302 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Charley Lookhart State Treasurer Austin, Texas Doar Sir: ' opinion Your letter of U asking ;ohat iled to you for .whether tha ad- tinistrator of collect or ac- ou;;tthe $lG.20 questim uhether the county tour 8 any $wisdifASon wver th2 estato nty Court rendered in Deoem- s dministrator, to close the d renit the balance of the surer, to be held in the estate ue the court Pound in his judgment the that was or would bo left to be $222.79, s mistrrksnbdcauee the additional $10.26 the administrator. In order to open up aore thsn the by the court in r to send 011 the s our B.uIment, and we acbise that you put this $10.26 in the estate fund in the wn;8 of the at Burke estate, and send the adndnistrator your receipt therefore Honorable Charley Lockhart 0 page 2 Ii znd then any one olaks thie estate, the record ai:1 show the total amount pai?i,anilther3 will be no dii%oulty in having ~theoourt at that time enter th:, proper order ralative to you p*n:: 901313to tho Fopor oimor. Xe are returnins you herevlth the oopy of tie judgment retiered Ln the Burke eetote, which you atfrch- ed to your letter, ulth the request that same be return- ed. ATTOffiimG3lWlAL OF Ti.$XAS GENEXAL GM. Y. Baroue Assistant snclomre