OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 1.~’ AUSTIN IIsohor pour quution8 ah0916bo aasweredin tti no$atlYe. 'phou prlnolp&B lre b x l*ily ltat.8,sir r rthe t, aon- ZLabWOy air tbo 5tatb (lnoludlng aounttrr aa tlm %ta8e*a + tlodk mbaltialon lxOrOklng th0 porcrre 0r 0armignty1, IF the lbsenoo of a statute orcrstlagruofrlkbilityg and, 6eoonU, 8b8 lpro88 prorlsloaof the Oowtltritioa(&Mole XII, Sao8latm 5L 32 ~I% 53). Phore oorutlmslonalprorldaa8 have bua 4lr ouue6, aa 3ho ooiart optnioao oonrtmlng thorn hate been cited apoolallyla 00~ OplaloaWo. O-21$5,a oopf or whloh you almAy ' haYa la your posaOasfoa. Your8 Yery truly OSIEP