DocketNumber: O-2908
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lfoaowblo W.D.~reoa,Pege 2 aotieasseatout b7 him la rdditlon the nwspaper bdvwtisiag. In support of their oontaation, the7 rlt-8wn oasa of city of 2h Aatonlo, vs. Campbell, % 83. 130. Boy furthsseontendthatArtiale 3808 daals rlth the n@lred Bdvortlslngof n8l ;z.rt for *al0 under sa ardor of s&lo, and that J lrequfreullts(Lm ntoutla uidrrtiol.8, 88ah of the wqulla aotr aw 8 part of the adver- Ustag, and aovowd by ths &OO abaqW for pooStlwaeaotl~slfhoudBotpubll8h pqmr for vhloh he vould k entitledte aa 7xib for adYortlsin& that by tha sama tokaa ho is w- qulwd to saa4out ths foer bddftloaal aatlaar and WedYe LIDsx tw o a q nr u*tfo n,lma th o u g hh e eo n ‘a & ia Adtlltla a to p a llsh lx lgth e ootiee ia a nmfspap&rand mkfng his wtura for so d9l.n~. “The 8herlff dingwe vlth thesea9ntentlon.0, mkda8kuanoplnioainrqprcltot&m6tter. The lhsriif aontewts that the foe of 41.00 f9r adver- Us* ,aovaw the nuvspqtar sdvertlsing 6ad wturn, rhtah ho has pwperlr 8tteanbd to. II0 further aoa- tads that,bder AAla 39331,lB aaenbd in 1937, he ia editled to 41.00 foe fo rlendlagor porting raah :E ~lmtlaes he we wqulwd b7 law to llth epwt r Ha feelstht our bgislattuw aevor intend- ld to & q tt.lw ia Tex a to a shorlfro fu y aotant7 s perform ssrvlee~ for parthr to a *iv&l suit - sald puties not be* The stbto of Texes aor sny of its polltiml sub-divlslons - for vhlah hs wtald aot ba proper17aammuated. ltathewfow fe*l,athat whoa the Ls slaturewnded Artialo 3933 md ooatlnued to inae ab ir sad rrtlole ths r0ii0dgt Vostiag amy othsr notlaos wqukw4 by lam and not othsnlse pwvlded for.... 41.00',t&t it was the iatantion of thoLegfsl&ure tbtoff;0*nwol&dba crmporlmted for posting or mdl4 tbo rot%aes in questionroeord- l&y, end that hs Is j tiilodia w?.ng $1.00 far -0h .0r ub a0tieat. rThe88 aotieos ma7 be lithor p o sted or mlla d,tinder t& la y,b uthe IsNq ulnd to do oas or tha sthar.)Ths eho*tfffwthsr at&ends t&t, rhilo this rrtflele stipalates &OO for 9ostSsq u's a&art1seMatserula, uslagt?mwr~'a&*rtlr.- mats* ta tha plural,this PefWs @al7 toPOst the a 504 EoaorablolI.0,WelMioa,Psga 3 ! notices in the eventtht publlaatlonb7 navspap8r 'e 18 not hde, 'With the sxasptionof the aase abeve wfornd to, City of San Antonio vsr Caupboll,56 8.Y. 130, vhlah 18 a vw7 old aa14~ the artlalo in quntion hwlng been mea&d withoutu la splto of uld esse, vo find no s~thotit.i*soa this questloa. It oacurs to us tlmt tin positionof tha sheriffis roll wua lfithnfemaeo to tba intent of the Logis- latuw U&no offloorweulbdorork la & aitilsult for partiesothar thaa the btate snd its sabdlririoaar But it lgpttawto us that tha quostlan18 kssd an- tiluly upan aonstruatloa af the artialo of ths sktuto fLrfng the fees, thet is Art. 3933. It oeours to us that tjm pwvisl9a dare set out, ‘Posting ary other ~6iaes wqulwd by l&v snd not othervlseprovided ..,.@.OOt~,might be eonstrued to mean oft&w that tha sherirrwouldwaalve onl7 $1.00for sll suah notloespostad,or~thrtthe sheriffvould maelvo 41.00 for web suah notieoposted. Ia ame8 vhwe the amber at notlaeswuld bo large, thfr vould hard- 17 ssemproper, howover. In sams aasesof reaord, St&ahnotlaesbar. beenknow to AUIUbttI'low thana bamdmd, la vhleh lveat st&tlomr7 8nd stampsvould not be paid for, or begia to be, fmm the ~1.00 foe, fr the80 aottaesWON msfled. ff ported notions wfers to notlaesmailed - i.e. pasted by rll, it vould rppu tha ahis srtloleJ applies. "All thh rerolvrs1tse1r Into the follav puertlans,vblahvo vould lppreoiatiyour aaswr I "XXIa alvll suit, lnvolv~ no subdlvlslo8of the stab, vhon tbm 8herlff bus