OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN T!on.~XllLicmw. Allen County httorney Lnvaoa County Eallsttaville, Texas DeslrSir: inot be printed in, e be hit blank in by tbo oolleo- ssuing ttlorarlous r eaoh greoinot in a otty of ten thcuaund (10,000) inhabitanta or mre, oi'wblcb not more than rirtp (50) shall be aertiftoatsr of srsnptlon, and a greater or l6re nruabm of eaoh fn ~a8xiprb- aortloa when 6urrteih for the votare of the pro- clnot. !Suahreosipt and omtlfloate ohull, in C(;“Y . esuoh book, be bound lmnedlately over a dapli- oat8 Oopy whioh when filled out shall correspond with the reoelpt or certfflcate in its nuzber and name, length of resldenca In the state nnd county, and the voting Freolaot, raoe, oocupa- t&on, end post-offlce eddress’of the oltlzen to whom the tax r8CetPt Ox CertlflCOte of eSerr;ptioS 1s glvsn. If the voting ia in the olty, the reO8lpt or certificate and iuplioate r,uet ahow the mrd, etreet, end nunbar, if numbered, of the oltlzen's residence (in lieu of post-office ad- dress) and the length or tine he has resided tn suoh city; the reoe?pt fmi OertirifJate8 ehall be nmbered In consecutiv% order. ::lmilorblatk books of poll tax reoai?te shall be furnished to ouch unor#rnized county uttsched to such oouzty for judicial purpoeea, except that the voting preolnat aoed not anpear therein. Xhen the tax receipt or Oertltiaate is delivered to the olti- Zen, it shall ba detaohed fraz the book end rre- talned by hi5 for hia future us% nod ideiGiflC8tion in voting, nnd at the tice said books are mde, f‘ the C&ssicners Court shell prepare a 8s;arats boOk for each greolnct ae herein orovlded whl0h mrksd 'Allen Toll Tax 2soelpt Book* and if the tax certificate prcvided for in Artlele 2965 of this Chapter diaa?.oeaa that said egpllaant 1s sn ellen then the Tax Colleotor ohall l$oue fron the book marked ~Lllen Poll 'TaxReoeipt Book* a receipt to e&d ap?llcant l Nhich shall Save printed on th8 feoa ol BinIdreoatpt the word *alien* not lees than two (3) laohas In hei@i, superin- posed In c&line type, pAnted In red Ink, and in order that the fax Collootor my carry out thl8 provlolon, It shell be the duty of the comzisrlcnsre Court to provide the stagmats book Oe tirein met out and hsve the receipt prepared in nald &ok in con- formity with the above ~rovlslon. hots 1905. let C.S., 9. 520, e 14; r.ots1939, 48th Lag., 3.6. ( $343, @ 2.m Lrtlole 2970, euprs, speolflcelly provides that, "each co~mlsslosera court, befora tkQ 1st dcy of fotober in every yanr, a511 s'urnlnhto the County tux OolleCtor blank booka for each voting precinote, Mich shall be o;arkedwith ,/.-. Ilru. .._--- -- .. . .*-e-T.. - #.AbV v tks we hl nuober of the precinct for which they ere in- tsn5ed * * ** :;eare ot the oplnim that this statute re- c~irqs the oo.mis~icnere ccurt v8itbl.n the tine therein speo- lfied to furnish to the county Tax-``sseesor-~olleotorblank Poll tax books for each voting preainot for rrhich they are ~jntended;with each book being mrked wtth the name and nu2ber of t,he prooinct when delivered to the County Tar-As- eezsor-Collector. Article 2965, V8mon1e Annotated Civil statutes, gets out the fern of poll tax reoeigte and provldee that each poll tax recelrjtand Its duplicate ehzll show the nsme ~ cf tke F.artyfor whom it was issued, peyEe,snt of the tax, the ape and race of t.betax ayer end the length of tine the tex- payer has resided in the atate and whether t?&etaxpayer is a citizen of th13Cnited States, and if 80, whether 6 native born or a naturalized citizen of t3e L'nitedStates znd the :atate of the United 3ates or the foreign country where the taxpayer v;a8born, 2nd the 1enCt.bof tine the tsx-cayerre- sides in t&9 c6unty, the votins nrecirct in %h:ch the tax- >Yyer 1i.Q OS, eXCC$. Kiiore in an u&rronizsd county, the taxpayer's occupation and lost office address, or if living ~-’ ln an incorpcretsd city, ttie wcrC, street rendnumber of rsei- decce~ln such city or tck-n. %e pcll tcr.reco:;t still be in t?.ci for,-; ns set out in the statute and n~uzbcredconsecuti- vely in each book 2rovidod end A-title 2970, suora, provides that ttt.e receipt and certificate shall be numbered ia conse- ,. outive order. In view of the foregoing statutes you are respeot- fully advised ttit it is the opinlcn of this dez%rtmcnt that the poll tPx bcoks met be mrked Fith the nm8 ccd nmber of ths 2reoinct fcr i:hichthey ara intended, r;:hon dollverad to tht Tax-Assessor-collector, but the mmber of the voting pre- OleCt on the receipt or certificate my be left in hlmk and filled in by the collector w!mu Isming the receipt or certl- ficrte out of ;ke book msked~*zith t!z ?~CZIend z*ux.ber of the rrecinct for rrhicht,heyere,~?urnished. ,:~3icl rocsipte or oertfficat-a .-,uot 0.2nmbarod In consecutive order by the Tax- ~r.9ea~or-Collectar. Truetin< that the forsgoin~ fully c32s:‘:ers your In-