DocketNumber: O-1917
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE A-HORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 532 player reoover eny part or portion or the money arter ceixure? -3. 'ih3tis the etatus of money eeized id @mbllng devices? '4. 'Shatdis.gositioaMJ be lawfully made of maney seized in @mbling 4eviou'p" After diecwaiou of each of the above questions you anewer the first in the Ciriraatlte,the meoond ip the negativeg to the third that the xaomy Is in outattodir le~ia, and to the fonrtk that the court oould om m0ney &iSyliedt0 spy or fiOS UW@ - (a) Charitable instltutionat (b) To the state r0r 8pdri0 urea; (0) Tot;; oounty to be rteedam ordered by the (d) To any uauee that Is beaotolent in itn nature; (e) To any oauw that would be bemsfiolal to t&e yublie et large. You indicate ytmr belief that a writ of mndemus muld lie to aompel the various dlstxiot judges entering judgments aa above referred to, to proceed to enter a further ‘brderdisposing of the momy NW held by the olerk, for one of the ,x~poses nmaed by you. Chapter Sir of Title ll of the Pea&l Code, 1926, nitb awadments thereto ewriee the statutory prohibi- tions and provide the rwasdiae against ganringZn Texan. Provision is made through Arti0lea 6358to 658 for the @~ppTpre~tsiori of violationS, end the WiWre, OOndS~atiOn and daetruation or pr0prrty uwd r0r gaming purposee. Pbe peflinent statutrs, and the ouly ones we here been able to rind tnaiceting the di8pooitioa of prqmrtf la* fully mlzed, ore Artroles 556, 5S9 and 638 ai the Funs1 coae., 533 Article 6% require0 the afrioer serving 6 aeorch warrant to file a returu on same, with a liet of pc;-pertyseized designatingthe place of seizure SIXI nfi’3-3 Gf 0wIlOr or >8rS0ll irGXz!whCmpOSiS48.4iOn was tXk4C. Thee notice met be issued and served on either the omer or parson in :aess44ion omnding appearaoae vdthln a designsted time, not less than fire day8 frcm date of ismama, b ahow cauee why the seized a&l- cles shm~lld3ot ba destropsd. .kct:c1e637 is here quoted in fall: "fat. 637. mmOy4a a Grd4r 0r OOut. PC- *If u?an a heerfw of the w.tter rofezrod to in the preoeding artioi4, the juctilce0r the pmico, aoontp judqe or dletriot judst,, before uhoz the cause is pecding shall deter-~ mine that the prop4rty seizsd is 6 tpt3ifq table or bank or Is used 88 equipment or pare- phernelia for a t;a_mbling house, and wee being ueea r0r ganing 3``~0440, ha shall cmbsr 84.434 to be destroyed, but any part of aeta mar, by or&r or the court be held as eoldenoe to'ba used in ang ease until the oaaa is finality dis- posed of. Froperty not~of that oheraotQror not no used'shall be ordered returned to the person entitled to pons4eaion of th8 sasm. %?h* orrioer within not lasll~thurfiftecln nor 1~02-8 than thirty dayn rrw tlia~,wtx-y 0r said or&m shall destroy all prop&& the destructlo~of wbieh haa been ordered:;J&y the court, unless tke omer, lessee or pstiacut entitled to posserr- sian under thie hu; shell, b4rort the deemto- bh Or said gTOp3Z%pl file 6Uit t0 3%3OTSr seas .m In 1933, by the dets of the Irortp-fourtfi l.e&is- ltlture,begalar Se4sion, Qhapter 803, p. 490, SotIon 8 wes added to &&.ole $39. W quota Seotlon E P.B added3 *See. 8.. If upon 4;of the nrattsr refclrmclto in Artlala 636 Fenel Code of Texns (lQZ3) the juretloe Of tb4 p6aO4, aoWlty jU&r?;rt or district judge before *Ihas&hu cause is Jmndfng &all d8t8min8 that the prqmrty seized, or any part thereat, is not gambling paraph8rAbliapew m, but that the aam OT any pert there& uas used a@ aquipmnt QT para@8rnalie ior e gtmbllng house and was b8iAg uead for ganlng wur 0808 and that said propsrty