OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -c.- -- Hon. Robert 3. Allen County Attorney rubbook County Lubbsok, Texas Duar sir: oithe Peso "1 have a queeti the dietribu- tion findpayment of f Peaoel. as-emon.whioh he to bring the total the mimesJuatios of buu on the Uelln- and, In a&lltion to he oould apply the tsee ool- hich were listed ee delinquent hir 19S'?allowance up to the 105tL,C.C.P. grovlbes, *....&.SO by the oounty to the Justlos or the Peace, for each oriminal aotlon tried and FIXALLY DIBP0615DOF BPFWE EIK...' The words ot this statute aem very olear that before a Justice of the Pesos Lo entftZed to $2.SO frcim the county, thr!oetsemust be finally disposed OS before him. Ron. 'iobertLT.Allen, T