OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN --=k!i!z- Honor4bl8 Claud air County hedltor awar GoARty Bl8 sprin&,Tour Dear Sir: been rroeired and !a puoto rrom fopr raquort l& roil.0 kdki1.d XOAd4y awning mollod. Late Timoday eve- Ooirod mama- oi death iA adjourmd ease until Thus- purpo8e 0r 80hg a4t ~48 humday when jury roWrAe It lg r o o a .At that JAr ysh o uu ntpnrth0r0u0ugTborrd4yuPa 0444 k nsumd. This was done 404 oam olored &tUP%4y rOklOWiAgr “Z’ka Dlrtrlot Olutk Iommd rhook to @rors ror mix hya oaly, rim- IIoAday, 83!3 *~US&TX~II- iire t& juro?s utitld to pay ror th4 Intuvuin(; 44~4 thay wr4 not IA attubnae OR CopIt, thoqp w4r4 Pa&r Irrtrw- tlono not to dt8oa88 la n lto. sopr 0r t& juror8 ham dwande4 py for rtt lddltiarul days. "DIetrIot CletR taker po8itlOa t&t tk $alr.w rstra Upo8H to th8 Gowty I8 6nwr- rut84 ala00 j6ry 414 not own report &uw tha porIo(L,thofqb ttlr ldalttodt&4 j4ryw48 Imgawll~d OR 4 8pOOitiO 0480 ud UAdU n8tr4int notto dlroau ease la proooao oi trial. lxt 18 018dy 80ttid th4t tb -01 r0r th4 wok I8 4Atitl.d fo p4y ior the dry they UT. o4ll.d to 8OrvO OJlly,4ad ii court 4djosrar the p8aelrort80 or thr44 44y8, thy84 notk ~14 ror tbon intervrIaa dyr. Art. aLa BCS. Vi4kr th LleGLala, l66 8.W. 07%, i8 not 4 0488 U point, but la lutlmrit~ on sanual pro- pOSitiOA 4iOtIg With th8 ~%iOi@ Or tk 8tUtUt@ ror t& Clork'a po*ltIoa. In tha Eabu la84, tho DIerIot Clerk t-d6804to I8ruo pay to mu OR pan.1 whom -1 W4a lOU8.d OR. day U a rO- turmdtho``t, fOrtha dry jt#rOrdldODt 1)orvo an4 tbr court oplmld the GluLm utIol4 W.6, Rotl8ed CIrIl 8tat4t.8ol Tuu, reads 48 r0ib8t %A I#Ud4y Or roh wok Oi thm oOUX'8?or rhloh 4 jary da11 bo swaowd, aAd ior rhtoh thoro8nyk jury tri4l8, orwbreth4 Jury trl4l8 ror wok h4v4 640s sot ths ror IOI otbrd4y tbAoA 8A0h &yth0 0o~r-t 8hall nloot thirty wklWI4d 6rora. or 4 &W4tU or la88 mwbor, la its di nNtIoA, te nmo aa Juror8 ror the rook. Ii mob 8414otlOB i8AOttromuyO4A80 thOAa444,lt ryb0 ado on 4ay later 14~. . 839 Eonorablo Clad wolf, Pay 3 list ror tha wok, Lt there bo tha ro- QUiSit~ AAiAb4FOr SU6h ;A 40tOIbd4AOOWho ua not 4rou44d by the eourti Ii ro0h AwbU bo AOt iA 4tt4Ad4AOOAt any tb44, tha sour6 4h4lldIr4ot th4 sborlf? to ma- WA 4 8uirioiw AUAUbor 0r qu4iiri04 ma to auke up tha r4quisit4number 0r jurors. Tb WUrt My 4djoAl-At& wbl. AwbU of jtUOr8 tar the wok Or 4Ay part th4r4@f, to any sabsrqaont day of tho tarm, bat t& JArorB 8h4llAot h mid forth4 tiW thy say stand adjourned.* g Vfaoh jlwr In tba dirtriotor oounty oourt or 0owty oourt at law sh4ll raooitr three dollars ror rash day or iraatloaor 4 day that b* 58 attond 48 SUOh jlUOr, to bo paid out ot tI; a jury rpnd of the county by the county trea8U.r.rUNA tha omrtlfioato oi tha 014rk or the oourt iA whloh 8uoh 8UTi8@ 18 raAdUed, etatin& th 84FV104, wRu an6 by whom nndrro4, 8~14 tRo uowt due therefor. &mh orrtliIoato8 say b0 tnariarmd by dalivery and shUb4 r4- oolrabloat pu troa thm holdmr ior all oounty tuI8.