DocketNumber: O-3492
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ‘%X46 ~cw8ti0nt hn the chid88i0a rduse t0 lCODt iOr filing .u.h ~p~loati0.8 for per- mit. until 8uoh rite. or temlnl hers been doi- lnltely loo.t.4 or e.tablluh.4?” In the oa8e of Southwe8tem Onyhouid Lln.8 Ino., v. Rdlro.4 Oad..loa 8t il. 147 S. W. (Bd) 51.8, b*oh84 on rmombor 5l,~lf+, motion iar rd.- aupI.4 on Julu.,ry 89, 1941, th. Au8tIa Oourt o? OlrIl +..l. h.l4 that the Motor Bur, Ad, boIag Art1010 filla, Voxnonle Annoktod 01~11 statute., limit. thi? juri.dIotlonOf tJa R.Ilmia aOSmi..l.Il In &xmntb@ 0rigIn.l u8rtIfloato8 to hlghq. aobudly ooa- .tru.teU and open to pub110 tr.ftIo at the tin. tb oortlfl- oak8 ama granted. Both tha R.llm.4 txmmi8810n an4 tin Ei.bln.-Xooh.8 Std.., ho., rim4 ar?pli08ti0- ior tfda 0r OxrOr in .a:& 0.~80 and .uoh 8&'lioatioM az'. .till p..diDg botor. the &ip~wno Oourt of T.x.8, 110 aotlon thtu far h.+w bwn t&on on -oh .~ptI..tlen. by the Sqm.t. Court. If .n lDplibatiOtl iOr a p@nait Of a.Ft:tiO.tb 1. ather.1.o 8u?ff- olent w. do not kllovo the RIllraa4 Cemls.Ion rh.ul4 r.- r umto lo eepth. t 8.m. for fllw 00, the gmun4 that .uthor- itJ i..ought to Opwatu QVRT highway. wh1.h have b... pro- j.ot.6 but whloh ham not br.n oonetruota4 an4 are n.t opa to pub118 tr.?flc. We ttibk It a4rfrablu fox .uah qpllo.- tloru to k maopted and file4 m&Q v&lam too loag a tlmo pm.08 beion the (hru~heun4o... Is dial404 br the Supreme Court tha mm. .bul4 b. permitted to rrrt on the 4o.kot un4lspo804 of until the fhiprew Court t&m aoblon ln that 06.0. &motor, ii ruoh an appXla.tlon aha8 011 it8 taor that the rout0 o9.r whlah it fo uoought to opoxato 1. not o fen l de8l~nrto4 publla ~6.4 or hi&&nay It 18 our opinion that th. Ocmml88loawoul4 bo aotfag wlthln It. authority In rMu8ine to Noaopt rush applioation for tiling. Wo will abw oommra our8.1~0. with tho roaold part OS your opinion If the epplloatlon 8how on lta raoi th.t the loostlon of tb treinlng oaarp ha. not b.ur fixed, ouah that It I. lmpoarlbl. for the Ccadselon to a.- oertaln fxom th. applloatl~n just what road or hi&way th. opsr&Ion would be over It Is our opinion that the Dwml8- elan mul4 be aotlag within it8 authority In rejeoting tho applioetloa. We are not willing to go i'urther than tho above lrgre88io~ in attaaptlng ta anewer 8. general a quo8tIon. Eaah in4Irl4ull applioation will ham to be m-4 bp It@ Railma Oonmlurion of Tara*, P-0 J own oontentsand It Is lmporrslble to4 40~ a gen8r.l rule by;F4oh the luoh indirid\ral opplioatloae cod4 be properly .