sus, and having an assessed valuation in excess of Twenty Million (~20,000,00C.00) Dollars, aooordlng to the last preceding approved tax roll of suoh county, tho narinua amount allowed such cSSioers as salaries, .may be lnareasod one (1.3) :er oont Sor eaoh’ One Mlfio5 (~l,OOO,OOO.OO) Dollaro valuation or rr3Oti0mi part thereoi, in exce8s of said tmnty LXLion (~20,000,000.00) Dollara valuation over a5d abova the ma&ma mount allowed auoh offioar under laws axistim on &gust 24, 1935.w ,-‘J5der the 1930 Federal Census, ‘Lkestone County asme , under the prwieiona included i5 the 37,601 to the 60,000 popu- ” latlon bra&et of Artiole 3883 and Artidle 3091. Under the provisions oS these articles the mxkauzz salaries Ser oounty and distriot offfoiais oS Lizeatone County pw),pe$4,250.00. It till be noted that ;ection 13 M Tatisle 3912:e, tqra, 8 eolSically provides that th9-ComisslonersV Court fn coun- t Pes haviag a.207*ulztio5 OS 20,OOr; lzhabitntlts or zorc a5d less than 130,000 irhabIta~ts, scaorfllln:: to the last preceding phmal Census- f-a authorized and it shall be fts duty to fix snlarieo of all th? offiaers 5med t~orala a% a sua 5ot less t&ah tbz tote?. am essmd i5 co~persatio5 by suoh officer in his offlclal cspacf ty Sor the fiscul year 1933* ari mt mre thaE tk raximx azunt sllo-m~¶ suoh officer under laws existing on Aqpst 24, 1935. I5 1935 the aozpensatio5 or salaries of the ofticara scred in Sectior. 13 OS ArtLcle 3912e, eupru, was Shed z-i;1 based upon lam cristiq on Auyat 24, 1935, with reference to the ZSXLBUUI a``~52 allowed such officers and said article provided that the ``ir&xua should not be less than the total BUZ oarned as coqmnaattm by such m?ficera in their ofrich c a-,;citie3 for t>a;effiscal year 19%. m0raing 722 Honorable L. L. G-men, Page 4 to the 1930 Zederal Census, Limestone County came within the population brackets applying to aoc;ntlas hav1r.g a population OS 37,301 to 60 000 Inhabitants. :;‘e are OS tte opinion that the salaries for the offlcors namd I5 geotion 13, Article 391.2e, sulma, I5 counties -having a po$ulation OS 2C,OOO i5habItants or nore, and less than 190,000 Inhabitants, according to the last yederal Oensua, should be Sixed for the year 1941, as provided by law existicg Aqust 24, 1933, regardless of the population OS euoh counties as shown by the 1946 Federal Cansus. Bowever, 15 having a >opulatlon OS gO,OOO anb 1~6 than 37,500 inhabitants aooordkg to the laet preced- lng Federal Census, and. having an assessed valuation in woes8 of ``15,000,000 . , aooordkq to the laat upproved preoeblna tax roll OS suoh county, the maAz!wa mount allowed such offloers as’ealarfes my be lncreaeed one per cent for each ~l,OOO,OOO. valuation or fractional part thereof, 15 exce8s of said $lS,O’X,OOO, vsluation over and above th? zzaximm amowt allowed such olfioers under larr existins oc August 24, 1935, azd IS the 1940 Federal Csnsus Is officially announced and becomes eSSec- tive before Jan. 1, 1941, Limsstsm County will oom +.vithIn the above mentioned population bracket. !Thercrore, it Is optional xith the Comaiesloners’ Court OS said Bounty to ’ allow the one >er cent as above nentionad ovez and above the ~ximm amount allowed by laws existing August 24, 1935. Ze note that In your 15quIry you reier toloounty and dlstrlat osricials, we presum that you have reference to the officials nsmed In %+ot.ion13, supra
, acd tiiis opinion Is to be construed aa applying only to thoee OSSIcIals naned In es10 section. Therefore, you are respectfully advised that It Ie the opll;ion OS this Je?artaent that tLe ComissIonorsf Court OS Linestone County shall Six the salaries of the oSSioIal8 naraed In Action 13, Article3912e, supra
, of said county t.6~ the year 1941, the ninimua salary OS eaol: ofiicer aouid 5ot be less thas the total sum earned as co3;lansation by him in his orsIoIal capacity for the fiscal year 1933; In other words the salary OS any sfficer above named oould not be fixed at any mount less than the total sum earned by the particular orfice under consideration for the Siaoal year 1935. Ths ;caxImxn salaries oS the above mentioned -& _ .. l Honorable L. L. &mm, Page 5 ofticers for the year 1941 could be $4,250.00, plus two per oent oi that w whloh ia $?A5.00, ~h10h wo11J.df!iake a maximum salary of $4,X33.00 that any 6t the above _ named officer8 of said county could receive. Trusting that the foreg~l~ fully answers your inquiry, we are Yours very trills; XiToRii GcNmAL OF !rExa3