somrfme 0ml3ls S.Carpenter Texas UPePlployasnt aempensetionConmiseion Brown Bld& Austin, Texas &bar Sir: Opfnlon No. o-2247 R%i uap the Coml%%loti r%uwe to l.tealftb determlmitlone 8 alaim for benefit8 or rerlsw e determlnatlonalrea6y rrde before an appeal iron 8tmh de- terwlnatlon~hasbeen iilod with %% appeal Srfbunal and re.. latsd questions. You2 reqamt for en opinioa on aar$ain ralattwl qws- tlons imuting qqeml proaodure Wore the !gma U-r Qae permotionOolPrlaaion lrrrrr been reaefved. Pour questionswill bo quoted end dltiassad in~tb& order +f their Irppemranae In the request. The Lsgi~lmture has andearorodto ~tllne gatiieular4 the proaodureto be iollowed ta tfibhfutdl.~ ef benefit olairs baiorathe Gomlaahn. Ue quote the peW.mmtSa&lons of &ti- ale 5223.-b,Vernen's Ravlsod Civil Statutsst "See. 4 (b). SnLtlal Determination: A represents- tire clasignetedby the GQIBBX%SB``P,antihwdmUter re- ierred to aa a dsputp, shall promptly exnmine t4e O~&JU and, on the baais of the faoCa foam3 by hiat,shall either determkne whsther or not euoh aLaim 1% valid, end if mild, the date 0% w!~l%hb%a%fit% shell oomue~e, the benefit aiwiuutparetie end thciBlexilnumduration thereof. or ahall refbr suon aletw or any question lo- rolved theretn to en appeal xribunslor to the WIa5la- &of%, wuoh shell m&e its detemninatlanswith rsapeot thsreto In aooordanae with t!w proaedure deaeribed in subseatlton (0) of this %eotfcm, exoept t&et in any oa%e in which the peyment or d%ni%l of benefits wtil be da- GrvIlla~S,Osrpantar,page 2 tarmIaad by tha prai%Iuns of %eotlon 5~x6) oi this AOtt,the deputy ahall prompay txailadt hle zllllfinding as rao4iwith reapeot to that aubaaationto the ConmU- alon, WhIoh, on tho be%I% of the atidauoe submittedand suoh a&ditlOual evldauoe 8% It may requlro, shall 8rriXJItj 6miif$, ox set a8Ida suah fiudiugs of facetend tran%&t to tha dapaty a daaI%Ion apon the Issues Involtad undar the subaeatlon. The daputy etia3.l propapt notify the alaImnt.and any dtmr lnterestadpsrtg-of tha deoiaion and the reabans thexsror. Unless tireal%Imsnt or any suoh Interestadpsrty, within tan (10) calenderdays ester the delivery of,ouoh uotificcrtion, or within twelve (U) a%lendsr day% after auoh notirlaaticnwc.8mailed tb hi8 leastlcuOspfl~addres:s, files en eppettlfrom such da- olalon, auoh dea$tsIon skmll baTIn%l and banefita shall ba paid or-&dad ln eaoamlanoe -tharawTth. IX an eppa%l Io~dulg filad, banaflto with respaot to the parlod prior to the flnal detarmInstionor tLreCommIuslon, shall ba pald or&y sitar such dstemInstIon; prop/dad, that If au appeal tribuuel~erfirusa dacisian of a deputy, or tha GomfnIe``5o~ effirme a t!ieoisbmof en appaal trIbuna1, allowIng behefits, such bonefIt% shall ba paid reGardlea% efany~appaal.whloh~my tharaaftarbe taken but It suah daoision Is fimlly revarssd, no amployar*s daaouut ahall be ahergad with benefits so paid. aho. 4 (a). Appbal`` Unless suah appeal Is wlth- drawn,,%u appeal trtbunal, artsir%tford&ng the partlea raaeonable oppc&iuIty for fair hmriog, aLall bffimi or.madYy the fludIng of faat anb'daoI%ionof the depaty. The partlss ahall be da4 natIfIed of sash. trlbtu+*6 deo+slon, tanager tit& It6 raaaom3 there- ior, whiah ahall be de&mad to ba tlma& tla6iaiix1 Eb tth& 6anmiasi0r~,unlsss within tan (10) days r&a? tha date of notlfloatlcmor msIl.ingof %%ah 4eaIaIoa rurtha appeel Is IhItIstad pursuant to subsaatian {a, of this aaotls4n;* aSea 4.