OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Thank you ror wooaber ax, 1939, uithwhiehyou enolomtl filea-WaQite . t0 060 Rm0la6 ti cd*, &a part, a6 follwat *gi6terila Arohlt4oto $-etbeOxkbon- on. ana bOrw4 80 asltfEliaf rQu Mr. Thomm D. Broad, Page 2 advise us whether or not we have a proper o&de against this man, ana ii 60, the prop= ray in whleh .~ to proo44U - in the matter.. we do nat want to take eotion Illit we mow that we ar4 rigm.- Seotion 12 of the Arohiteote' Registrationlaw, Artiole 249a,V. A. C. S., reads as toll0u6: ~Reglstratlonoertlrioate6or amhlteots ir 6U6a in 6OOOrdanO6 with thi.6Aot, Sh#I31&n ti full roroe and erreot until expirationdate unlear revoked for oauee a6 herein prwld4di *The registrationorrtiifloate and rightif allyperson t0 praotioe arohiteoture in th%s Stat4 may be revoked and oanoell4dby any Di6triOt COUrt Or this State, in a 6ui8 t8ythe 5tate upon t&e.rc latlon o? th4 Board of Amhiteotural fEaduaiaex6, apen the proof ot the tlelation of the law In my mmpeot in regard thereto, or for any 462~60 for rhloh the Board of Arohiteotural Rmainera lb au- thorized to r4fu6e to grant registrationoertffi- oatee, or r0r proor 0r gr066 incmpetcmay, or ior reoklesaness In th4 oonetruotlonot.bulldlnge.on the part of the arohiteot%46lgning, p&innAng, or 6UpeFVi6iXIg the 0066tl-UOtiOU Or altWd&n Of 6aIE8,or tar diahoneet praotiee on ths part oi the YOU Will nQt4 that SU4h 6eOtfOu 18 W&46 it th4 aU8Y Of th4 COUIityOr Di6tfiOt AbtOmC#y 843pFO6OOUte ~h``4b 8Uit6 on yeur direotion, and for suoh pargo 6uoh 0ffi44r i6 your attorney and not the Atkrmo]r 'tinera W %X66. ,lVbre ever, we do not believe that it %6 within tMT px6riuo4 ,tO aetermins whether or noti evidtmoe id euirlc)isat$0 warrant L Mr. Thomas D. Rroad, Page 3 proseoutlon. Regardlessor the way we might deolde and ad- vise you the County or District Attorney or the Jury plight believe otherwise. firthemore, WC are or the opinion that your honorable Board is better equipped through prof466lOnal educationand experlenoeto detewlne whether or not the arohlteot in question has aaherred to the proper standards or a protessionalarohlteot,as sat forth in Article 249a or the V4rnon1s Annotatea Civil Statutes. Consequently,you are reapeotfullyadvised and It it3 the opinion or this Departmentthat the Texas B06Fa of ArohlteotaralExaminersin prooe,edlng6 to revoke the reglstra- tlon oertifloateOf 6 proieselona~arohlteot for conduct withln the oontemplattonOr Ssotion 12 or Art1416 249a 6houl.dprlnarlly determine ror itsali: whether or not it deams proper arohiteotnralstanfyfsrds aa laid down by the statute have been d4parted from lo the partlsular 0864, ,4nd having 60 aetermin4d It should turn all evidenoe ov4r to the proper County or Mstrlot AttOmey ror Droce$d4ngs,pur- suant to Section 12, Artlole 249a, of the V4rnon s Aunotated Clvlf.statutes. Walter R. Kooh Aseistant w B-4& APPROVED JAN 12, 1940 James D. Smullan JSrBBB