DocketNumber: O-1918
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 8onorable E. Q. ~ooeeley Civil I]ft!tl'iOt AttOrney m&g U&o-& , Dear Sir: Your request f 0 this d%partlmnt) aIll , r88da in part ~nde roi of .to make.regiidri3 on automo- and used ao net forth in nd ioads for the purehall%of auto- used py the codslelonexs l.noan- their &ties Is go- to sod from their respeotlve dfrtrfot~ on eountg ~bueQmrm, EQI~ 0r OOUTB`` pajr out 0f 0114 f02a 00untp mw5 the rue1 xepair cod storage bills in ooM%Otion with sal& autambiles. "We therefore r%speotfW.~y request the %pa- ion of par departmnt ooneerni@$ this mattpr,R 543 Eon. E. G. ISoselep,Page 2 Article 2340, Vernon's Annota,teOClvll Statutes, provides: *B&ore entering upon the duties ol~'thelr ofrice, the ,county judge and eaah oomaissioner shall take the official oath, and shall also take a written oath that he will not be directly or lndlreotlg.interested in any aontract with, or claim agalnet, the coanty in whloh he residea, ex- cept such warrants aa may 3ssne to him a8 fees of ofrioe. Eaoh vnmlssiouer ah811 execute to be approved by~the aouatp jaage ln the sum or three thousand dollara, payable to the oountp treasurer, condltloned for the faithid performmoe of the duties af hle offl.ce,that he will pay over to his county 011 moneys illegally p8iE to him out or oounty funds, as voluntary payments or other- Wifi8,and that ha'wlll not vote or give hle ooixeent~ to pay out oouuty fands exaept for lawful purpo.8es.e In au Opinibn ai thie Depaxtment dated Auguet o, 1920, and publlahed atepage 114 of tbe~b$et&al~,report iox. the gears 1918-20, it was held by this Department that County Commisaloners are not,authorlmd to parehase am3 pay is.2gaeo-, line or other automobile supplies and submit their claim therefor to the CoaxiUaionera* Court ior audltand allowance, and elalms for sash supplles.fural8h6U ior such ~ptirpoba are not legltlmate ohargea againetthe eo:uuty.whether 80 purahased and aid for by the Commlseloner or #old dlreot to theoouuty by ti(Idealer. This Oplnlon oltem the aase ot ~Xnlppa ~8.. Stewart Xl'ouxorka, 06 S.W. 652
; RI&by ~8. State.,~10s. B. 760; and Barr18 vs. Hand, 203 S. W. ,445. In the light of these authorities, ,the follow~ug eoneluslone are arrived at 1x1aaid Oplnionl **It can hardly be oonesired how a aouuty commiasloner aaa, rmt3 his private iunds, purchase material and auppllea for the,use aad benerlt ot the Bounty, thereby ereatlug an indebtedness owing by the county to him, be the amount mibh or little, and then be and remain the disinterested and impar- tial auditor that he ought to be when his elalm for reimbursement comes before the aeanniaslonera**ourt f'oraudit and allowance, or rej,aetion,as provided Honori%bleE:,0. Maeeley, Page 3 by Art. 224l of oar Btilea&G$yil 2t8tutee hereln- before reterred to; in ~faat, jadg@d by the history and COSRIIO~ knowledge or human nature, such a oon- dltion is not within the reelm ai reaaos. "It is axiomatic that publlo funds 08n be lawfully expended only for the purposes, to the extent and in the manner prescribed by law, and In the absenae of a statute authorizing 8 partlctiar expenditure of pub110 fwe,~ such expendltnre should Be etudlously aiold%d; and that every of- rloer should felthrall.y.e8ahewevery trausaatfon respecting public ilnanee that beam etemthe 88~ blance of doubtiul authority ought to g~tithoht s8y1IIg. *'iveare of the oplnfon, therefore, and yau are 80 advised, that ft 15 not proper for a oounty oomralsaioaerts paroh8se and pay~for gasoline or other autbmobile ',Sapplieeu5ed bylhbn In the a%& oharge Of hia.oif,~a~aldOties end p%Sent his 80~ count for sme~to'th%~commiesionsra* ewrt iOr au? dlt 8ud payment; also, that such an aaamut 1s not 8 legitimate charge against the county *ether euoh eappliee be parchaSed end paid i0.rby the uamml%efoner In the manner stated, or be furnleh~d land aharged to the eouuty~for that purpose by the dealer dir+otP %%a fOri?@&ng~cpini%llW+SJ .QuO%Sd'8ud8ppmmd by this Dspartsieutlh a later Opinion wrttten by EMI. hare&t, ?. Sohuson, Aaelstaut Attorney Gane'r81,dated yebmary 19, lQS1, addressed to Hun. D. F. Da~ie, County Attorney, San Ant%onl%.-'Texas, in whloh Opinion a epetilalroad Law appll- oable to Bexar County Was con%ider%d, We b,ellevethe doctrine laid down In the toregoing GpiniOn8 t0 be SOmid and wa approve same as 8ppliaabla te, your request. Our attention has besn dlreotad 5.nyour ~l%t$.er to the Aa&s of 1933, 43rU Leglslatnre.,Ch. 836, same being a~ Special ZWid law applfeable to Dafi85 0OUnty. Having oere- fully studied the provisions in this Aot, we are anabLe ts rind 8ny authority for the,expenditureeimentioned in year request,. On'the'eontrary, Se&&m 18 of th% Act opealilo~+Uy mkee it unlawful far any member ot said G````iesloners~amtrt mnorabls E. 0. Xodoselsy, Page 4 or ior %ny oouuty off'iasrto be or besoms finsncially in- terested, difeatlp or indirsotly, in MB aontract with said eouuties'for road work or for the purohase or eals of any material or supplies of any oharaotsr or in any txausaotion whatsosrsr in conneotioo with any of the roads otaaaid aoun- ties, esaeptlnn only his owu Sal&Y. fesfi.or pet 'diem. For yiolaf fin0 and renmvel from oifios. It further appears that the oouferenos opinion rsn- dated during the admini%tration of Eon. C. IL Curetin., Attor- ney General, has been oonslstently tollowsd bp this Depart- ment sinae its rsndltitinin 1920. In January, 1955, Eon. Leon Moses, A%si%tant Attorney Osneral, in an Opinion rendered to Hon. a. C. kfoDowel,l,Couuty Attorney, Robert Lee, Texas, held that Oomni%8ioneret oourts do not hare the authority to allow thwmslves expense money for gasoline in disoharge or fhsir duties. Similar reqaests a% preaeuted in your'.lettsrwere answered by this Department in our Opinions O-541. O-752, O-996, and O-1345, to whloh yooarefer in roar letter and eaah or said Opinions hollow the foregoing authoritis8. Ton are therefore rsepsstfull~ adviasd that it is the opinion of this Department that ths ComairsW~er%* Qourt o? Dallas County is not authorlerd to me aountf funds for the puroha%s OS ga%oline and oil QF make repairs en aatomo- bilss prlrate1y ornsd end dclvsn by the aomis%ioaers to and from their respsctlve distrlete on ooanfy bu%iaes%; nor Is ~sush oouuty authorieed to expend it% ,fundsfor the puroha%s of aatomsbilee to be used by the eommissiohsra ifioonneotion with their duties in going to and from thsir respsoti+edis- trlata on oounty business or in payment oi repair and storage bill% on sash autonobilee. Treating the abore answsrs your request, we are Y0Pr% very truly