I TEE ATNBIZXEY GENERN, OFTEXAS AUSTIN. TE- PRICEDANIEL walkerOoaatyhmta populatlondl9,868'4~- bbltelxwao~to~l9940 ?otleTnlouuur~ Thamforo, ittill lMno ted th a th. t to m& l&mo t1 .lpp~abl@ $0 male munt7. twuxt+Slvedollerspcranth im trrrel**xpuwsnhllo OQ offlalalhsslaess for asidooumt7. In otherwordathe oamls~,I,omra' oourt lo rmthmlzad to rlla# rsoh aouatf oaaeeloTy:c 411 aMul¶t 66 trwallt&J MM that arm MO.1 erpanEcdwhileau oft T oialbutdmoa tw oomt7, provldod mldanamtdoe~not lsooedtupnty- fl,ro~diWara pur nmth. xt la OPT rurtller oplnlaathat %aQte Mll No. utpn, 16 Dot broac! enoughto allthorlas tinlxrpeM*aIn0 by a Ooutttg ofutetlo~Iwr in ttiaroplraecient of 8 tire or 0th~ 8006QQOriO6 and parts t0 b1.n maonnl auta6oMl.e when said OUtU@li& 10 Dot UsedUalltlf rVOlY iOr tifiOiO1 bUEbilU~. In detw: thb~amuat thrt WW!I oouaty acu36lcalonorlm entltlod to un trwollnc: uqetrosawhh!k 011offloinl buslnoss rar 6aic 8ountyit 1~ withinthe dbar0tbn or the m8- llooere* 00~tto reml4e ar i¶dica`` what lx p a na ea olalmd l sxpass~ whllo tm oSflolr1 bualneso for lrald tr wdlr u: oouatyera trw6llnfYaxponfmnmo0eaarlJ.g end aotur lib ourredtq 6ald oouatgooos5la6iack~r tile cm offloi~3. Ttl l&l088 ice snltl Oountf. It la aur ftmther0pSalonthet 6aldaat 1s ad COnT eeplsgletloa b r o 6d o a o u& h to onl ow k la !6a la do nQr 8 manl *utaLteblltJ rfiea used srsth8 pcrfmsmoc, ab hl~stlutloa. p aotherwcp‘dn ” auoh Aotml authorlaos the aotuelcDdneoec amy rxpoams lnourredby J ie ocazal6slcatwr rca trwcllag lq wmlenwh llc m o r tio 1 ba ttda 1 eee. Yo ur 0 va r y trulg ATa Im GTr R k &OF 2TmL’!