DocketNumber: O-3114
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
4aJ :,.. OFFICE OF l-NE AlTORNRY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo gl.K. Hoopor tmmty Attorney Toakum Qounty Plalnrr,Texlxu ment upon the above r Forgory, & le 8 neak LIometiar. in population,anilhis have been nb3ae to &et hipi to re8lg~ w&h he refuees to &J unless the Forgery o~unt``) are ~t~i86ed whloh ie, of couree, out of We QWIB- . An emergenap existts. Honorable Ii.HI.Hoopar, Page 2 "1 have advfssd the Commleelonert~Court that alnoe there are only 4 juetlce prsolnots in the county, they bare a perfect right to, for the pub110 benefit oreata a new juatlos preoi~nctcomposing the east one-hialfof the preokct for whioh this man 1s Justioe. A Commissioner oontande that this osnnot be done and a new Justice appointed for the reason that the Present Juatioe reside8 in the said east one half of the present pre- olnot. "1 have based my opinions Article V, Section 18 of the Constitution, as wall as upon artlales 2351, 2377, and 5970, and the cleolsionacited thereunder. "1 would appreolate your opinion as to whether the Commissionera Court has the au- thority to establfsh euoh preolnot wlthout i regard to whether the present Justice residea within the bounds of the newly organlaed praoinot." Article 3, Sectfon 18 of the Constltutlon, and Art&e 2351, subdlvlslon 1, Veruon'e Annotate6 Civil Stat- utes‘ require the Oommlssloners* Court of saah oounty to lay off the oounty inteajuatloe preoinote not lass than four nor more than eight In nrnnber. The ease, State v. Rlgeby,43 S.W. 271
, holds in eifeot that the Commlseioneret Court In the exerOis@ of its powers may merge txo preainots into one or may re-dsflue the boundaries of the tivoprecinots of E oounty, leavfng the other precinota unohanged. The oaee, Basting, et al Y. Wowusand, County Attorney,136 S.W. 1143
, holds among other things, that the Commissioners* Court haa power to change the bouuda- ries of the justice preoinot at will. The oaee of Brown Y. Meek, 96 5. W. (26) 639, holde that "the Commlesioners* Court has peer, when law- tha aounty lnt0 new 1ustlce or the pesos preoia*t* to be00nm lrr00- tivc In the ruturo and that the Comt&caiunera*Court baa *or to orsate new juatioe proolnota for the ocinreaionoo or tke yeopla.” Burthermora,ohanfem my bo macleitithe tsrrl- tory 0r the preolnot durin,gthe tam 0r orfi0~ or 6si elwe- rd Justicrm. Texas Juria, Vol. 26 p. 793. (Also a.0 the *a*8 0r rlardv. Bond, 1058. u. (2af 590.) In view oi the foregoing author1 tlea, the Oar- )plsolonora* Court hca the powor end autborlty to mi~r@a justi preoitaot~, re-ddYo8 tke bowbdariea or said pm- r lneta l ,to., at UI~ tlms within the diaoration ot t&a dor- Jealon~rs* Court, prorldod tht tho numhar or Jiutloa prmelMt8 shall not ba 1888 than rour n@r more than ligkt Innumb a in r a nyo o unty. In th eev8Bt fk8 Cdr do nua ’ Qourt l new justleo c?atebiiabaa praeinnot oo?rpoa~d ot th0 cleat 0ne4au 0r the pr0aOnt prO0itiOt x0. 2, ~rd tea or ~aal~na a MWand aifrurat prodnat numbor to aa $6 ml.7 ratabliabe6 raiolnot,thn would be no &stloa of’ the pa*ao ror 08Pd preolaot, notrlthatanblng the raot t&t the pra8mt just100 or the ``00 0r pr00inot HO. 2 n~l(r~ in WI. B&W pnohot. The Oomlmionora’ Uourt ``14~ be au- tkerd by virtue or Artiole 235s to rppoint a Jwatioe or tkw pa00 for the new preoinat. ‘Se le ~01082~ beremltb l oopp Of our oplnloa 20. e-2361, toubklng u.08 a reoaaoy In tko 0rrl00 or j\utioO Of t&e &oar** Ardoll Wlltlaaa Awletcmt