DocketNumber: O-3501
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
BonorahleFrankB.,Murrq Cdunty Attorney c8rsoIicounty Panhandle,Tsxas Dear Sir: opi+ion-1Pb; O-3601 Rer Rhether attormy holdingdelinquent t&x contractwith oountyis entitled t0 PerOenhge Ofoaimon mhool dia- traot faxes oolleotedby him. In your latter of Uay 1, 194, you advisedthat on September23, 1940 the oomirsicasra'oourt of Carson County enteredinto a contractwifh E. H. %ith, rm 8ftorzmy,for the oolleotioaof delinquenttaxes,agreeing to ppy him a psroentage~of the taxes oolleotedby hiin. Said oontraotwas 011the form adoptedby the office of the State Comptroller,and was approved bf the Cmptrollsr and the AttorneyGeneralon Ootobsr2, 1940. You request our opinionas to whetheror not the attorney'sfee my be pid out of the @ate and oolmtycollectionsand nom of Uhe same assessedagainstthe can- mea schooldistriotslocatedin the oounty. II&or the ooxtraotin question,Mr. &aith ma6 mployed to aid end assistio the aolleotioaof "all delinquentStat@ and aountyad valoram taxes, petiltyand intexkt (excepttaxen of imdrp#d& sahooldistricts and incorporatedoitiesand towns )due any and all politicalsubdivisionsor defiwd distriotsof aaid oountycmd Statenhiohthe oom'cytax oolleotor receivesand receiptsfor under the provisionsof Articles7264 and 7257, RevisedStatutes,1925, and aharn to b, delinqueat,uponthedelinquent tax reoords~of said oounfyfrcm 1919 to the date of the telmLination of the oontraot,w and furhter providodthat he should be p&d a compensationof 1% of the mount oolleotedof all delinquenttaxes, penaltyand interest. A readingof said~&tiolee 7264 and 7267 disolosesthat delinquentcomon sohooldistriottur war@ inoludedin the oontraot. Hence, tha only questionaotuallypresentedi6 whsther the oombsionersl court had $hk power or authorityto enter into such a oontraotnith aLattorney for tha collectionof the delinquentoommonschooldistricttaxem,agreeingto pay him suoh a peroentageof the taxesoolleatsdin behalf of such sohooldis- tricts. Artiole 7335, Retiaed Civil Statutes,and tiiols 7336a,Vernon*6 AnnotatedCivil Statute*,provideauthorityfor ocunmissioners~ courtsin ~el-t;ain inatanoesto make mob oontraotswith attorneysfor the collection . r HonorableFrank R. Murray - Page 2(0-3501) of delinquentStats and ooumty taxes for a peroentof the taxes, penaltyand interestaotuallyoolleotsd8ot exceeding16%. Neither of those statutesspeoifioallynones commonschooldistriottaxes. However,Article 2788,RevfredCivil Statutea,give8the oonnaission- err’ oourtn the lzewerto levy and oause to be collectedthe taxes of commonschooldirtriots. If daid Articles7336 and 7336a do not conferauthorityupom oanmieaioners' oourtsto make suoh contract8 with reeneotto delinquentocmmons&o01 distriottues,in our opinion they do obtain such power fran said Article 2784 by necessaryimplioa- tion. See Roy V. H$l,280 S.W. 289
. Eo more than 15% of the taxes, penaltyand in west oo+ieotedfor the Stats and countymay be oharged againstthem as ccanpenaation for the attorney. However,he is entitled to a like percentageof the collections made for the oommonschool dis- triots under the contract,payableout of suoh sohool oolleotions. Yours very truly AlTORNEYGENERALOFTEZAS By /s/Glezm R. Lewis Glenu R. Lewis Assietant APPROV'BD MAY 14, 3941 /s/Grover Sellers FIRST hSSISTANT APPRCNED A'I'I'vHIEY GENEZAL OpinionCommittee By P.W. Chairman