dvortllbd tb or- dor ,pf sole by aevspaper md ndi propar wtura, 18 the shtmfff mtitlod to aoapensdtoaror msil%ngaut notloos to putlea as mmlral by lsv,under Astl- ale J$O8, R.O.8. in a&Sltlan to the 41.00 allovedfar advmtlsiag uader tha pwYisloas of Art. 39Jl) R.C.8.T If so, 18 be sllovodoal7 #l&O for nil- out all sue& notionsmqtirod, or Is ha mtitled to Cl.00 for uah aoU0~ so posted by wilt 505 f Hononbla M.D. &erson, Page 4 Artiala 3808, Varnonts &mot&ad Zeus civil ata- tutas, wuls aI rollov8r %ha time and p&a4 of sale of real lskta uadar umutlon, order of ula, or vaaditfoni axpo~s, shsll be drartlrad b7 the offioarby hwind tha aotloe tharaofpubllshadIn tba Bgllsh langwga aaaa a weak for thwo samaautin vnks praaading suah sala, In sow aawpapar published la arid amInt . %ha first of 8ald publlutlons shall appear not lass than *ant7 dam lmsdiato- 17 praamlingtha day of sale, 8afd aotlaa shsll aoat8.b& statawat of the 8uthorIt7b7 virtw oflmah the wlelstobam8Alo,thotsma of lrvy, and the tims aad pbaa of ssle8 it ah11 also mm- t&Ii%a brief dasariptlonof tha proparw to ba sold, snd skll glva tha msber of awes, odglwl survcbf, localityIn tha tountJ,snd the - by vhioh tha land is rest generallyknown, but it ahall not be waasuq for It to aontainfield aotas. Publlsbarsof nawpapars s&all woal~a for sales Tlity cents par spusra tor the fiiratlnsartlanan4 thirty aants par sqww for sub8aquentlnrartlons,to ba taxed snd psi4 as other oostsl for suah publlartloa,ten llnas shallaonstltutaa squara,s&l t&a body of no such ulvertlsaaant shall be printedin larger type t&m bnviar. No fee for 8dvarUsing say pwparty la a navspaparunder ths pwvIslons of this srtialasbsll axaaad tha mm of five dollars. If tbasa bo no navspaparpublishadin the bounty, or aoaa vhiah will publish the notlae of lla ior the aoapawatlaa hawln fixed,the offlaar skmll them post suah notioo la vrltirrg ia thwa pub110 plnas ia the aounty,oao ofrhlah shsll be rt the 6ou~tlwusa door of suah aountr.for 8t lwst tvaa- HonorebloX.D. lherson,r-0 $ Artiole 3933r Veraan Amoteted %xas Oiril St+ tutas, m8ds la part u follorsr %haritfsubitoonstabl*s shallnoelve ths follolrlqfees, I.... "Levyiagsaoh usaut1aa..**.*......... l*ofJ of uaoutfaa.......r.......... rltaturn t1.00 l .... lPostisg the rdrutisamntrfor aal* under %a14~nutl~ or an7 order of s8l*.,.&OO 0tao~nhlee8 rvlso wQV``~..*,l.oo I) l .,. %011*oting nomy oa u1 exwutioa or uL ardor of 834, vhan the 88m Is nde by a sale, for first UEIOlbmdwd Dollars ($100)or for tIw sw3ml We Xtmc%md til sum ovafhro &abed *sow Oaa Thou- Dol- of ata pwr aant. . a (Undas~S&~&w ) Mtiel8J8U, poori&* for %n wstlm q' of aotloesa% the wwthousa dooraad other pubrio p la za s, lto. Tba awe ofbrurdvs.?ultoa,U Ivlo6l,hald# we 'Th~sgmedsktmwatupeawhlahtlw``- wao 8utuittadla thisemwt show tbt the twstaa HonorableM.D. Emerson,Pm 6 i gave notlaa of ths tlm tams, and plaao or sale, aad of tb pram& to be sold ls fol- lowar By postln8tvo prlnteQ oapias of *u&t aotfaa on the boardsin the oontdor of t&w aourt-houseia the oity of Austiia, oauuty0r Travis, aad &tat0 of Texas, raid prlntad ao- tiubaLng8bout10 awhas tnlangth,aad2 lnohosSnbbnadth,lUoaloba%ngmda~ttho wst fwat door of arid owrt-house, vbw all mbllo Wea lntho aoumt~oftnvlsmausu- 8l4 ride, usl the boasda oa vhloh the aotlaar vow post8d ww b tb oor?ldorof the blld- iag,BboIat4ofHtfmm#afmmtdooF,and In opanvlbvfraathadoorand fustattbs side of the sWnrylu&agto tha court-FooRs in tb saaond stow. 9habardsamvhlahthosad not1008vesaplwad wereplwldod w tb# row%@ of Tnvir for tbr postiag ai aotlo88 of 8tmr-- ifist sales, tax-sales,all notioas ia pro- bte matten,md tilpubllaaotlaesroqulmd