OFFlCE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. J. a. ccwdy Counts Auditor Wlohlta Caunty Wlahlta Falls, Texam le 2688 Yernon*s Anno- hat the Supeslnten&ent the C&ssioners' Court e Court House, and with neo- ure and fixtures. We would ng advised by yaur department an adUfn(3 machine oould be olass- s provision and whether or not the ktiole 2688, Vernon's Aunotated Civil Statutes, after nakm provision r0r the eleotion of a County Super- 872 Hon. J. C. Gaudy, Page 2 lntendent provides a8 follovtsr (Fie)n8hall be provided by the Commiasion- .ers* Courtwith an office in tho omrthouse, and with neoeesary offloe furniture and fix- turea.” Addltloual statutqry proviso8 pertinent to our question r0imt Article 3S99b (21, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Sta- tuten, provides thatr “Suitable offiges and stationery and blanks neoeesary in fha performmoe of their duttes may in the disoretion of the %mmis- sioners* Court also be furnished to...... County Superlntendenta........and mpp be paid for on order of the Cosmissioneis’ Court out of the County Treasury.” Arttole 2700; Revfsed Civil Statutes, 1925, after fixing the salaries ot.County Superintendents once popula- tion baels provides: *In making the annual par oapfta app&- tionment to the sohools, the oounty aohool @ustees shall also make an annual allowanoe dut of the State and county available funds for salary and expenses of the arfioe of the oounty superintendent..... The oounty board of truetees may nalce suoh rurther provlsibnsae it deems neoeesary for orfloe and traveling expenses for the oounty euper$ntendent....v Artiole 2700 d-l, provides! So. 1. “That . . . . . the salary and OrrIce expenses of the oounty superintendent of pub- 110 instruatlon,,...shall be paid out, of the eohool funds ,of thsoorsvon end Independent sohool dietriots of the oounty.” Seo. 2. *That the County Eoard of Trustees shall annually . . ..ordcr a aoholastio per oapita t3Y4 mm; J. C. Oondy, Page 4 mperlntendent . Further, we have been unable to rind any other statutory or aoans%ltutional p~ovlslon whiah might oonfer that necessary authority. Suoh was the oonstntatiion &Den these statutory prwlslons in depart- mental option 210. -7, Dook 56, page 127 date4 Septea- bar 2& Z921, by 1:. C. Sutton, Assistant Attorney General, toHan. 0. L. Orouoh and whiohthia opinion substantlatea. Therefore, it la our opinion and you ara re- spedtttally edvlaed that the.Ca&asloners* Court my uat ttae money dbxfved frcm the generaliunds & the oounty to Lisa an adding mohine for the oounty qwrintendent's . l'rustm that the above t3at+l'aatoriiy answers you2 Inquiry, we remain Very truly your0 AT'kORl?STCEEtlERAL OF TEXAS