. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENEPAL @F TEXAS AUSTIN Your lottat e? lt8y or tbir do-at on the qu nae$*rd. wo quote pmJr QUO at, tbo aouatr uat8 OS their rupeatiwaouatlu. lkattoar 1 W P 0f Art&ale S899b, u mmk4@d, VWIOII’D h0c4wa oml 8twt08, w 80 SO~RW Hon. Chad. H. Blaughteli, Page 2 “beation 1. There shall be 8110~84 _- t0- a0mty Judger, Clerkcs ol the Dlstrlot and Gouaty Courts, 8herlSS8, County Tmeaumm, Tax Assessors and Colleo- tora, suoh books, ltationery, laoludiag blank bail bonda aad blank complainta, and off100 Sxwniture ae .msy be neoasaary Sor their offloes, to be paid for oa the order of the Com~%asionerr Cowt out of the County Treasury; 8nd sulteble oSSioes shall also be provided by the Comlealontws Court iolr said oiiloera at the lx p enrofa ethe oouaty. Aad buch bo&s end stationery aa are neoesaorp in the perfonaanae OS their duties e-11 also be f’urnlahed Justloes oS the Peaoe by aeld fJommlealoners Court. Provided all pumhases herein mustbe approvad by Oommlsalonere Oowt, and must be made under the provlaions OS Aztlole 1659, Revised Oivll Statutes OS Tsar, 1925.. “Sea. 2. Sultablo ofSloes and etitionery and blanks neoeesary la the perSomanoe OS their duties m6y la the dleoretlon of the oommlesloaere Oourt e1e(P ,~ be Surnlehed to reeldent Metriot Judgee, resident Distrlot aud Couaty Attorneys, Douaty Super%atendeate aad Oounty durveyors, and may be poia Sor, on order OS the Ocmnlesloners Court out oi th0 00uaty Tr(w8Wy~” 8eotloa (a) 0S Art1010 3899, VA,Q.b., pramldee that uoh oSSlo(lr aamed la the Aot uho la oompensated on a fee baeir “ehall make as part of the report nmr r~qulred by law, aa ltem- ired aad worn ltetem0at of all the &stun1 8ad aeoeaatmy mpea``8 laourrad by bin! la the oondu0t OS hia oSSio#, ewh 8s stationery, etmq~e tolo mm, prmnlums 016ofSio@Lls’ bonds, lmluding the aoet ol ewe ehy bonda ror hi8 eputlee, premium oa fire, burglmy, theSt, ~obbsry lasuraaor pmtootlag pub110 Suads, trsveliI# lpeaeee sad other neaese~ oxpea8ea,” the amount OS eu0h lp ea so u to b ep a l4o uto fth eTee8 edlu0h oifloer. ea r a by This etattite dose not iutharlse or ~equiw~ the oomle- lloaere court to pep the sxpsmsee meationed %a Your laqulry. Uader Elsotion 2 of Artiolo 3899b, as ammded, the oolmnieeionars oourt 1s not mquired to Sumleh lult8ble OfSlaee, Suralture, atatlonery sad blaaks aeoeasa~y la the performsnco OS the duties OS tha oouaty attorney, but euah suttsrr are le$t eatirely vithia the dleoretloa of the oomaierlsnere 00wt* the aomnisaionare oourt her &gally ooatra0ted or mod to tunrSeh th e o o ua tyattorney l eultablr Offi Oa d -t-n than the aourt vould be liable Sor suah.expeneea. Harovora where me o~esloners court he not oontraoted or med to sumieh lion. Ohas. HI &laughter, Pago 3 a ruitable oiTloe.or Swnlture, *to., for the oounty *ttornepr arid aommleelonerr oourt would not be liable for ruoh experuoe. Trusting that the ioregolng aatlefaotorlly anevere four tiury8 ~43 we Yours very truly ’ATTOFUUY OHHHRAL 01, TR%A8 de!&&Lu BY- &dell WllUam Aee~etent MtPBP