DocketNumber: JM-471
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1986
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
The Attorney General of Texas April 9, 1986 JIM MAlTOX Attorney General Supreme Court Building HonorableHenry Wade OpinionNo.JM-471 P. 0. BOX 12546 DistrictAttorney A”!dl”, TX. 7671% 2546 GovernmentCenter Re: Whether a corporatesuretyway sub- 5121475.2501 Dallas,Texas 75:!02 stltute an agent's name on a license Telex 910/674-1367 Telecopier 512l475-0266 without fulfillingthe requirementof a new applicationfor licensing 714 Jackson. Suite 700 Dear Mr. Wade: Dallas, TX. 752024506 214/742-6944 The statute ,v'hich governs the licer~singof bail bondsmen in certain counties, article 2372p-3, V.T.C.S., requires a corporate 4624 Alberta Ave., Suite 160 surety to designatea named agent of the corporationto executebail El Paso. TX. 793052793 bonds on behalf of the licensedcorporatesurety. A separatelicense, 9151533.3464 which Is valid for :24months, is requiredfor each agent. You inform us that a corporatesurety licensedby the Dallas County Bail Bond 1 Texas. Suite 700 Board desires to replace one of its designated agents with a new i-mus,on, TX. 77002-3111 agent, one not yet licensed. You wish to know whether the Dallas 7131223.5666 County Ball Bond Board may permit the newly designatedagent'sname to be substitutedfor that of the previouslydesignatedagent for the portionof the 24-monthperiod remainingon the previouslydesignated 806 Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479 agent'slicense. Me answer your questionin the negative. 6OW747.5238 Subsection (,::Iof section 7 of' article 2372p-3, V.T.C.S.. governinga corpor,%tion acting as a surety,providesthe following: 4309 N. Tenth. Suite S McAllen, TX. 76501.1665 5121662.4547 Any corporationwhich acts as 8 surety shall, before errcuringany bail bond, first file in the office c,f the county clerk of the county where 2M) Main Plaza, Suite 400 such bat:1 bond is given a power of attorney San Antonio. TX. 76205.2797 designatLngand authorizingthe named agent of 512n25.4191 such corporationto execute such ball bonds by such agc!nt. This power of attorney shall be a An Equal OpportunitYI valid and binding obligationof the corporation. Affirmative Action Employer A separ&e license is required for each agent operatingunder a corporationpower of attornay. (Emphasisadded). Subsection(a) of section8 governingthe expirationand renewal of a licenseprovidesin part: p. 2153 , BonorableAenry Wade - Page 2 (JM-471) A license issued under this Act expires 24 months after the aate of its issuanceand may not be renewed unless;an applicationfor renews1 is filed with the board at least 30 days before expiration. The application for renewal shall have the same fo:aland content as an application for an original license under this Act. The applicationfor renewalshall be accompaniedby a renewal fee of $530 Section 6 of the act governing applicationand issuance of a license sets forth very detailedand specificinformationdisclosure requirementsand providesthe followingin pertinentpart: Sec. 6. (a) Any person desiring to act as a bondsman in any court of the county shall file with the County Bail Bond Board a swor* applicationfor 21license. The applicationshall be in such form aad shall containsuch information as the board 'may prescribe including the following: (1) The narn(!)age, and address of the applicant, and if the applicant is a surety corporation,and whether charteredor admitted to do business in this state and qualifiedto write fidelity, guaranty, and surety bonds under the Texas InsuranceCode, as amended; (2) The name underwhich the business shall be conducted; (3) The name of the place or places, including street address aid city, wherein the business is to be conducted; (4) A statesent listing any nonexempt real estate owned by the applicantthat the applicant intends to convey in trust to the board to secure payment of any obligations incurred by the applicant in the bondingbusiness if the license is granted. The followingshall be included for each parcel llstcd: [Specificrequfrements] (5) A statementindicatingthe amount of cash or cash value of any certificateof deposit or cashier's checks which the applicant intends to p. 2154 EonorableEenry