* The oaao or Labor 78. XOClaia, 186 S. g. 811, Olt46 by pOU IA yOOr iOttOrs rrhih AOt d4OISi~4 Or tht8 QUa8tiOBs w4 think tend8 to sopgortthe ~SitiOIl of the Dlstriot Clark iA this Mtter. The O~IAIOA or the murt 18 6hort and reads a8 rOliOW8: V5izXIw3, J. The ml4tor. a aitl44A Or YOLWWI OOUOty, 3Ad 4 IWSidMt Or th0 olty 0r '6400 th4 oounty804t 0r said omll SUWOAOd to solTo a8 E"$Z Ythai &laz:riot oorut 0r an14 ommty tot the rek kcLanIn6 bbaday, SMA4ry 10, 19lb. In Ob8di~AOO to Sri4 SIlPP#)A4he appurad OR 84I6 day Ud -a* SWorA a~$ ia$?aA@itib8 b jurOr iOr *aId wook, -d U48 thUOqgOA UOOw iS%UU rurthm lttenbanaa OQ 84Id oourt un%ll ~w&aw&y, f&awry lltth,at whiehth ~AOnblo GlaA6 TOli, Paa4 6 ho appeared 4ad was io ltt*odano* OR said oourt for the rOE41nbr or thr wook. RO 848 not requird to attoad OS TaeHay ad ~40 aot physioauy prOSeA* iA 80i& ooart OR 8814 ih y . T h eo luk0r lal4 oaurt, tho ros onilant horollr,I**umd to to&tot 4 aort 3rio4t0 ror hi0 lttend4noo ior thr wok, lt00pt ror Norday, rot whL@.h&y he rorwod to 184UO laOh oortl- ihate, uheroapoo tho nlator ru04 fn 8414 OOfUt ht8 pOtltiO8 iO? 4 =aimu to 00~01 S’OS~ondo8t t0 %88aO t4 hh 4 lOTtliiO4tO iOr h%O 4ttOEd4BoO OS 84id bY* Tho ooart rofuso4 to ardor tho Wit Of E4lld4Etl8, Ud foAd0?.d jU6dgarAt t&t the rOS~OA&Ut feOO7U 4ll OOStS in t+S bohalt OX&Wad@& =hrtiOlO 58M, 9. 8. 1698, road8 a8 rOb hW8t **2aoh juror in *iti2 uses shall faoolvo two dollarsfor uoh day an4 ror oaoh frao- ttOA Oi a day ho Ouy SOIIO Or attend40 8UOh jAX'01.' "~8 tha relator Aeltbrr swved Aor at- teAd86 the ooart 48 4 foror OR ~anauy Alth, hr i8 ilot eAt;tiOd, t&A&Or tb pWiSiO48 Of this artlalo, to any pay tor that day, an4 thoro IO 00 jWOti8iOA OS Law whloh r0Al.d allow UA luoh pry. Ir th8ro oould bo say doubt 48 t0 th0 tIOrtOOtAO88 Or t&O f0d@40At or the eourt horein, w think MOB doubt wo;Ld bo roaoro6 by utiolo blb#, B. 8. LQll, rhioh nati as iOl10USr "'Tlw court rpay4djOwA the who10 AOdOr 0r jarars ror th8 wook, or any part thO=or, to Wy SUbSrQuOBt &if Or the tern, bat &WOrr, sh4.U Rot be pai for the time thoy my oo f St4ld ldjo a r ne& ‘fk th iA4t4At 0480 it 4pH4rS tbrt th. aourt u8 iloady ldjo wno d l gart ol the jury (tbs relator boroln) to a 4ahoguut day 0r t&o term, to mlt, wodao~4q, u4 thut stioh . 841 EsorabAo CAM4 wolf, Pam s 0r tho jury 8tOOd 4djoumi4a~ror ?iUO- E!- pay Ma ror W48 that thorororo Wt dry. Yor the 8Atitlti roasow t0 statad., AAY tk jUdgUnt Of th0 OOIUS 18 8friSd.* U6iOiO uu, ~I@v;so~ cidi 8t4tUtOS Or %X48, sapra, provider t&t oaoh $&rot in 4lstrIot or SorMty t& ooart or 00-t et 14~ 8h411 roooito sbroo 4olluo ()b.oo) oounty r0r rhzy r l 0;t:r40ti04 or 4 d4y tkt UOAO? th8 t4OtS ia hi f44y yOar mttor 4 kttua jorers a o ’1po l8 Owar0 : iB & M uo o o n the lo wt ror th8 ad- :itkJUi SiX w. may uoro poraltt.4 by the oowt to go baok to th8ir 48u4l OO44patla8 rot SiX 68yS. Thai? orly XWSpoE8ibility u48 tO rotwn to lourt oa tbA dOto tit by the oo~rt 4~4 to Dot dir0488 the 0440. You uo r88$OOtfUliy 4dt1804 t&d It IS tho OplniOB Or ai8 dOp4)tmut tb49 th0 DiStriOt ciOrk*S pOOItiOA 18 OOrZoOt 4ad JoOr ~UOStiOO 18 thorOtOr8 4A&WOt@d iA th. AS& 4t'IVO. ar Wm. f . tuning ArSiStMt