b7 lrv to bs posted at the oomt-hmu door, and suah boards had baaa prtwided aad rued fop suah purposom,standIngin tha sew p&80 for muIy JI8M, ud mtIaar of trwtoas’ Sal** had alwap oustomrll~ batm postedon thaso boards. totlaaoof thL8 a&water vam aavar panrlttad to be po8tadon the door or wlls of thm hauoa, but 0n th4 beau furnlah0d and \ued ror suoh purposas . These aotiaosvan posted, as stat- ad,oaDaaambar211887,mmtbaa3Od4sba- row the da7 of da .......In pwvldlng for thopostlng &the court-housedoor lath doad of trustunderoozuldantion, the prtles doubtlesslntondad that tha mtlaa shmld be stuak 9 at the plaao So? postIn@ lo@1 netloas ln the oltr OfAWua, sllohking thepla6. vha w l porter rouldmoot lfkalyba sum by pooyu daslww of pureha la114at bllo lieaoaeurla the oon8lus2onof tc la&edjudgaihotriadtha oanbalathat tha aotlaaoof tha atie were gim fn Meor- baa4 vlth the terms of tha dud of trust, aad that it is wmaoasu~ to pbss tspoauv other qwstlaa in the one. The Judgwat is aooordlagl7afflmad." ZonorablaN.D. Ellmon, Pago 7 Wo quot.fwm tin otua of Maloon vs. State, 75 8U 502,es follovsc 'By 'posting as roquhodbylav’ lowsnt that the notfoesmust ba 8attell7posted tha raqulsltanumber of &78 8afore tha llootlaaIs held. Tha Tut that the aotloaen7 have baaa subsaqwntl toonorbloundovnwuldnotri- f*ot the VJ ldlty of ths llaatlan. When the st*tuk nquIn8 t&a aatZoeato b8 poitatiw da7s bafow tha rleotloa,If tin proofodl)tiu- rive4 shove tint rrrld did -, t&en the aourt, as ladlecrtad ln tin ortglml opla- Ion, is *nthorlsadto toll tbs ury as a quo*- tlon of law, that tha 1-1 apti m i+r is valid. lfaquotafwmtha aas0 oiCitfof&aAntanio vs. Campbell,56 SY 1~0 (citedb7 too ti 7ow Mot) es follovo, “Th e lsolgnaaatea8pld.m of tha fo ur th udgmont,In~lovlag tha MOl8Imod~S sorts J)4.5q~for 8otloosof tb8 shariff~ssale,k- a a wea wn wa sm lvida na toa sup p o rsw th 6harga. The offfoar tastlfiad,'I also &u-g- ad ln the shoriffts aosts, 44.50 for notlaas.t Plrlntfffiatwduwd as avidaaaathe return o fJ& Jsheriff,from vh la lb h lpparrs th a h ta sar~adthree aopZa8 of notlau of ula on par- ties, and tha sam nunbsr oa their raspoativs attorneys,m&lag *lx in 8ll. Xl8 tastiraaj show that t&l* ahargovu hdapandant of the ordlury postingof ths advwtlsamant. Ye 8w uaablo to find my ~rovfsla~lllovlq tha sbr- lif aoapeaut1oa fw the notloas raqulredto be given ths pmtlas aad their 8ttoways Sn such uses, ud thenfon thIr Ita8vm Im- propor ohm@." Wo quota ttatha mse o?B&hun. 8-k.275 S.W. 149
, as followr ‘A sheriffis ontitladto sacrhfear &a the statutes and for thatwasoa ruthoriso, tho featthttha fn*Uwadrq smlmp in sow iastubassor rrJlLaot&or fnst~aes A EamorabloX.D.Emsrsan,Pega 8 oumoteator Into l dotlriom oaastrulngthe statutesauthorlslagth8w f%m L8glslaturt has onrote th in bill, and has fixed l muImm sumvhtoh s sheriff18 entitledta wnlvo la fees,wquirl.a# that the uous bo paid iatothe eouatytwasury. The Laglala- tuwhnJs0 aantadlavs regulatwaad Uglag tha fees of offlaws fwa tlms to Thsvi8domorumflsdo8ofthaw rots is nit a mtter for the oourteto 4otamIna.” wvornd 0 other gwwds la OpiaiaaHo. O-511of this departmentholdo that a shariifis ontitledto l fao of onl7 )l.OO for postingthe notloosof wle Iavolvadi8 ssidfaot sltuatlon and vss not oatltlodto 84 f-0 for riling notlaeoof 8al.r.We oa- elosa hewvlth a eon of wZd opiatoafor your oonvanlanoo. fr vlavof tha fowgolag authorltles,pu sra ra- speotfullyadvised that it 1s tb oplnlon of thin dopartmnt that the sheriffvouldaot k latitledto Argo say fsos s4ar for mlling out t&a four n&loo0 UosorIlmdIn pxr . Yours vary truly ATTOl?HRYclgllBRAtOPTRXAS KPPfiOVErDEC 16, 1940 WmrAW '