Wade - Page,3 (JM-471) place on deposit with the county treasurer to secure payment o:Eany obligationsincurredby the applicant in the,bondingbusiness if the license is granted; (6) A complete,sworn financialstatement: (7) A declarationby the applicant that he till comply with this Act and the rules prescribed by the board. (b) The applicationof an individual for a license under t'xtsAct shall be accompaniedby letters of reccmmendatlonfrom three reputable personswho have 'knownthe applicantfor a period of at least thr(!eyears. If the applicantis a corporation,the lettersshallbe requiredfor the person to be ir..chargeof its business in the county. . . . (c) The applicationshall be accompaniedby a fee of $500 fl,r the filing of any original application,a photographof the applicant.and a set of fingerprintsof the applicant taken by a law enforcement,xFficer designatedby the board. . . . . (e) A hearins shallbe held on the application after the board conductsthe inquiriesrequiredby Subsection(d) of this section.. . . And finally, subsection9(a) of the act govetilng refusal to grant, suspension,and rlrlocationof licenses provides that "[alo license may be issued to any person who has not complied with the requirementsof this [a]ct for applying for an original or renewal license." The act simply does not authorizethe board to permit the sort of substitutionabout which you inquire. Article 2372p-3,V.T.C.S.,was enacted for the purpose oE licensingand regulatingbail bondsmen in certain counrtes. Pursu;intto that end. the statute created at section 5(a) county bail bond boards in such counties and conferred upon them certainpowers. See generallyBexar County Bail Bond Board v. Dcckard,604 S.W.2d 214, 216 (Tex.Civ. App. - San Antonio 1980, no writ); Attorney General Opinions JM-251 (1984); IN-507 (1982). Generally,the powers of sn administrative agency arc derivedentirely from legislativeenactment. Corzeliusv. Railroad Commission,182 S.W.2d 412
, 415 (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1944, no writ). An agency p. 2155 Eenry Wade - Page 34 (JM-471) Plonorable hnn .--- nnlv - - -, anrh anwcta __-_. =__. -__ aa -- me . expressly conferredon it by stature, Stauffe; v. City of San Antonio, --344 S.W.2d 158
, 160 (Tax. 1961). togetherwith those powers uecessarilyimpliedfrom powers and duties expressly given'or lmpos~cd. City of Sherman v. Public Utility Commissionof Texas,643 S.W.2d 681
, 686 (Tex. 1983). There is no provisionin the act which limitsthe length of time a licensee may serve as a corporate agent; no re-applicationfor designationas agent is required. Nor does the act limit the number of persons who may be designated as agents by a corporate surety. Subsection7(c) requiresonly that any person designatedas an agent be also a licensee. The itc:t,though, limits the length of time for which a license may be vrtlid,specificallyproviding in subsection 8(a) that a licensewill errpire24 months from its date of Issuance. There is no provisionin tie act which expresslyor impliedlypermits the substitutionon a licer;scof one person'sname for another. An applicant for lice~asingor renewal is required to provide detailed informationabout the applicant'sfinancialstatus, letters of recommendation, and a set of fingerprints. Sec. 6. The required Informationis used to dezermine whether the applicantis qualified for licensing. The licensingprocedure includesa hearing in which the applicantparticipates. In view of the detailedscrutinyof the applicant's personal qualifications for licensing which article 2372p-3requires,it is clear that the legislaturedid not Intend that the countybail bond board could substitutethe name of an unlicensed person on a licensepreviouslyissued to anotherperson. Accordingly, we answer your questionin the negative. SUMMARY Under article 2372p-3,V.T.C.S.,a countybail bond board may not substitute the name of one personnot yet lztcensedfor that of anotherperson alreadylicensed. JIM WATTOX AttorneyGeneralof Texas JACX EIGRTOWRR First AssistantAttorneyGeneral MARY KELLER ExecutiveAssistantAttorneyGeneral p. 2156 i HonorableEenry Wade - Page Ii (JM-471) ROBERT GRAY SpecialAssistantAttorneyGeneral RICK GILPIN Chairman,Opinion Committee Preparedby Jim Moellinger AssistantAttorneyGeneral p. 2157