OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 4-G- -- t eo Honorable Charley Lockhart State Treasurer Austin, Texas _ Dear'Sir: opinion HO. O-2956 Your recent requ ion of tl*o depaptsl=nt on the above stated questi 0tter addr8sS8d ter C. Wooclward, Comissionors, n regard to deposits under provisions of orty-sixthLegislature. ou note carefully the con- dvise us a3 to whether : the State Traasurer vould be ittod under Senate Bill 135 to ac-~, dei7ycorlng ours) ter of Jlonorab%IfalterC. Woodrrard,chair;acm n3urenc8 C~mdssionors attached to your letter read3 as follow31 "In prormlgatln~ rule3 and reEul.ntlousfor tho purpone of carrying out t!lepurpooc3 of Scnate Bill 155, the E3oa.rcl of IilvuranceComisoloners, by author- ity delegated to it ti&?i-Sectiozi25, i3sued en 0ffPcla1 order T?hichread3 in part a3 follows~ , Honorable Charley Lockhart, Pago 2 /“- @'The first annual premium paid 'by a new member, or assessmentspaid in the first year by such new member, msy be consideredas a membershIp fee, but in such case the association is required to pay out of the Expense -Fund all claims occurring on policies Sn their first year,' 'It now becomes necessary for the purpose of safeguardins the interest of first year policy- holders to require such associationsto make a deposit to be held as a guaranty fund to insure payment of claims arising in the first policy y8ar. (It should be remembered that a small per cent of mutual associationselected to adopt the annual membership plan,) "The laws prohibit the payment of claims arising in one group or class from funds belong- ing to another'group or class, The deposits now held by the State Treasurer in accordance - with Section 6 of Senate Bill 135, vere made vith funds belonging to other thsn first year policyholders and could, therefore, be used for their benefit only. 'In reqdiring such associationsto make deposits to be held in trust for the purpose of guaranteeing the payment of claims that may not be paid from Mortuary Funds in which first year . policyholders have no Interest, the Board is confronted with the necessity of providing an authorized depository. "Inasmuch as first year pol.lcyholdersof s&h associations have no lawful interest in the deposit now maintained, and in the light of the lav which requires that a deposit for the protcc- tion of policyholders1benefits be made with the State'Treaourer,you are respectfullyrequested to give considerationto the acceptance of such deposits for the benefit of policyholder:whose interests are not otherwise safeguarded. FOP the purposes of this opinion we do not think it necessany to pass upon the conclusionsas stated in the letter . . . .: ._ i ,0Y . Honorable Charley Lockhart, Page 3 last quoted above; Article 4374, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes SpeCiiiCallyprovides: "....The treasurer shall not keep or re- ceive Into the buildings, safes or vaults of the Treasury any money, or the representation of money, belonging to any individual except In cases expressly provided for by law..., After carefully considering Sen*t&:BillNo. 135, Acts of the 46th Legislature, lgjg, ve find no provisions therein authorizing the Board of Insurance Comnmiss.'.oners to require the deposit mentioned above. Neither do we find any providion in said Act authorizing the State Treasurer to ac- C8pt and hold as custodian ths additional deposit ~abovcre- ferred to. /-- Therefore, your question is respectfullyansuorcd In the negative. . Trusting that the foregolng fully answers your ln- .. quiry, ue are . Very truly yours ATTORNEY GEIE3RALOF !LTXAS BY a14.h-cu& Ardell Wlllams : Assistant : All : Ali -APPROVEDDX 14, 1940 U%d c ATTORNEY GEBRRAI,OR TEAS