DocketNumber: O-3070
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .. .. AUSTIN .. . %r a $erlod ot ten pears or f&r a&h Q&5cB o? such Qerlod a3 may bs rsogullwd, but not longer, and connenolng Ylth the fls- -1 yew beginning Septenber 1, 1939, thorn ? ~. 1s ,htweby &mated and granted by the State of Texss to tho Central Colorado River Author- . lty fifty (56) pep cant OS all State ad valo- pem taxes collsoted for @XlfW31 rswnue pm- poses upon tha QrOQSI’tyszxd fro% Qtu’aons ia’ the county of Coleman, the rola : acock belongZng to ra0road aowanies wblch &all. be asoertalned +?%dapportimed as now provided by lav. The toes hereby damted shall be used by the said Central Colorsdo , Rlvor Authority Sop the purpose of carrying out the powers, duties antS funotlmn ounfer- ~_.. x$lu&xt~ $uthodt~ by’%he L%f+Nx’e . -, .seenm to have iieen the igneml praotlee of the bglalatme heretofore in olrrdlar ~legislatiork to p~ovlde fop the tax oolleotors of the, affected counties to mske payment dir6ot to the reoitient anariolpal eorporatlons or distrle3, mrely mportlng. sqh sstim to t&e Comptrollep; IXote the lots ~lnlrolved t? Aransas Pess w. Xeellfzg, 247 3. Y. 8185 &azos ,Rlver, etc., mst. vs. Mocrav, 91 s. v, (26) ,665; is County Flood Control Mstrlct vs. Ma&n,~240 3. W. ” 1098. Hovtiver, the Leglalature Wthe A& under con- 24 9” ilderatlaa in this opb.lon has not pravlded speclficak~y a Sathod for mklng payzmat~uf suah granted taxes to the Au- thority. , . lh the mture- of’ the grmt to t&i htithtiity It VU necessarily $xsplied in the Aat that aatual wyment of ?I% grmtstl taxes should be teads to tho Authority. Whether Thor actur%l pamsnt Is to bs made directly by the Asaessor- Colleotor. 0~ by the State Treasurer won maelst of the tits fkoi the issessor-Colleator,.w10 the ordinary uour6e of Qproprlatl~ by ths LsglslOture, ls.leSt to Ca8truatlcn. Obviously, some nethod vas wntenxplated, far otherwlse the Let itself would be fktlle. . me gemtil 11~9 require the Cbunty Tax corieatar lt outed intervals to zay 0~8~ to the State Treasurer all tuss collected by him for the State. Article 7249, Ver- ass &motated Civil Statutea, md Articles 720a aud 7261, tjfised Civil Statutes. . Senate Bill 99 do63 not.t3xpreaely -4 or nodI?- th% abow etatutes. Hpt’, in OUTOQbliOB, ~6 it do 80 by necessary loplleaticm. For the pur?me & tie Act my be fully acco@.lstreb, at t’ae same tlgte fol- ’ wm Articles 7249s, 7260 Ltnd7261. In this conneotlcat . &t my bo veil to observe that these monoga are colleoted far the State and it la on the theory that the purpose for &oh they vi11 be expmded 1s 8 State purpaaq that .t@ ~Udityof tbeACtmpbe suBtM.nedr Also; gunetiq tkm (trtr’r dlsburs~ agent la the at&e Treasurer. The proper procadum, one vbich cazmot be opea , ts qoestion, is for th% Tax ABseosor-CoU%etor of Coleman CotlDtyto remit all Stete t&am collected by him to the State Treasurer and to nake reorts to the Couptroller In the %an~Muner ns vaa dorre b%f’o~% tho enactmnt. of Semite ul199.~.e..%a State TmasuTer, on varmuts drawn by the state Conptroller, vlll thou pay such fuqds over to the Dls- ~-‘tFiot. Bo further o~mprfetlon by the Le~slature vlll. be SOC%Il~. Braeos River, etb., Dlst. w. piccrnv, suprn; 2~1~18Comty Flood Contx’ol llistrlot vs. Hsnn, supra. At :thls point we would pause to say that lf’ Zn elth%r event aa .%dUtlondL appmpristla vere neaessWy it wot$ld not be ob- YlLt%dby Lzsninn tho CoLlector pako dire& m-t to t& Authority. &i&M w; ,iWUxi County,. 1% $.-W. (26) 975, 140 8. U. (26) 1109.. Ve do BOt mesll to S...y that tb%‘pl&&S?e S~eSted bY you, for the County Tea. Collector to I?&&%direct dolivery to the District, is neoessarily vzmq. ha alrcxady oboewed tbo Iaglslatwe expressly provided Por that procedure in other .- atilnr grants, evidently S.?Itbs vltm that express ‘l%glstitlozI VU neoeasary for It to be hsndled in that swnor. In via?? at this, and 0f Articles 7249`` 7260 cad 7261, ve entertal.zt ~alulderclbleLdoubt as to the propriety of adopting t-hat mthti we have no such doubts ooncernlng the procedlu's ~%i:::k?d`` that ls, fo P the Tax Colltmto?? to send the maps to the State Tzvaimrer and for the latter to I3ake de- 1i-Y to the Autfiorlty. me Tre.3ssurer end Co3mtroller my *?t tbelr - proper meana of k%epiag accorolt sm! handle ‘.‘:. : . . . .. .’ _,,~ ,.~_~ -~-.._- ;....~. _. ‘. . . .* .__ _ _.~ 0. -c . . : .. ATTORNEY GPN3RAL OF TEXAS