-. OFFICE OF THE A7TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ilonorable 0~. ii. Sbppard Comptroller of Ppublio Aaoouatr kuetin, Texas r Dear 91rI Opinion lo. O-3069 Ilet Paymnt of , 80 Weaberr YQUP lettm of d lnp qu*rtlon for tha oeneid members of tb Legirl&tm m la8~tled 20 ml1 under the Donrtituthn of Peur dependa upon.t bf tbo quee8lon involved in 8ha Oai-pentsr ame; lr mlti6na l o ua r dr mr oa f Tsita c indua r tsdtnto fix*rotivcr SiilitaryEorvtw of the SIted State* undo~ Beotlan 111. of the ?Iatlonal.htfense Act, 00411~y BP Ntmln, Ml18 in that 8ar- vita of tile United %atae, C&Q stmtur af m amber af the aTma~ %tL3neJ. 3u&rb. H Honorable Gee. Il.6heppard,p8ge 2 Thi8 question vi11 not k tlsk8lly 6etorrine4 until the @up " Court of the United State* hr 8otod upon the * petltlcm. or urit of 0wt10Par1. lh thrrefon ulvirr againrt the paysent of rutah tada prior to 8 rim deoirion in the Carpenter ~880. Your8 vow tnrly ATTORII~ UEJIEFULOF TEXhS ! ST (81 a) R. Y. FAxRcHxLD R!?ohard Y. Ftir8bIldl hrlrt8nt APrROvED~s,194l AFPRcvm O#nn Cosmlttee CIUU.~