is eapablb or be P ng used tar scam legal purpoma, he mny, in his dl8oretion, by ord8r ai the court deolare the sass8OQdi8Wt- a4 and oauee the muse to be doliversd to ths stata or ~xim, or any Qoliticdl aubaiviaion thereor or to 8ay State institution to bs kept by it fW its iW!.lU88 end banefit. me oftioer shall e!mw by tits r8tPm t&8 biSpOSitiOA 0r *a property Emde by hia whiah ~h0n ba IA 0aat~111512~6 .with tks 0zrdsr8 0r tht3 aQurt." The mergenay alaaae Ot the enmndetaxy bill, d6AOtiAs;th i8&&8tiV8 iAt8A$, rU8it8# -4sMSiioA by peaae effieera throughout TWYSSof ~*cAaira, tablea, oarpt8anu other kindsor furdtun 0r th40value of theumnb8 of bolle~a~ nhioh, *us&s the present law b8 held rm 8vid8AM or Usotroyed by en or&r ar ;Illt8t the Oouti,f eta. lForhbxwla tha A& 8-e the LS&I&- ttvs eVid0A48 0Ay il%fHIttQ di0m8 Of tb% ZKJXUJ0 CtBW. telnml in ge 88~rios00s panaphmnalia, ArtdQZ6 as3 gxmt6 the right 5r 6ny parsaanin- ter8ste8 in or sntlttsd to prapertg ssiwd, to tixy the iv!@. or whether web pm rty is e apdng table. or bank or deriw, QOPwarn083 es equipment or porffphema- liaoi any@ublin(3 home* rnd to rewver the samou~on a ravorable detsrrdmtian th0reoi. XA .OuTbIY%&tigatfQAOr tb.6;JAeStibAs., .~y6:-8ifi8r..i a leOtar t3pi~lonwrivben by k0elskmt Attarney Qpbxal IL L. Willirord lm Roaorable JII~,Izodgi~8, Cour~t~Aliter- My et i&loMh, T6xes Qa Au&t-b ,& ~19s%,IkdAing that the propr aoastxwcrtion or ~xti& 6SsI,Penn1 Code, 8u@ra, OO~telning thb l&iqw~ %Qp6tty not at fhet, Oharecter or not 80 plsQde&a21 bs oxWra& mturmd %Q astimid to porimaaiaa at th6 -~ema ,* woulU the per6~t.t raadsr it proper to hers cha oaurt entar BP ura0r ia 535 t&a procseding inetru0tingbh8 sheriil to return ths HOll8y to th0 m50fl f%OSl WhcS the pOEZi8lSSiOll Or Qt9&8 was taken “inaamah ~8 the xomy fs not a gming tab16 or bank, *quipsant, or paraphamalla for e ~ambll* hourn." (htter o&?iAiOA8, Attorney Cklaaral, Vol. %a,, p. aeel. IO the cam 0r Atterney cxmsral v. Justlcse of tb miaipai court 0f the city 0r Boet0n, m3 ftat3d. 456 (&a~. Ct. Ease. 184Q) it a?pearathat e search war- rent was isatmd out 0r th4 numic;lpalcawt, an6 upon its sxeaution a quantity of gaabling Carapharnaliawta wlm4 such a8 *one f'arotable, one lay-out, one 8+nf- The 2kfm48humtC;e S6atut6 providsd~ r0r 6ha wizen and U*struatioa at famicigapparatus a* i&e- meat0 and far aeaU~etioa emI sale of otbnr grrraonal proparty eeieed at *a atsact&m and fmxutha sesin ~?F+Xs1088, The prooeebing wes far aandeurm8 to require tki rrcaiaipelcourt to proma to ar6ar th4 ds*tmution of of otrzarprsonel the gsJing agjwmk6u~ a08 iwndsa3netlon Th8 ju&ps ofthamn1l3ipa1cowttook the ssm, although tha werrant wa$ iamt8d by them. The Supreme Court hsld that the fgmbig a;parattU and lap&- mast8 could be daetroyed end the otbdr pewtonal pro&MT- 6y eo~ademnsdsnd sol4 &r pxaper' not~bw buti wit& xefwenoe to the rmmy in the iem bank, km awrt aaldr 536 wm be- opsratad in the plairrtiti*s;lace OS busi- new, aad coctsined mormy t&at had baen played ther6in, ~e~d soleed by deputy sheriffs, and msohines uera be- operated in viol&ion of lea et the tirasthey were M zed, it was held that ;leiatifit 9 aould re0.0`` from the brsputisathe mormp contained in the rnaohine8at the the of aeienm. TM oourt mid the mney vmd)not ~i&mMSy bad," that “it8 ordinary and austomary uBo is not only lawful, but in met eeeea absolutely neoee- 8axy.w Be quote furtherr V&I have no statute that provides tar its ooadmnxati~ or oonfisaation. Where the plr- pose and ordiaaxy iuseot pxspexty is lswful, the plaintiff In aueh a oaae MJ the 0110at bar is entitled to here hia proparty reetorsd m returned