OFFICE OF ‘I-NE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS _. ,.~ AUSTIN Honorable Wayne Lefsvre County Auditor Qlay Qounty: Henrietta, rexas ,Dear.Si.r I :: ._j.,. ,.~..' Pour reoent don of this Depsrt- ment on the above et en reoeirea. We quote from your le aonteml that the State X?arm ght be classed as a mutual on up that it has with two other y the enclosed oZrcular, they t it might be unlawful for the ame other than from an imsr- *Xl11 you .plsaeebe kind emugh to give us ;pOar opLx&on as to whether it roula be all right for the ~Om&?JdOnerB’ Oourt to buy insuranoe from *State Barn Fire Insurance Company*.* ., ‘\. \ \ Honorable Wayne Lefevre, page 2 Te are informsd by the State InBImUUX Department that the ml3fateFarmpire Insurance Cornpat@ is a fordgn corporation, organieed on the capital etook plan, having a capital stock Of $260~000.00, and a per&t to do business in this State. Therefore,~there is no statutory or consti- tutional prohibition against the Commissioners' Court buying the insurance above mentioned from such company. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, we are Pours very truly. APPR0h-J bIAX23, 1941 S/Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTAHT ATTORHEX GEYEIUL