DocketNumber: O-2981
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Don D. Puksr county Irdltor brflud count0 E:nrtland,Terrr the countyllttarpryp9r- ountyAttorney and Dietriot cth there 18 AaQtl r&ova D&8- OffaB or crw Rt#tri6t 6r6dsd, and 8hall axs.lC franandafterthepwia@8oftW8At%t. Brwh offlee 8hall be ksom a* CrllIllMl I#&z4et At- torrmyof mwbcounty. ' Honorable Don D. Porker, pr&ge2 lnkubitattta. Tke Oowtty aaapri8ea tvo judiaial Dirtricts. On tke %ats Artlele 326q VIO emoted ud becam lffeative the Qormty bad no M8trlat Attommy and the Count Attorney performed the dUtllO8OS county al% 03tttriatAttorney. 'Your cpinion on the Soll~ questlom vlll be apprealatecl. "1. DOSO &'tL.alO3-, after COnCridering tkc above saotr, cotltinueto apply to kutlan% County? '2. If not, voul% the present duly sleeted aalllal Dirtrlet AttcrRey by olrtua of former tm general b1#8~baaow County Attamey cr would it b0 ROOO#8~ fCW tk0 CHlUt88iOtlO~8'tbWt tC appoint 6xiet “3. What rould be tke bad8 au% uolutt OS hlr acmpen8atlonifArtlel8 326qnolongrrapplier to Ewltlmtl coltRty?' Your flret que~tlcm Ill8tbe sruvered ia t2leaegirtive. 'POaca8true th%r Aeta8 rebquiriagthat l.tBpravlrlcn8 santinu, to amly to eount~ee trzlichPO hrhg~r porre88 t&a cttaraaterl8- tier Bad@ the bad8 for & betl?Qatl #em awl other fmuntiar vould, in OUF opipion, Fonder the &at umcmaatltutienal &8 IpoOitd and &Oti lOgi8hbtiCA.tViObtiViB Of hl'thll#XXI, IleotlcR56, Of oul-Constltutfon. Conat~tutlon, Artiale II& Seation 56, provider in port; *The &J@S&tW thrlr.Z&Ot. ..plk8# Up rpealal or laml law, autkori8ingt 7tegulat~ the afsalra or oountier . * . / %reatlng oSfioo@. ur prerorlibingthe pwem and dUtlWt Of OssfOOXW, in OOUntie8 . . ." Bonoreble Don D. Parker, page 3 i%3%enaCt legialatioa af&s3tbg Only thoae aouRtle8 pOt+aeaa~ ptWtiatiW tiWtOrt8tiO8, provldeb the bs8Ia for OlE&aaifioa- tlon,aeleoted reeaonebly Indloater the moesalty or propriety for app1yftIgauoh legi81etion to 8ucb cow&lea to t&s exc1uelon of those counties which 00 not poraaaa the ohereotorlatl~a won which the olasaiiiaatlon la predloated. Slnoe the poaseaalott O? 8Wh &.htingui8hitt& ChUl’MtOl’i8tiO8 18 ROUO88~ to jwt;Q dlfferentletlon in the fir@t tilt4UXO0,It I8 oboloua thet e legirletlvr atteerptto oontlnue the dlfferentletlon eftez-those dIatingti8hlng ahweatez4etloa ttmae to edat mwt run efoul of the OoKU!tltutIondlinhibition egsinrt the pM8e@1 of lotal u 8p8Uiti leue. 0~ Supreme Oowt OR revoral oaoarI0~8 haa held un- oon8titutlonel leva uh%ah applied only to aountiea hevlng a certain population a8 of the 1920 oeam8, on the ground that rtwh lewr, by the& tenw, excluded fw!4ntheir OpqvitIon aountiea VhIch llli@trubaeqwnt~y ettsin thir rpeolfled Ucaua& v. CWIm, 70 S.W. (26) 4168 Clt of Fort orth v Bobbitt, 36 S.W. (rb) 470. The prlnalp3 b cmbodisd T-1oF In there deolalow haa eppllae$Ion here, for to apply the Iev under acm8l6eratlon to a oounty whiah no lonser poaaeaser the ohar- ecterI8tlca upon i&I& the alalr8lfiaatIonva8 mede I8 to klaert th8t l.aW8ep.