(a) Th% Conmiseion may on Its own motion affira,modify, o? set as&de ang deoiaion of en Cppaal tribunal on the heals of the eW¶anaa previously sub- mitted In auah oasa, or dIreat the taking of eddftioual eviBauae, ax may peruit an$ of the partlee to s&h da- aiaion to unitlate further appesls before it . . ~. . The %mraIssIon may remva to Itself or transfar to another eppecl tribune1 the proeeadln,;sau any claim penblng before an eppeal tribunal. . rW ,. Thui a aaraful awmiuatioa of relevant eeatloua of Artlole 5221-b disaloses e power Hithin the Cor%n3.~sion, faund in Laotian 4 (a) to affirm, mdffy or set aoSda say Uaaoisionof en appeal tribunal on :ts own motion,. This m? %eatIon of our law~.fur- thar empowers the G&saion to ranove to ItaaU or to anothar appasl tribunal my alai& pendiug before en eppac~ltribuual. Raforanoa to the oour%e 6f a bleiu from Its fIlIug to Its rlnal deteruiuatlon,%how%.tha first datam&mtIou to ba teetea by Artlola 5221-b, Eaatian 4 (b), la a raprasantatiraor deputy designeted by tha &%rm~I%%Lon;subsaquantto detormf.a%tlon by the dapaty the prooedure 1% .outliuedfox an appaal to aa appeal tribunal und from that body to the ., GomnIesIan. Bon.~GrvllleS, Carpenter,paga 3 A pruvibionIa -de In Artlola !%!a-0, SeotIan 4(e), far remwal by the CoxnaIasIon on 1tS motion of a ola5.mber~re an appeal tribunal, bntno auhorlmatlonappears in the statute for the Gom&mion, on its own motion, -toremove e olain for revfew pr1a.rto an appaal to the appeal tribunal. 1t:obviouslywas intended that the epplioant for banerlts take the IuItlatIvaia'saaurIxtg benefita and that the Cumalsslon would not of Ita own volition award payments fndlaorimI~toly rrom a rund designed to help the needy unamployed. We have oonsideredthe datalledmanner adopted by the Lagls.:eturain oatlInIngthe prooedura of P olelm, tha authority and the duty of tha Colgfacilonand Ita daputlca with rderenoe to olaims. Thla sppears to be En apt situationror the appI& aatlon of the legal marIm vexpresalourrius~est exaluelo alterIus*. Where the stat&a auumarataat!m powers and dutias of ofiloialrr UoLto be ear&trued aa axaludlng all those not expresslyman- This rule was long ago laid down In Texae ln the opLn- ion oreJudge Wheeler in &-yen vs. gundberg, f,Tox. Rap. &I& Your first queetIon 18 qmwered in the negative. ‘QuestionHo. 2, ~May a oat38p&ding b&ore an appaak tribunal be ramovkd to the Commlselon bx an aotlon 00 the Corplnisslou taken ln the sbsenoe of trie tha oonaumdnoe 0r the lmpartislnumber; or iwioitheut impartialmember in aueh ~aotIanV Artdale 5223.-b,GeotIW 8 (e), reads as follows: "(e) Quorumt Any tool(2) Gorraalseione~sshall oon- atituta a quarum, provided, hewevar, that whanavar tha ConudsaIon hefms wy ease Imdlrlng 8 dlaputed 0lal.itoi, benefits kdar the &cwlmIon~ of Sd3.rm 6 af this Aat, the impcmtlalmember oi-ths Caaualaalon shallaot u3.e`` in the sbeenoe or &isqualYioatio``ai any other member, end in no oese ehall suoh a heerlng prooeed unless the inqpartlalmemberof the C~sslon is present. Bbroept as harefnbeioreprovided, no vaoanoy &aBu Impair the right 0r the ramaInIug