to him * + * It is well established that, rhila the law will not lend its aid to one or the parties to an illegal transaction or oontract, the rule baa appliaation a6 be- tween the iwmdiate partfee only, and cue in poeeesaion ot th6 fruit8 o? exaillegal tseim- aotion or oontraot to az?iohhe UESSI not aamot invoke the rule. I,* * l In the caee ot lbrrell Y. Clark 90 Kant. 566, 4P. (26) 7l.2, 7W Ar~L.B.lCfiC, oitd &yyi% in yomX brief, the ehsriri of Wheatland County mleod tro~#lat meahines n::iohbed been installed in t.heplelntifS*a place oi bQaim6e under an agroesmntthat he would ay to the amsr e pamontage or the saomy taken in, slli arrested the plain~tiff, who pleaded &uilty to the chargs of them. The acurt oxdexed the saahinea ds- etroyed and any monef ioand la thaw to be depooited with the clerk OS the omzrt. After the dsrrtxuotlon of the machiner, 8a41.85we ao deposited end on refu8el of the clerk to tamitthe mazleyover to him, plaintiff broup?;ht suit to recover the isoasy80 deposited, WWA one judge disseutLne;, the Eupxwm Couxt or Kcmtaaa~held that, while thx+etatut% eathori?$n& the seimre end de,- struotlon of slot nsoblnee did k~#tauthorize the eeiaure Of ao~ly 88 8UOh, t&J Shetiff t%$¬iWXdIdf t~i ~F``ltS in oarryin~ away the aonsy fmnd Lu ths ~rpaehiuee, and that the plaiatifii aotion coald net reoover it l.n(LB- fox that puzrgOSQ*wita refemuas ta the Behamrul4 u xo~. 3. a. t:om1asy, PS@ 7 later mm:z~oed by the Claorg#a Oourt in CGzcppellv. Stapl6ton, suyxa, the opinion points Q& that the foota of the Fllegal enterpriseaf c+perritingthe elut rpcpohinae wura neereeerll 618010twd tc th4 court by the plPin- tiff In attempt fng to m&e a prims faah ~$0. Wm quotrt wnls the ppJlntE$f,edmitting a8 Yiolation of t?..e law, asked thekid OS the very aowt ohmgod with the duty of g9alahln$ that viola- tion, and okioh bad pertorsnd that auty Zn 840~xln(i the rat8 0f hia tdia~, *pih hs mlmittod &e *ioUd not be lntltledto rota& under #a la+, had he reduced the aam to pan- ae5Siozk.l I + m P la i& iff aeaerts that tba geartal ml* is that illsgalitycrmnot M set up by tithird peram, tit is otiy available to a p&y to II. acmtmot (IS c. J. 5008) g but ha .i.d2o t0 mtb3 thet the kxt msdrr Vhic rn]Jsimofaottree euhjeot to au sx0epticm,where it in attempted to assert rights base4 oa tlm ocratraot.~ striat- ly qetklng, there la 00 00mtxeet haxa inTQlTeu; plaintitf rabrelyseek8 the aid of the aou%?t to, mduoo to ~sssaion tb agofl.8 of th 18.~'~ violrtioa." __ ¶%e KaHsaaa Cosat by a%gmes latqpxage,did not pass uJ?uQ the UltLiPurba of the mo.wy, rxa disgooiti6ri wita4bastha rK&bwfn@lus(iae`` 53t EQB. E. Q. &Toaeley,Fags 8 tramaation and seoure to the violatar the zxuitllof CiS outlnwry." While we haoe been unsbla to find anj'Tazas br- oision equaraly in point, we bslleva~cartainlanmag@ used in the 08~ of Cam~ballY. Eood 55 S. Vf. (23%)93, (Cum. App.) applicableto tha pxdplas hare under amslderation, In that oaee the eouxt denied raaovery for aomniasions on the aale of real estate, *hare a oor- poration ritbcmt power to do so mada a oooltraotof pur- Gh-0. Tha OpiBiOn revlere s?Ulydaoiaions, dieous8ing the prlnoiplaseinvolved,of whiah the tollowing la a typical axampler Ttt is a aelntary prinoipla,unlvaraelly a``llad, that a court will dacliw to land ltr aid to a parson seeking oompensatioa fox the doing of an aat rhiah riolntee the publio polioy of tha state as oxgreasly deolared by tha law muldng power. A obar etatamnt of thla principle in tlmt &iron by tE8 Supreme Court of the United States IQ Bank of United stetas v. OwenIL,8 Fat. 656,7 L. Ed. 508
