OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN xr. T. Y. 'Mmble, First Xcs Strto Suporintendant of Auutin) TOLOU 27420, Seorlon 1, Vernon’s nnnotatad Cl011 Ztatutas) attuoh a OOWZXIschool dlstriot, in which no soholastloe reside and in wMch no school taa beon maintained in the last ten years, tc the Xsrrold Indeyond- ont School Dlstriot?' Mr. T. X. TrImblo, paeo 2 hrtlolo 27420 , C.ootion 1, Fornon’ 6 Anno- tatod Civil Statutes, reads As rollowo: *That iron; and sites tho passace of this Act, tho County Poard of Schcol Trusteos In any county In this State shall have autk,ority and full powor to abolish and/or sub- divide any oomon school district, or other district oanIn(r undor tho jurisdiotion of said County Board, baapine, fewor than ten (10) resident scholastics within Its bcundarles, provldod that m public oohcol bas boon conducted In such bistrlot ror a Nrlod of five years lmmodlately greoodlr,E such actlcn by said Ocutity Foard of School Trusteos. The territory of any ruoh school dI&.rIct SO abolished or subdlvl~od may bo attached to any or all contiguous school districts or oounty 1Ino sohool dlotrlots in such minnor as may be detenzin6d by said Csunty Eoard. It Is further ?rovIded that In the event such newly forxed school district does not vote to assu!za the saze, said County School Emrd shall mite an sdjuetnont .zf any out- standing bonded Indebtedness, If there be suoh, and provided for an oquitablo dlstri- butlon 31 all dlstrlot properties and/or monoys between the districts atfooted arrd the territory ao divided, dotschod 01‘added, tak- ing into consldor. tion the valse or sohcol proportlos and tho taxable wealth of tFe dls- tricts affected end the territories EO dlvidod, detaohed or added, 4s the case my bo. Xhon said Crnmtg Ward Aall have srrlvmi at a satisfactory basis of rut?. BP., it sha31 have ;lowcr to cake CUUC?orders with reference tyieretc ss shall be obnolueive and bindine ‘i?on the districts SO s: fectod; . Mr. T. Y. Trimblo, pago S provided, however, t.!?at tke trustee or any re8Identa 0r the district8 cr tclrl- tory PO .3rt00td by tko Act or tho County 3nard cf 3ustaos ~8 authorlzsd by thfa Act may appee+I iron t5o decision or the Ccmty Scard to tSe District C:urt.” The fact sdtuatlon not out in your question falls olearly within th0 gmvle~ 9f the above quoted statute. Our answer to yoor question Is yo8, provldod tte ocxmon sc!~o:ldistrict reterred to la ccntlguous to the Earrold Independent School Dimtriot. Yart3 very truly ATTCR?EYCXN3i~L CFTTSXAS BY k/,0, SIzxlons Aaalatant ERs:LW Approved Cp:Mon ComIttso By B.ti.E.,Chainnan