Gumksslone173to exarelaa all oi the.poriaraoi the Gamai8sI01&"~ Our’aJlsW~ to this question IS rurther oomplioatadby oral.InformatIon,not-in the Xetter of requaat, that a ramavel to the Commission is In hot a ravlew of the olaira. This sltuatlonexlsting as It does Rlaaea the proeadura strIotly within tha prohlbltlonfouud in Section 8 (a) quoted abova-, ue advert partioularlpto that portion of f5actlon8 (a) whiohrsade "r . . and In no aase aasll.a hearing proased unIess the lmpartlalmambar of the Ccmmlssion 5s present.* . . . Ths 'presenoeand oouaurrenoaof tha impartlalmembar la tturrdm mmdatory if .thereglovalfrW au 8pped tribunal iS tankMouat to a revlaw 0r the olatsa n Quastlan No. 3 May the G&aeion act upon an applloatlonrar lea4 to appeal to ths aolRIRi86ion3.n the ebsanae of the ~urtIalmambar?* The provisions of Artiole 5221-b, Seotlon S-(e) Ver- non*8 RavIsed GIvII Statutes, damand the presanoe of the &a- partial mambar bafore a hearing may prooead. yh,have WId In il``.urvll.LeS. 4 w user to your saooxu?question, that under the faota as.we hars'tham, the ramoval of an appeal vans that the mambara ham atudled the reaord and the ramoval la a rsvl&w, thus out anawar to your third qaeation la no. The bssle far our answar Is the same as that in question tnro; WgueatlonNo; 4 ~Xn an aotlon by the Gommlsalon unon an aoalloation;or leave lx aDDeal to the km- -~- ~. ``a_- mIssIon, is the onourrerioeof the--&artIal m%mb%r neoes~aaryto s dealsion?* * is derlnsd by Webster asr "Aot 'The term ~"00110urren0e or oonourrlng*; "a meeting or corni&?together"; "union"; "aon- .' junotion*. Th%ra is also tha Interpratatlckn 0r oonourr%naeto ba *in agreement* as found In swordsand Phrases, PirEt Cexiea pg. 1390, and Worda end Phrases, Seoond series, Pa. 8!& We arcwont to believe that.the use implied in your ques- tion la the -aotIng together-. This Infermrrs rasults tram ratlure to rjnd any raqu5ramantor lndloatlon that the law aon- tamplatesthatall thrnmmbersm``tagr88 onanappeal. Suoh a aonolusion w0uld not be Ln hsrnsny with the idea of a thra%-man baard. Adopting the vleu that aonaurr%no0embxapea the sating or preaenoa In tha me&In&.oi the isp?artIalmmb~, weibelieve our statutes apiwifloally require the prsaenoe of the kpartIa1 I -bar on any aation, but do%a not require the sfilrmatIv%vota 0r .auohxns&er. nere'the -8son has grantad daiiwminatIm~a olatiicrr benefits and wheie Micahappeal M berma the Oem~IaaIon on the raaord end so fori@ hearIng.haabeen hald, Is the oonaurr%aaa0r ~the Impartlalmamber IXbO886ErF to a deslaian on auoh app%aX?a TM.8 answer alao ambraoas prerloua QlauusaIon In thIa oplnian, W% find nothIag In the Texas statutes on unamp&~ .. ~eomp~tlonInaur8nee that suggest8 that the iagartI%laemb%r auat tippruvea bsnsiit 01al.mor appeal.b%fore 1% oan be paid. It appears to us that the,- uWa&asnta of the law and psrtleularly Artlole $i42l-13, S%otion 8 (e!, ar% 6atisfIed ii the partial member Is prssent et the hearing as aonaS.der~tIen of the olalm. The preseuti or oonaurr%ne%of the I&partIal``~bar is al.1that Is riqulred, but the statute Is ol``and~ unambIguouaIn its roquiraarentthat suoh memberbe premmnt b&ore the hearing may The atstutes appar%ntl.ydo n@t lnt%nd that a deolalon ``~*ln the abaenoe of the &psrtial m%mW.