, wharela it is saldr -%a oouxt 41 jostfca cu5 in it8 naturn be made theaE&ndE8id or Iniquity. ceurfr we in~itutad to saw into atiaot tbs lava of a country;how aeatha than be- come auxiliary tQ the ContmlnmR x ion of yiolatiorm of law7 * l * There can be 513oiril right, whore them CWJ ba no lapel remdy; and tbera can be no lags1 remmdp, for that whioh la itself Illegal.' *A&a,tha 881118 oourtin Cappall r,HdLl, YUall.~,SS59,19 L.=d. 24& reaftinmd this ,ilootr2na in the baa of this langmqa: rake prinaiple to be axtraated from all the eases 16, that tb6 law will not lend its support to a alaim faundsd npcwaits tiolstion*'= lion. ?L. 0. !,?Oou8lb)r, Fa@3 3 g& duticea and depoeltsd with the alerk ai tIm court, by order of th8 QOUPt, CCCUp166 tba Stat~U Ot aoauy *in oustodia lb&a.- . It has been generally eati that property is in *custoMa legis” when it has been lawfully telbm by euthority of legal pmoens, and n3a2ai~ in poa4wmion of a publfa offloer or a ao*urtofficer ezupomeredby law to hold It. Allmn'v, Hargadlne-8f6KittTlok Dxy Goods Co., 925 lib.400, 2% S. W. (SC%)670, 6X3. See also Union Indsanity QO. v. Florida Bank & Truot Co., 48 ?a (Zd) 395, 697; BQUVIO~'U Lm DiotiOnw, 3rd R0V.i and proparty seized by rirtuo of a abareh warrant haa been 80 Qsnominated;~Dorrell '1.Clnrk, supra m&lo@ v. Lawson, 146 Ore. BZl, 31 S. (Zd)-171,ZW; 6tate t. Gambling 43 Aria. 1l.e.40 P. (Z-id) 746; 9471 Griete v. .., de 5. c. 369, 99 9.8. 703, YTO!,ti radio f&b oats8 urb aUthCWitib8 Qitbd, and Othora, va agree 4th the anawur8 givea bp gou’ to the first thrss ~aeetiona propoundedin your brie~f. To axxmm~iae: Pour fotwteh@$m~%ion prbssnt8 turthur dittiaulty to whioh me ahalS no* advert. 540 Eon. Yz.0. !~'.osele+, I-‘abp~ 10 that unable to follow your reo6ozxiae; ainos. - =the ntnte is not batitled to tbs rmowy, that the aousty is not entitled to_ th6 momy,.~that _ _ aertalnlJrZIO~artlaclarpublla oTfiole1 is en- titled to it a8 a natter ot right, end nslther is any partiauler person, 60 the only dlspoai- tian thet aan be mde of eaoh so-my is by order Of the COtU?‘t in WhQS8 CU8todjr it 1~86 phObd end held. .?&Faourt therefore, in &t-ndi8on- tion, may ISEW any bonsfiaial. disporition thsreof it ~6 my iit, bbfq linitad odly to the ate& such t&tUinpositiw should net bu tmrea6oaeblbor ~1vOhU8, or a diSpO8d. that would BhoQk th6 OOflFSCieXl~b Of 8 0-t Of qnuity.* We are lncllned to the beli8i that the prlnoipl8 enunolated in the following: lata@aagefro& the Suprraas Court in the aaee of Withers tb Patteraaol, 27 Ter. 401, 86 Am. D80. 643, would control: ?Phe &rl6diatlon of the a6urt m6an8 the power or authoritywhich f8 ooahrrad upon a aan%, by the oonstituttonend laan8, to hear and dmt6hLina Ba?mua b6tVI66n partis8, and to s8rr;r it8 ,jU@iU3nt6 iQt0 eff#Ot. It i8 8 to the sstates or Qsoe&ntcl, aru all aoaferrud by statute. Wbetsvsr the atatuts authariza8 the oourt to bo, it ump rfghtfallp do. But it dues not folltm, because the etatnte eu- thorizes the oourt to order the salb of land under certain oir6wtenee8, that all 6albs ai land by oxder of the ewrt are euthorizo&.* a** (Bfipha6iS Ours). It is our apinion, wdst t&e radar a8 pra88ntiM by ym, tbertthe writ of windannteaWd not bs euaaos8f'u1- l~la4llnt6iu3a.f?% ‘f6X. JUT. %6&t, 9t Seq., aAd tiUthCQ?t- ties oitad, 541 turn,by apprapriotsactlon doslgaates by etetute the uee or function to wblah lt shot&% be a~plled‘. I+8en- tertain no doubt, ?.%tthat, apprfersdor Its existence, iansmutand present srtefns,a prompt aandate will ilau zabst horrorablebody, direcrtiug ita spla,edy dlopsn- . Upon mature reflsationand aarei\llaonslderatlon, oath fo our rsaonmandation,rather then an attempted awlaallsls .