THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Board of Insurance Commissioners, CasualtyDitision, Austin, Texas. Gentlemen: Attention: Mr. J. E. Lyles Opinion No. O-2130 Be: Authority of Insurance Commission to contract and pay for insurance on automobilesunder Its control. We are in receipt of your letter of March 25, 1940, making the following request of this department: "This Department has in the past and does at the present time carry Sire, theft and com- prehensive coverage an such State owned automo- biles controlled by this Department. “Will you please glee us your opinion as to whether or not Insurancemay be carried on such automobilesby this Department and warrants issued by the Comptroller'sDepartment Sor the payment of {remiums out of the Traveling Ex- pense Fund. You are adirlsedthat it is the opinion of this de- partment that you would not be authoriced to oontract and pay for insurance on State-ownedpropsti'tyunder your control when the payment would have to be made from an appropriationfor traveling expenses. The reasons for this conclusion are well stated in opinions Nob. O-184, O-842 and O-1762, copies of which are attached hereto for your information. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF 'J'EXAS By,s/Grover Sellers GS-MR-WC Assistant Enclosures APPROVED APRIL 13, 1940 Approved Opinion Corn- s/W. F. Moore mittee By s/BWB Chairman FIRST ASSISTANT ATTOT G-L