. .-. 334 j F OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN “II-.. Honorable Thcmaa Hhed, Page 2 Revised C1vl.lStatutes of Texas, as enacted by the data of 2937, 45th Leglalatu.re,Pint Call seaaiun, pags 1817, Chapter 37, bootion 1, vhiah reads as foll0Uas e%ah ot'f'%o.:, named I.8thla Aat, vhua he reooivaa a salmy as ramp4naation for his unicor, ahallbe8mpfsoPedlmdpePmlttedtopurah8wand have ohs- to hla Ctnznty,all maaoaablo u- penaea nawkurJ in thm proper and lo@ wanduet or hla OiflW .. ..I .,: I "'Such expena~6 .toba paawd an, psu4mter- mlIm&mr'dhvedlnk&adan4-t8,a8lmlrl7 aa~poaaibli`` by the Coaaal.aalaruPa’ CouPt anw eaeh m&la for the ensuIng am&h, upon the ap- ~ ~" plioatian`` each oifiwo, at&lag the kind, pro- bable aauunt of erpend&tum, 'Uid the neaeaaity sop-the ~p6n606 af hfs 0m08 r4p 6~4h 43mag month, whlah, appllcatinna&all, befompresenta- t&on to mid aourt, fIxat be endaraed b7 the Co?+%7 Auditas, +i my* eta.’ the Tu Solhatoo md'A484s84i 60 ‘get out 'and: pmauPe Feintitionaof land rot tamtlon~.aad pPo- ouh u6~aakenta,- I~iLratz-dew 'youto Artiule I 7189 of tU:Reviwd Ofrfi, St?tnt,w of lw, whiti;- s-wda a8 ~ollwar ,, ,_ : '. I ganorableThoama Wheat, Pee By ow ugon the m-on, raaidenca of tb 3 or w &la at the offlae, Sac6 of bualnnaa 0P the person, aad listing the ?ropert7nqulm3dt~lawinhianaa4e,aad I raquldng anah Demon to make a atrtemeat under said crsthof auchpmqmrty in tha'farm' tenlaafter preaorib8d.~ 1 “As auah7au see.it is the dut7 of We Tax Aawaaor ,artdCollestor or his deputy to call upon the person 0~ by 0allhg at ths af- flw or p-0 of ?nuineaa of said tax p6mr and in dolag tbta nswaaarlly Retmust get out aad iooru.accaa tnrvelling 8xpenaa6, be- cause he must travel to @x680 *ode. %ea f P&OP gou,'to~&rt~816 721$ with regard to oata tRat the tax asaoaaoc and ool- leotor and ~&put7 ia this ,statie have to war,' this Article presoribing the oath, ~kLc.h 2s as foU4war :~ c "'I, , tax aaieaaor (or deputy tax assessor. as the cade may be) 'inand POP .&m&y, Teti; do-solinn that I ulll~paraoxally auesr view and lllsp44t 4ll : ', the zeal estate and Uapoveimnta thereen aulw;. jaat to taxat&caz,l~,ia said aamt7, that: may be readwed to me Sor tamtian by anj corgoratioPw iad%~iddL, 02 b7 thdr agent or ngwaentative, an fully as zaa7be praoti- cable, and that I v%lI, as W4 pa la prnoti-. cable, vi.au and !n4pset‘aU other taxable pmpertyia a&d aeunt``mnde~ed to m as _ .' ...*. afomaald; c.i-eet :;,r.. .: / *As suah Ra tak4r-mi'oatla that he wiLl ' . go and do:theae things, axid he will travel out amtmd and vlev this popsrt7, saidhow can he view tha pr0pert-yunless 3x4 travels afmnd. “AZ such, it Is ai opinion that sinca'it is his duty to get out and call upon thsae 340pla fop the purgoao of procuria& waea~- mnta and get out antI view the PWpsrt7, T&U& he can nnl7'do by trayelling PFan place to plaw, beaatiae the uouaty can't OUnte to the county aeat vhere his offlee fe. sad sfaao thf.8 is hla duty, cslrtolnlyuadsr AHlo 3899, sub- divLeiOn 8, he ehould be entitled to these ez- pepsse``ee~inEhs~e~land~raan- duct ol his ofiiee axid f 86~ he should bo eatitl- *a to his trav~ eapeaeee aad for, say other bYJ3 thet ke PYJ inntur uudolr euoh oimumetenoe. lP leeee r edo rmeeu~lsueedla ophte io aup ea thlb pueetioa, dlroueeAag it 8h leBgth, eiu any oaeee ycm8my be rxia to find*’ -.