$~lying t0 Other COUUtIea pO88088* th49&6U'ac;tePIa- tie8 POWpO88088ed by 8U&i OOUt’Lty QMttOt be applied to 8Wh oounty. Yhel’. ObW8ifiO~tiOtV fOl’pUFpO86¶8 Of lO8I8letIOXi5.8 predloeted UPOR ahtwaaterIrtloa whlah are not Immteble, It la aa Imperetloe, oonatltutIonallp, that the lev ahoulb not apply to there who no.longer poaueaa the ctharaaterI8tIa8,a8 It Ia that it should apply to those vho rubrequentlg attain them. Apart fmn the foregoing ooaulderatIon8, (vbich, or oourae, ere vitel in Ustermlnlng the oonatruatlon to be pleaed upon thla IJW) YB are aonvinoed thnt the leu i8 not Intended to apply t0 8 0OUnt.ywhlah 110 10-r pO88ea8e8 the OheWbCtOt'i8t%O8 Of ths alM8ifiWtiOtL The Aat +311e8, in temu, only to there COUtle8 heVIn& eleOa Other f3hIU'WtOri8ti~8,8 ul6tlon of not leas th8n 3 00 and no more than 5 000 lnbrbitw p"e8 'ea deter- e '3art preaeding FedereI betmu and e5ah aumteeding mined by,t;f Federal Cearur themafter - ." Thir protiaion olw~.~Qyrequires ths rs-exaatinatlon of the pusatlon of the eppli0ation of the 1811 to the varlow oouatlea at ssoh Fedemil ceR8WJ end vheth- er e pertlauler county fell8 within the prOVi8iO3lS of the hr dependa on ita population ea determined bg the lDO8tmioent Federel Cewua, not on it8 population ea dotemined by the Eonarable Don D. Parke*, m 4 1930 06MW. A ~OVi8iQt3 that th. Offi WOltOd ‘8hd1 erirt frcmtattdafterthepa88 of thlr Auf” Is or no rignifioutae -- It mxwly &ealuer, In % b ect, thet the law ir ml?-exeoutlttg upon the aountisa rIth%n the olnaaIfIoetion. 8lwe ve have thus cleteFm!.ttoG that Arttale 326q a~ lanlfsrhsr l pplleeticm to Bw9md ccluaty, QttO8tiQW of the eoaotitutfwaUty of ruoh AQt 8re not befw w, ad w do not wn8Lder 0T dI8swa them. Eltute&tIttle 326q M) longer epplIe8 to ErrrtlamlCounty, it neoe6rarlly follew8 that pe Oiflba p DOrlmIwl Dlrtriat Attome QivAttg full effeot to the pwvirlcm8 that the offloe of Q*%mItml DI8taiot Attorney udrt- d ;.a PkstbUbd &XltitJ Uhib 8U& OOUtSt~ UW Wfthitl th0 81M8lti- oetlon rpeslfbd, cod itusi anlybyv%rtua of the oontItuud epplioetIonofrwhl8wtotba aountythetthe offIor,ofCouuty Attorney did ot e%Irt durla$ the pwbd of it8 E@l08ticm. It aeoe,rrerIly e7 allow that then, 18 aov a vaeemy tn the of- flee a? County Attmamy fm Ea8tland County, uhhh vaeanq it is the duty of the CQni881OJlOt8’ Court to rtu by appbiatwat. wo nQltoQMLder yaw thbdqueutiQal. ueot1v6l13 or iahobitAUt8 0l' to the’latt p~eoding F6dwa hnmu, 18 hkmby authorlsa& aad It t&all be It* duty to IZz the 8titW16S Of til th0 fO%bllf~ Dgpyd OffiQOFU, ta- ult: 8herISl, M8088OC utd eolluator OS tesea, aowty jutlge,aotqty attolvbOy,ionlttdlngeMk8IWl