r. 365 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN SR,,VERSELLERS *TT*RNCY GENERAL 1:. f, :p&mblo Qetmgo 11. Swppald, ?ago 2 I be ~4,7soxwroar, lfhlahrrrtba8amttb Cou?kt Atterm@ at XavarroOounty oculd dm far tL p8bs lh5. ‘X etull thank you to rdvler Uiir dopa+ Ranttho oerreot or- tho C~,Attawy at Ervanro Qowlti~ ir wlthorlwd to me;*, t thla tlm,a nd thb o o r r o l oa to uIlt u p o rnh ioth 0k k titboblfgatldnao fth bfitat.." ``edu``&~UlotlD(IanA t 24, 1935 vlth nt*reno~ to amow% allow3 8wY &tlaom rrd raid ABt~lo pro- rldw that the mlnfaum rhould not be 1.8~ thm the fatal lUR oarntlwtwlngr populationof 20,WOlnbabitmtr ormm,and 1088 than 190,000l&abltnntr aoaordinuto the lart?edor81 Cbn- 8~8 8h0~ld bb fixed rw thb par 1945, 88 providedb7 lbv uirt- lng on Augi8$ 24, 1935, lW@Wd1e88 of the pvpulrtiarof ruoh oeuntiora. rhwn w the 1940 FedemlCer.sm. In rapport of thb for#(O$ng8trtament,VI dlrwt CUP 8ttentiocto th4 oale8 or llroogdooherOounty v. Jew, I40 8. w. (2d) 901 end Plaoogdooher