OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Thlr will -1 April l6, 1941, b l&a sent on the pwmt1ana tiai to here ret oat par parts thereus. fidavitrhow that etuekhw beeaapaidln&t yithe atterwya fur thb iac~aturr bavtsooa- tended t&at beoawe the total anouutprid in ir mere than $25,000.00 and because 01oxu thrn Iti uf tlw t&al 1.42 iionorable Uu. J. Lav~on,pses 2 authorlssdnumbor of @hares, treatIn@all the lh u o r the 8bmb, have been paid in, the 6OFpOPatfO8i mbt8 the requlrment for no par rtwk oorporatlcmarbt out la &abdfvirion (d) of Artlale153&l. -8 Depwtmont ha8 JmtbrpPetod that rubdiVA- 8fM t0 1DUil that Ot but lo# Of bUh Of thb dfff.PUlt al.auer of rtook mu8t bo pald %a, am to hold othomri80 vouldallav aoorporrtlontohavb l velylUqg@ authow iced capital vfth lam8 than 10$ of the authorlud amountpaid la. For inrtaaw, under that IlltoPpretLe tlon, a aorporathn oould havb 10o,OOO rhamr or em- mea pald La at the rate of lt@ per rbm, and aould kla~010,000r&sMr ofpreferr6uvehi?nl~l8harepaM in at ~24,000.00 r sham, then the aorjm~atlon vould have paid In ltr r25,000&O, would have 11,000of it8 20,000aha``rpafd IIX,and yet It vould have an au- th0mti +a4,000,000.00 pm0md 8t06k. obv1~4, a ultPamb th lr 3.8 OILIb, drrroa8 th oe8.%8 uw nrb- mlttlng 18 not bxtrbme,but in order avoid the ts porrlbfllt~of ruoh an bxtrow OUT, thir Imaetmut haa fntupr8todtha 8tstut~8toxwquf~* thatatleut 10~afew&alaar of rtoakmwtk paid In. %b Yould appreolato an opln.wl frar pur Iwpue- meat U to WhbthW 8UbdfVf8iOX~ d of ArtiOh 15% Fe- qufror that at learnt thblo$ 0s or numbbr es eha~08 .a& elur of rtookbe rubaorlbod a& g&d tt t$&l of faaerperatlon, ocv?Wlw~ themqulmmua ltatutb mmotbjhavlilglO#ofthetotalnl&or of ahmu of all alure 8ubrea'lbd and paId.’ &wele 1538d of the AOVl8ul 019il at?&uter o? %exw, 8bt8 Out e&rtn l’8btiVb POqUkPO~tD t0 thb i88- Of 8h8F.8 Of ltWk Of BO g u ,Va lW. m tb .@ h k WflU@P O@ P Odt0b o mad. to th@ sWPbtU7 or Hate by the lnooPpoPatoPs, 011' the dlreotor8 0r the owporatlon l.n thb otent of an uendmut to UI bd8tflhg 6hUtOr, 18 lUbdlVf@fOA (d) thbP.Of lfhiob. mVid.81 “(a) The nllmbeF or 8haro8 vlthallt aomfllal OF pa~value 8ubrerlbedand theaatw~loawiberatUn rbOblV*d w thm O~Ol'atiO23 fOP @IlOb 8hUWUj urb upon reorivln8ruuh eertitlaatsit &all k t& duty 0s th6 &omtary of atata, on pfbywntof office f-8 and frudlrotudw, to file uadr86ordthm &W- tev, or awndmaat tbnmeof,of rwh otbrporatlonand t0 ~fV4 hi.8 Obl’tifittbt4 BhOWi~ the F4COPd th.tW- of, provided,howevbr, the rto&i?Cld4r8 of any CO~OlWtiCll 8SIthQdS~ th4 iSRUlE Of 8h8FbB Of it8 atoak vithbut naalnrJ. OP par V&IAI shall be rqulrad, In god faith, &a 8ubrcriba and pay fop at hi%& ten per abnt of ths authorized 8hWW t0 ba fa8tt4dvithoutnominalor prr v82aw kfon erld ~srporatitsa 8h411 b4 tthartend or hav4 it8 4haFter mended 80 80 to euthoriretLu f~8uanm of 8buwb vlthuutpar or nomImi value;gwooldodfurthor that In aa bvent the 8mmit 80 paid 8hsll k loa8 than $25,000.00." %m ldvfa th e a t o o r p o r a tla 1 84a 8fdllOV81 pU Vtiu4 Bt4Ck dlvlded irrfo &U’Oil Of 03.484 8. (2) 1,000 &BP48 Of Ba30. *illlO. T h e fl.lOOt’& 3OF tltOl’8 h tlY0~Ok l’Od l VdAW ?$ h & ``~ lh8r4 oaths pxmfsmbd, $l.OOperahw@ an the Oamwm olm84A aad have plea& tl~b~ue cdathe Oh48 B ``fW@@d. You adrim tbrt O& @ WSA UidB Of th 8 P lWfemd lt44k U’b flbtttdar;l. It thOZWfU’O’, fOF JW t0 Vt&W th4 OhlB@ b m- @ham for the purpou of by A~Male 1538f of tbm S ft.vould appear,thonfore, that tha 433,180ahava to bo pald in 18 18811than tba (10) pm oent of the neaema``lf ds- eland value of all the no psr value 8bw44. o ulta t4th a tthatbozmqw b forth0 faeorpontom wn- toad that th# amWIlt paid Illi@ 8tllUthW +?5,000,@Id 44U8. booaumomom than tea per Muit of the total authwlssd ntanbor of " ~bawa, treating*I1 the 8hW48 the Umb, ha8 bemk paid in . . . that the 4tatUt4 h8 bsO!IaorppllodWith. w9 Ut&tOt 844 UpOtI Vhat thoory&llthe 8hu-48 oanbetnoto4tho MPI th4 doalasrd ealw of the &weferrud lxwkmutba $lW.aO PWrhrreVhllo thet O? th4 QODlYI ltO6 P k18 bUt $l.% maa Logiolatur0 f.n thb uu of tha latquago * ltO& h OldW8 ....oh8li~SS rbqulred,in 43006faith,t; I%- rorfbeand pay for at lea8t ton per sent of’the authorized 8bre8 to be Loruedvithoutnominal or par value . . . .* might have a8 appropriately dimalandthat at least ternper sent o? the dealand ~aluo uot bb paid in. us b4114vr tmt tha l4glolatun, In the paooqe of suob Article1538b,lntendbdto and did roqulro tha paymentof a titdmm of ten p4r Gent of the deolamd vtiub Of th0 Oh4Z’48 Vfth thb fUl’th4P pPQVf80 th8t A0 Ow vould be permIttedto Or@lBfl!b Uld i88ur, 8hIlXW8 Of A0 &WX’ VdW With L prid in oapital of leas t&m 425,000. Such hao Lq been tb intbrprotatlon of tho statute m the various Swrotar#es of Strte. We hold, thwofere, th8t a lIlamum a? ten per coat ox 0ad.t dAO8 of otook to bo 188U8d mot bo mf.d fli, tl'4ating tiM p nfundlto6k, dividediato 4kOB A mad &.a88 8, ao Oa# ahO@. Youra v4q tml4 ,ATMllfEX- ATTORNEY GENEZ'& AU1 ata& LAtoj