OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN It ia to be noted al5o that Section 3, quote4 above, *peciflcallyprovides tit such resident listing l~canee slQ11 not be rsfi;iredof any ;sersonunder 17 ysars of fie cr of any ;eraon ffab!ng in the aaunty bf him resi- aenos an lands which he owns or upon whloh he resld,s, or of any arson whc halis an artlricial lure llcrn68 or a (~cwsetoial fiahemma*s liaense. Sua provlsioas of Section 3 40 not exten4 to &or insluds the watsrs OS the Colore40 alver, ner Inks Leks nor Bwhanm Lmke, In aiem o? the apsoific terxs of the abwr quot.& ALOt,you are rssgsctfull,y 84rma that it is the OpiAiOll of t&l8 dspartoent that the exsxptionssot forth in sai4 rst, lpuetbe &YM efrwt. A person living in any OS tha coun- ties ns6B4 in the Act aannot be Pepulre4 to puroh6ss the llosnee rrquired by Seetlon 8 in or4.r to hunt upon his mn land af ugoa laa4 upon &oh hs rs814es, A persoo who hu puro~hase6 a resident buatlng llesnee or a non-rssfdent hunting liesare in any aouaty ai Texas ueniiot be thmreoftsr repulred to purohrs a llosnae mquirod by 8eotiaa 8 in em& r te h u ntIn l4 of the aountias oemed la the Ast, nor will any person under 1%'years oi ags be rsqulred to purohassthe lloense mquired by Seetion 2 in er4er to hunt in anjrof th6 aaunties nam4 in the A6t. A perwn li,log in any of the countlea nimed in the&t oannot be req``~4 to pwdwss a liosose requlrrd bf Seation S, h order to fish u>on km4 OWM~ by 8ueh person or u.Wfi whlah hs reuidsS, or io the Inks I&e OP Buohawn Iake. A perron who ala1 lure or oommroial fielwman*8 after bs rsqulm4 TV gurehsse (L required by Bestion 3 in ordir to firh in any~af C,hesoun- ties n%tuedin tha mms or in the Colorsdo wler, &i!U me or Buahown Lake, nor oan any person un4er I7 years of age be reqAre4 to ;?urohaes a rasldant fishing Ueense required by zieetion3 in udsr to ilsh in a4 of ths seaatiss ~med. m