dI8trIat ettmeye mad oouaty EttofnsJl who F ftmu tam dutfer of district ettamrl*, di8trhtt olerk; sounty olerk, trerrwr, bide cad enl.mX Enah of raid OffiWw 8hs;llbo paid Ln rte&entts of not Zero than the total 8k8aeem44 ‘Lu QQttlpeMUtiQtlb hi!8 itt hi.8 Offittial QQ.tWit~ for the flmal pear 1935, end net more thin the YtUi8tW UUtQUZitri2lOWd 8Wh OffiWF W&OF hV8 existing ratAttgwt 24; 19351 pb~l.ldtithat tie8 hfm9.n~a pOpulatian OS trcmty thOurand El27 Bcnorable Don 0. ?u+er, paeo fs and lerr than thirty-reven thouraad and tin hun- xlred (37,500) awarding to the last preaeding Federal Cenaur, and hiwlq an asrer~ssd valuatfon in exce88 of Plftebn Mllllon ($15,000,000.00) Dol- lar8, ac%ordlng to the lart approved preoed%zq tax roll oi’ rush oounty the mex.lmm saouut alloved rwh a8 la la r LpIsr 0rrffm8 OB be inarea8ed one (*) p0~ 00nt ra 080h cm0 IU``A ($ DollaM taluat1aa or fractional eX6eBB as Bald Flfteea wllion Dollar8 valuatina ovbr 8nd alloved luah 0rrmm unbr lmm exlrtlag On AuguBt 21, 19351 aad provfded that in mciatle~ havlq a opulatloa oi thirty-revka thowaad iivo hundred P37,500) aad lerr thus lixtf thOuBukd p,000) &- oodiagto thelsrtpooe4lngFedaral anew, an4 havlag ea ureared vabation la 8xee88 of Twaty NIllion ($20,ooo,#00.00) Dollar*, aooordiq to th0 i88t ~000dbg qbw0q0d tar PO= 0r 8uah oountp,~ tL maxUmemountallovod~uahoffiaor~ a8 ralar&o*,may be iawoued aae (l$) p8r oeat r02 bLOh~ca0 wuobl (~1,000,000.00) obu8~8 ralwtibn or fx-aotlozml t thtmwbf, In exeea1 at Bald Tventy Xlllioa (r 20,000,000.00) Dollars valutfea over and above the m&m a8ount al- ‘(a) The Coss~I88ioner8~ Court may author- is0 the emplopuatofa rteaopapher brthe oouaty jud@B a a d pa y fo Plwh *0m;w* o uto f the paoral had of the 8ountr to an mtowt not to exoeed Twelve Buadred ($1,200.00) Dollar8 per m-=* “(b) The oanpen8ation of a oH.mlMl dill- trict attorney or oount attorney perforaklng tha dutier Of dirtriot i ttCmW, tOg,JthW with the oompanratZan of hfn aBrl.staqtr, rhall be paid’out ot tb Gouat~ OfflWP1~ f+lWY f-d, but the state rhall pay iato 8wh fuad erroh year ~4um1~12t~u4lto a 8umvUehb8w8th6 ##a0 prop0??t1onto the totsdlsalary of muah ariarinaldirwicrt attorney OF oaunty attomw ptt~i~raringl the dutier of (Ldlrtrlot attamw, together tith the ralapy of hi8 asei8taat8, am Xonorable Don D. Parker, page 6 all felong tOeD OOlleOtod bJ #U&I OffiOial dur- hg the yuaP 0s 1935 b0B.P t0 the tOta, fimti OOi- lsatedby BU&OftiQi~dUPingBwhyW?. ". . . ." 8inW JMUW 1, 1936, OOuOty OffiOitiB O? d.l OQUn- a population of 20,000 inhabitant8 or mom, aad 95,000 inhrbibIt8, a~ordiag t0 the IaBt pss~edd- Uq Bederal Cun~u8, have been oaapiuuated on an annual barlti. Seatloa 13 0r Artlole 39l20, qwted above, pPoVldu# that "saoh of Bald OffiOePB rhall be paid anuti tit~laryIn (12) equal iaBt~t# of not 108~ than t&&total SW earned 81 OaqPeMatiOn w hlrmin hi8 Oiii- aLal capaaitg ror the irroal year 1935, and not moru thea the nurlnrra``~ountallw~*~hofflaerunde~la~ lxistLngon AuguBt 24, 1935; . . .