DocketNumber: O-3190
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable Joe Kunsohik, Commissioner Bureau.of Labor Statistics Austin, Texas Dear #r: Opinion No. O-3190 Re: Whether beer tavern in rural district is "mer- cantile establishment" within Art. 1571 or the Penal Code. This will be in reference to the request contained in your letter of February 19, 1941, for the opinion of this department upon the follow5.ngmatter: "Referenoe is made to Artlole 1569, as amended, Texas Penal Code, which provides, In part, that *no female shall be employed . .. .... in any roadside drink and/or rood vending establishmant for more than ni h in any one calendar day nor more than fltty- f'o: hzgz in any one calendar week.' "In oonneotion with your opinion No. O-1723, aatea December 1, 1939, and.with partioular referenoe to a beer tavern which Is located outside of the oity limits: Woes Article 1571 of the Penal Code, when it pro- vides that Articles 1569 and 1570 of the Penel Code shall not apply to 'mercantile establishments,V exclude from the provisions of Articles 1569 and1570, supra
, such establishments commonly known as 'beer taverns' whose main business is the sale of beer,,and, whloh beer taverns nt the same time engage in the sale of such additional commodities as chewing gum, cigars ana cigarettes, but which saia adaltional ootiodities ere Incidental to the main business of selling beer. "Pour opinion on this question will be appreciated, in order that we may determine what procedure, ir any, to take on a matter that is now pending before this Department." Articles 1569 and 1571 of the Fenal Code, as amended, read: tArt. 1569. TCo female shall be employed: "1. In any factory, mine, mill, workshop, mechan- ical or mercantile establishment, hotel, restaurant, non. doe iumson``, page L rooming house, theater, moving p,iotureshow, barber shop, beauty shop. road side.drink and/Or food vend- ing establishment, telegraph, telephone or other oi- fioe, express or transportation company, or any State institution, or any other establishment, institution or enterprise where females are employed, for more than nine (9) hours in any one(l) oalendar de nor more ~thanfifty-four (54) hours in any one (17 oalen- dar week. "2 . In any laundry or cleaning and nresslng establishment for more than fifty-four (54) hours in one (1) calendar week; the hours of work to be SO ar- renged as to permit the employment of suoh female at any time so that she shall not work more than a max- lmun:,ofeleven (11) hob:rsduring the twenty-four (24) hour period of one (1) day. (Underscoring ours) “3. In any faotory engaged In the menufacturs oi cotton, woolen or worsted goods or articles of merchandise manufaotured out of cotton goods, for more than ten (10) hours In any one (1) calendar day nor more than sixty (60) hours in anyone calendar week." -Art. 1571. The two preoeding Articles shall not apply to stenographers and pharmaoists, nor to mercantile establishments or telegraph or telephone companies in rural distriots ana ih cities or towns or vf.llanes of less than three thoussuWlnhab1tants. as shown by the preceding Federal oensus, nor to superintendents, matrons, nurses and attendants employed by, in, and about such Orphans' Bomes as are charitable Institutions, not run far profit, and not operated by the State. In oases 0r extraordinary emergencies, such as great public oalamities or where it becomss neoessary~for the protection of'human life or property, longer hours may be worked." (Undersooring ours) Rote that certain classes of businesses are apeo- iriea in Article 1569. Among these are mercantile establlah- ments, restaurants, etc. In 1933 b amendment (Aots 1933, l&-a Legislature, page 285, Ch. 114v the Legislature added two other classes of business whloh we have undersoored; viz., beauty shops and road-side drink and/or food vending estab- lishments. Article 1571 exempts certain classes of business- es situated in rural districts and in cities, towns and vil- lages of less than three thousand Inhabitants from the pro- visions or Article 1569. Among these classes of businesses so exempted are mercantile establishments and telephone and telegraph companies. Commenting on these classes of businesses referred to in Articles 1569 end 1571 our Court of Criminal Appeals said in Glanges v. State (Ct. Cr. App. 1920) 220 S.X. 95: "Restaurants, from the terms of the statute, are in e separate class from mercantile estab- lishments, and ere not included in the clause in the statute which exempts from I.tsoperation mercantile establishments in towns in which the population is 3,000 or less. l! parte &own,21 S.D. 515
:.114 N-7:.303." In Opinion No. O-1723 you were advised that Artioles 1569 and 1570 apply to all sections of the State whether rural districts, cities, towns or villages, regardless of the popula- tion of such subdivision unless they come within the exemption contained in Artiole 1571. It is at once apparent that the Legislature has sing- led out "road side drink and/or food vending establishments" as something different and apart from those businesses falling within the ordinary definition of a Wercantile est@.ishment.* Only the latter is exempted. Consequently, we are not prepared to say that a beer tavern locotea outside of the city limits comes within the ex- emption for "mercantile establishments*'in Article 1571. You do .not describe the b%slness in question other than as a tavern engaged mainly in the sale of beer and es an incident to this business selling such ccanuoditiesas ehew- ing gum, tigers and cigarettes, i"lhile'we do not undertake to advise what business might fall within the term "road side drink and/or food vending establishment" you are advlsea that if the business inqur&&ion engages mainly in the Sale of beer, and is looated along 8 public road it falls squarely within the olass of businesses enumerated in Article 1569 and is not exempted by Artiole 1571. ',Verytruly yours ATTORREIGERERAL OFTEXAS By /s/ James D. Smullen James D. Smullen Assistant JBS:js:jrb APPROVRD MAR. 10, 1941 /s/ Gerald C. Mann A'TORNEI GEN?ZRALOF TEXAS APPROVED OPIXION COAMITTEE W BIYB,Chairman