274 OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableRalph Flliott &$&.nel District .btt~meg uraymon county sherman, Texee Deer Slrt 30 have your request for queetlonr the County Clsr .,$ii unty required to file end rsoord io atea of immfoe .DenlsonL&m and of the Federal endsr oi peyxiont r recording Baa riaa or 8aiQ ?mber such notloes abatraota or statercants in the order in whioh they am ttled, and If th& are required to be reoorded, ha ehsll.reoord them in e well bound book to be etyled,*Faderar% LLen Record,* and 5.~3 either 0898 he ah811 index thsa alphabstlosllyu.Mkr the flenmaof the peoooltll named thareln or affcotod thereby, euch lnder to be kept in a well bound book rtgled, *Iedsz %e Fedwal Liens,‘ anil for ths p~srPOlwime0 Of WeSO HonorableRalph Elliott, page 2 services be shall not oharge a fee, but ehall be oomp%nsstedby the oounty, as provided for in Ar- tiole 3931. His failure to file, reoord or In- dex properly any suoh notice, abmtraot or stata- mant an herein required, or to ba oompensated therefor, shall not effect the Palldlty or lsgal- ity of any suoh lien or claim, or release or dla- oharge thereof." This article requires the oountiyolerk or eaob oounty to file, or file end record, without oharglng a fee for euoh servloes, any Inetrumentrof the oharacter onumsratad below in favor of the United States of Amerioe or any department or bureau thereoir 1. Notloe of any lien or 01aIm. 2. Abatraot of an7 lien or olalm. 3. Statement 0r any lien or olaim. 4. Release of an7 lletnor olaIm. 5. giaaharge of any 1Ien or alaIm. IS the Instrumentsprenented for filing, or for filing an6 recording are of the oharaoter mentioned above, and are In favor Of th* United Stateo or any department or bureau thereof, a rounty alark Is required by the provisionsof auoh article to file, or file snd reoord, suoh lnetrumentawithout oherglng a fee therefor. On the other hand, If the instrumentpresented for fIlIngI or for filing and reoordlng, does not la11 within the oate;orIeamentioned in Article 64M, there Is no requirementthat the olerk file, or file and reoord the same, wIthout abargin(! any fee for his sartioee. For your further fnrormatlonwe enolose herewith oopiea of our OpinionsNoa. O-1393 and O-1393-Supplement. Your8 very truly AFDI,O\!i:; MAR 1, 1941 ATTORNEY O&NERAL OF TNXAS I ATTORNEY GENZRAJ. OF TEXAS BY Riohard W. Rl0rlE.P woLosuRRs i ‘.,