599 OFFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF ‘XXAG AUSTIN title rather its 3x8 la proper rtian in 1pfl.Your oaopt title bg limita- upon ofiar end delirexy a., the title 'to this hex&to the otatbsentf'mm nhather will thank you to advl8e t&lo tl*partmsnt t&o Comptrsllex is autharlnnd to lecw warrantla paymnt of thle deed ~ewitsb txbthe face ot limlta- tlon title ua desmfbad lo this abatreut.a 600 iionorableGeorge 8. shegpaxd,Eage 2 kt the outset, It 1s not ernieato sttrtethat this oginlon does not involve the eutkiority of the Highuay De- pertmat of Term, by and through its proper Dirlslolu, under aontrolling general statutes and the Departmental up- proprlatlon9111, to jmrohaso real property neooeaary to highway constructionand taalntetmnoe lo Texas. Thin gonwal authorltf ot tho FflghweyDepartment ia not qucetloneid here. Yoreover, thlrropinion dose not purport to ro- exe&no and pa88 upon the title to the property in qucatlon, beaausr thla WPS dona by our Opinion K-895, reterred to In your letter. Title was therein pamed es belng good lialta- tion t1t1s. The only question hare 11,whethor or not you are Dmhlblted from issuIng warrant to omer purobaae money on suoh property a8 the Highway Department my, In it6 dls- eretion, purohaao Sor highway purposea,despite the taot thet title ot such property is admittedlybased upon tha Stet- utoe of Limltatlon governingreal property ln Texa8. It 16 our oplalimt~t you herrethe authority, uudor lau, to lame the desorlbeb wamant in the sum of Three Hun- dred (#OO.OO) Dollar8, upon t& 8tatamentof the Xilghua~ Deputaent submltted to you Iu ooxmeotlonwith the abort dmorlbed tranaaotlon. This flepartmenthes heretotoreduly mamIned end eoon814endtha taoto supporting the ripening of llaltatlon title to tkm property beaoribed in the lmtant quostlon,end bold that llm WQuld wall amd tuuy voat tit10 in the ai@way Department, upon the exeoutlon ata4deliveryto it of a proper aonvryamo. An eamlnatlonot the stat&or gcrernlogthe wlminl~tretlcnof the Hlghuag Dspartment in the oonstruotlonand malntonaaoe of Sate El&ways, does dot unoaar any ntatuttc which, llthar dIreotly or by latmwnao, prohibits tho JilghwayDepertmaut from purohasingreel preporty neaaesarllylnol&ent thereto, even though title to isu8hprop- erty I8 baaed upon thr operation of tha Statutea of Limltatloa. Abeent euoh statute or a boAare pub110 policy, w thlak euch purohermemey be lawSully amde. Burtheae, we rind nothln@ in the statutea $overnla@ the SlsoaA atfairs of the State, the administratIonof yooUr Dapertment, ~encrell~',In the eu<lng and q rove1 Ot'olelM and the Isauanoe of werranta theruon, or In tli e OInsrel De- parmental kp2roprletlonBill, whioh prohibit8or tondm to prohibit the lsaueuce by you OS the deecrlbsd warmmt. The diacrction 0r the n&hwey Iiopiirtmeat &44tlnd harfng boon exa0itt9a Honorable George Ii.Sheppard,Page 8 in the premlaes. as evidenced by statemat illed with you for lsauenoe of the desired *errant, we advlee that you may 1&wtuA1~ looue 8Bsts. e rsry truly Totar AMlbtMt APPROVED APR 4, 1940 ~RLIlaci Ljgffffv COMMIITEE