* 8f.WO the pSrB4S@ Md OffOatin d&t0 of Artiale 3269, rupra, there has 8aen a0 duly eleat&, rcrt- lag and qualified Cot&y Attoraey af Bartlsad Couatr but a "Crimlml Dlrtrlot bttomey” hm been cleated and aetq tU.r th u~Or iB iM B O? Bald lt8tUtO. T h e Pvu e no COuie~ AttorMJ r0r mstlaad aounty for the year 1935, therefore, there warnuo oompensation earaed by the Count Attorney ia Us off~olal capacity for the Slraal year of 9939. If'Bnrtlaud Count had a county Attorney Sor the yuar 1935 the axanualBay 03 tIMI County Attorney to be appoiatsd by &!tce ~earPiBBiOMPB’ Court vould be Sixud as proridud by 8eotian 13, APtlo 39l2e; that La, hlg mUiaunn 8rlarJ should aat k 1088 than the total SW earaedas ctcmpen8aticmb~himinhlr official Oapaoity Yiast&6 iitioal. yuar 1935, and aot mom than thu - Baouat allwud lWh ofS'i~#runder hVB OtiBtiag On AU@#t 24, 1935. EWttand Cololty had a PopUl~tiOa Of 34,156 Snhsbit~tB, CWOOl’6bQJ t0 the 1930 Federal Cermu. Referring to the Cm8iraioaerB~ Court, It is stated in TOX``B Juritipr~d~n~e, Vol. 34, p. 525, tbetl “The Oowt sag not deny the 0rsi00r any 6mgienBatlon vhsteoer a~3 acorder attempting t0 be SC %B void. i&l the Sate bar been fixed by the WBBB.tBBiOW~B! QOiWt, th@JOfii- aer la entitled to the ~IEUUI~ rete speclflsd in the statute. . . l* Don 0. Parker, page 7 BiOAOl-#bblO =Btlti county ham a population of 30,426 label- tMt.8, McordLng to the 1940 Federal cOIt8U8. -?ol9, ru. OOuaty O??iOidlB Of #rid OOUllt~ Wt be OC8U&MM8tOd m m MtlUd tit&l- bt&BiB, 88 ~OVidOd bJ 800. 13 Of Arti s%b, rqwa. Thuresae, it iB the opinlaa 0r this DepartMQat that th e la b b rOp?th e COWIty AttOr nOj t0 b ea p p OmiOWtd b e8 Z’UB c Ul6 ltiq b lO,6Ild r th e nu tnnna M a w te x o eud th e mmwlt. allowed such offloor umlor lavr exi#ting on Atqust 24, 1935, Ptw tb ~OUlltiOB OolcfagVithbl th0 SW ~tiM IL et as BMt1uwl COuIeJ s.nthe yeas 1935. %a aount~m e0axi2mg25,0018ndnotaore thaa 37,300 hbabltaat8, mder &‘ti~OB 3883 aad sgl, ~UFIk~‘B Anaotatsd Civil ~UtUtO~, the mxiuum 88laq OS the OoutW AttCWaOy la Bald OOtXAtlu for the yew1935 aouXdmteacmed ~3500.00. ftiti OW iurth- or oplaloa that the Bdarrjr or the couat Attorq to be Bp- pointed w the &BBBi##iWOP#* COUl’t 00dd aot exuod the OUR 0r $3500.00, urd th0 awimtmoMnotbebaBudoaaeamouat earaed by raid o??toe In 1935, U rcrid O??iOO VW V8OMt ud a0 asspen8atloa vu saraed Car that year. We belS.0Ve that the alalmm should be a rea8aaiabls t&moUat,as msy b6 de- by #aid OOUl?t,md U 8bWO BtstOd, th0 BAuwB4-toouldaat exceed ~3500.00 per par. RuFtdb ’ AITROVEDAPR 7, 1941 g&.&&/#/L&. F7-lu-J ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS: