DocketNumber: O-3293
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS tc AUSTIN 0-G.- -- sonorable Cbarley Lockhert, Pag0 2 In oux apl.nLcm No. O-1332vo held f&sateuoh otai- tinplat4xp%nsafknde rpcjrbe uuea aw tilepryalait4f omplogse%4 Jn additialto thooa oboes solrriell4r4 expremly St.#&z@fl. nelace,the 4Oproplatlai for caatingaat4xpenbM My be UBBd t0 JMlj #OBKWlO t0 ~Z+OPltZ thes4 64FViU46. ti th&t W 4&S- loa ~4 held that under the krm of prneprph (b) of the title "salaryand other prcylsicam"ba the weral rldcr to the ape propriatlanbillmvbuwreumia ptovxaedforapwtlaulu Ltaa of expense,that sea is all that ir intasdedto be wul- ve &o not b4lioy4twt th4 lut PIL*Ytver, mnticmad bald& le bppllarblehere is t&w a'ow~othat ealy the mm of $360.00m year ie to be e-den tn payl.tqthe for his pxt tlmm employmat. In othe v4rd4, me*re+nger-porter as v4 imderrtandyour lettex,him mlary fm the pwfoammcre o? th444 aemi443 ia not bafng incrers4&ox snpploaeut&. on the oth0r hand, it i8 oux mdnr4hmUng t&t you r&ply rl4h to pay th0 mm% lmn to perform aamaar BOxviO8B rt tllmr not 6OYemdbyhlS px6s0nt~leyYlI0nt. fn~ro``theeaploy- laentend paylmxlt whloh Ton proporeIs not soxbM4m by m gnph (b) of tb title aislmym& other pwvisiano" in the pramratdap4rtnt4at4l approprl8tim bill. fnour opiaiarNo. 05607vo held tbatanoym, .8x, ~0~0 and t-t 8p4citbiiat in 04 0r th4 8t4t.4 4i~yasl?l institntlaas oouldnot hold the mam pemititmia awther &tat4 inatltutian nn&br S54titm 33 of Article l6, 4f the atate OanetLtutrca vUoh pmtiderrr "The aGeountsIlg OfflOem of thla ate4 4lmlY.neither&4v aor pey 4 varrentupeathe Tmaaury in favor of any pwwm, fox 8alU'Y GX G~MtifXl aS wt. OffiC0X6l'4ml;ltO4, whc holAB at th0 sups time Bny othex off144ox posit&enof hcmr, tru~ats or profit, vndea this state or the IJhited statea,eraapt m pretrotib- od In thls CenBtitutl6n: E ~amrable Char147 L&kbIbrt, P4@ 3 The ``xogrlatim o? $360.00 per year is explunsly for p8xt tiars46xplo76mnt.Wethinkltwas oontes@atedttblrt 4 detlnite psrt of the day shouldbs set aside for tIw mssasn- g4r-porterto s4rve. It is oot4d that the mm lpproprlrt4d16 oae-half the amount 46~6317wmwxriated in ottwr parts or the sill ror a ml tiraeappioy46mr0nning sirliu 64``1046. youxootlan in requlringhiatovorkintho~e~Ooll6 sad CI- llerlng h&a of 6n7 duties under that 4nplo)aantin the mmings is mtlml7 proper. The rsseuger-poxter le wlea no oblige tiom to 641994 ok hold himself in ~44dln46sto serve \mdor his 4nrplo7mmt8s swhmess4ng4r-porter during the urmlngs. His vorking rt o&l tmes fn the momlqgs vi11 not oarfllot tith his rrtemoai duties. Vlth 6pwl?lc r4rereno4to the Quotbdaeo- tial or th4 state Ccn6tltutlm, V4 slsp 886lme tImt his mgulm aftemoaa 46Iglo7mt oar6tltut46him 6aj*4ppOm44" 0r th4 06. f3ugrPt OS 8 po6itidaOS . . . p0rit. The problbltlatIS l@nrt the holw of mor4 t&n a14 suoh gocritlar.In his w~vark vouldbeb4anrgszrt, offlcer orappointn, tkm holder or a positiori0r ham, trust Or pr0rity Th4 asuvst of thotae to vhioh he ~0uld appromh vould b4 the ocoupat of a *positiaa*or prorit. And, v4 do not bellevetbrt tbo 4asu61 4aplo7lsaatof the msa rt lmegulu intervalsvoulu oa%stitut* hi61the holder of8 "poaltlat." fhetermdanotes ~tl4ast8oae d4gr44 of p4x-mamoy ox regularity,vbloh v4 mWWsad do46 not exlmt hezw. FrQE the o&a0 or lcxelghY. BeaX& or Cho64a ~9old4~4,40 A. 625
, by tkw Rw Jersey Suprcrw Couxt, ~4 ‘TIyt atrtute teat8 017 th064 perrosa Iv”or 'a poaltlaa;" aad vo think vho hold 'an oiY'ia4 to the vlrvr h4xwtoiozu4xp#684U of t&se term (Iavisv. Jer64? cit7, 1 Ilf.J. r,nv,240, 1.7Atl. 112; StcrvrrtY. Borrd 7ll.J.Sup.)38 A. 8421
, the applayrat o? ,tho a+4lirtordldnotpl444himln elth4r4aofYlo4 ox 8 poatlaa, vlthln the purYl0vor thet iwtute. '.' He vea to vork b7 the tleyol7, and the 6orvlaH to.' be renderedbyhlmverio ms~el7 suahes, ia tlmllpe oihls trade,migbtbe dlxwted ?romtiastotlms by his superiors." mm 16 8birr0~nt6mmti~ r~061th0604~ltih~hioh ve v4re ccnoerned in opinlcn fo. o-2607. ~4 mover roux ques- tion la the r??Mmtlwr. our optnlammight be diff4r4nt if his Ga5 ,u ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS