OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN -0.m W! -- ma. c. 3. dltis, Jr. COUAtf Atto?aef Oatesrille, Texa8' Dear SLrt request the opfnio queatioa. Your ed a oertltiaato Ie uuoh en exeaption authorized t. PO00 3.c.s. whersla it is pro- ind person is entitled to an ex- 2Q80, Vlrnoa~s Civil~tatutes, provideat Wmrg per6oa who is nwmt than rlxty years old or who ir blind or deaf or dumb, or is pi- arone3tl.y disabled, or v&o has lost oae hand or toot shill bo tmtitled%o vote tithout belag rer;&sd to pay 8 poll tax, if he has obtain&I his csrtiiioata of axaanption frcxathe couaty tax collector when thr 8ane ls rerpiced by the pto- rialoru oi thi.8 tit14.* Eon. C. 3. .il+le, Jr., page 2. Thle c,u%stllon was pas~fnl upon by the $ourt of Civil nppgals of Pex:~ in the aaQ4 of I:oCamiak VS. Jester, 115 s.%. 298, wherein the court helu: “The court erred in holding the vote of 3, D, zllkingtoa zit the as box uslid, & la fnlllag to deduot the same from the votes cast ilt 8ald box against prohibition. This votsr did not ha~o ;a ``l$“~* 31 wa8 42 pears old. &a cl&nd to t iron payment of a ~011 tax by reason or be- Tb iod, or at least disabled. Ths statute exemgta thase imm the papent of a ,311 t& who sre permmeatly diaob cd or blind, Gen. Iawe 1905, p. 521, a* 11, f8 This toter ke?t a wld drink stand cnt RI. Sic t~atiiledr ‘I walted on my trade and custozere fitymr,* Emnever a OUB- to;psr would osll for any aert6l.n drink ‘T w%lU ~1~0 tt to hi& and ?fhaa he would kind ze the nonby f vlould’&Ye hlrr back the Oha~u. I wuld ?ut ny soda water bottles in the lee bax and assort thm aUt tpyeelt.’ EIeOould Walt on his austorsrs, get the right artic1e oalled for, and make hiB QwnOhua@. se #a8 not blind, nor par- Iraaeatly dlrsbled, withia the mmalnir~of the eleo- t1on law, Aots Leg, 1905, p* 521, 523, 0. 3.3. 98 6 and I21 Bl&ani vr Clubi (Tex. Civ. AFT.) 65 3s ET*59s.r Therefore, you tire rfHpsatlully sdvlssd that lt is the o&~lon 4r this departmeat that tan ladilriduul who is blind in on8 e e, but has good vialon in the other, 1s not blind WSthln t IT6 mf%ilfly af i&i019 2960, VWAOA’fi ~1~11 statutes and is not sntIttled to Y poll tax %xen$iion under said ;,rt~cls due to bllndnessr by ou we aro aaalosing hsrewlth cap- AS rscueeted 1%~ 31 OUT &At081 0- f 941, O-2434 and O-&Xi. X08. Trusting that the foregoing satisractorlly dispose8 of your lnqdry, we r8mul.n Ywrr wry truly