DocketNumber: JM-497
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1986
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
The Attorney General of Texas May 19. 1986 JIM MATTOX Attorney General Supreme Court Building M r . Marvin 3. Titzman Opinion No. JM-497 P. 0. Box 1 W Executive Director Austin, TX. 78711.254 Texas Surplus Property Agency Re: Validity of Appropriations P. 0. Box 8120 Act r i d e r requiring reimbursement San Antonio. Texae 78208 t o t h e General Revenue Fund f o r workers' compensation b e n e f i t s 714 Jackson. Suite 700 paid t o c e r t a i n employers Dallas. TX. 75202.4508 2141742-8944 Dear Mr. Titzmsn: You ask about t h e v a l i d i t y of t h e f o l l w i n g Appropriations Act 4824 Alberta Ave.. Sulte 180 rider: El Paso. TX. 79805-2793 815/533.244 a. P.t t h e c l o s e of each calendar q u a r t e r , t h e Workers' Cornpensacion Division of t h e Attorney 1M1 Texas. Suite 700 General's Office s h a l l prepare a statement Houston, TX. 770025111 r e f l e c t i n g t h e amount of workers' compensation 71Y223-5886 paymentti paid t o a l l former and current e t a t e employet!e. and present i t t o t h e Comptroller of 808 Broadway, Sulte 312 Public i.ccounts. Lubbock,TX. 7$401-3479 8081747-5238 The heads of s t a t e agencies, i n s t i t u t i o n s . departmt!n,ts, commissions, boards, divisions, o r UOQ N. Tentn, Suite 8 o t h e r u3:Lts of e t a t e gove-nt a r e directed t o MCAIIen. TX. 78501-1885 determirle t h e proportionate amount of t h e reim- 5121882.4547 bursemeltt o r payment due from funds other than General Revenue Funds and t o present t h e Comp- 200 MainPlaza. Suite 40Q t r o l l e r of Public Accounts a purchase o r t r a n s f e r San Antonio, TX. 782052797 voucher requesting reimbursement from such funds 512'2254181 t o general revenue. Such t r a n s f e r s and payments a s a r e authorized under law shall b e made with t h i r t y :90) days from r e c e i p t of t h e statement of An Equal Opportunltyl AfflrmatfveActlon Employer paynent~i due. The Comptroller of Public Accounts may prescribe sccounting procedures and regula- t i o m t o implement t h i s section. b. rm agency, i n s t i t u t i o n , department, cammis- sion, b a r d , d i v i s i o n , o r other u n i t of s t a t e gwernmant i s authorized t o a l l o c a t e funds t o a revolvirlg account created on i t s books t o receive contrib~rt:ions from funds o t h e r than general Mr. Marvin J. Titzman - Page 2 (JM-497) revenue based on a percentage-of-payroll assess- ment t o b e determined by such u n i t of government f o r the purpose of reimbursing the General Revenue Fund f o r workers' compensation claims paid. c. The S t a t e dxlditor s h a l l review i n h i s a u d i t of respective agencies compliance with t h e pm- v i s i o n s of t h i s section. A c t s 1985, 69th Leg., ch. !)80, art. V, 560, at 7791. That r i d e r implements a more general rj.der, which provides: It i s the interrt of the Legislature t h a t unless o t h e v i a e reatricf:ad payment f o r s a l a r i e s , wages, and b e n e f i t s paid from appropriated funds s h a l l be proportional t o t h e source of funds. Acts 1985, 69th Leg.. ch. 9t4, a r t . V, 672. a t 7794. The Attorney general'^ Office makes workers' compensation pay- ments t o state employees oul: of an appropriation from general revenue. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 980, a r t . I, $23, a t 7332. See V.T.C.S. a r t . 8309g, 53 (attorney general's o f f i c e administers vorkers' - compensation program f o r state employees). The r i d e r s e t out above deals with workers' campersation payments made t o s t a t e employees whose s a l a r l e a end other b e n e f i t s a r e paid from funds approprihted from some fund o t h e r than general revenue. The r i d e r requires any such other fund t o reimburse t h e general revenue fund f o r workers' compensation payments made t o a s t a t e employee whose payment and b e n e f i t s come from such other fund. I f t h e salary and b e n e f i t s of a state employee who receive3 workers' compensation payments a r e paid only i n p a r t from a fund oi:her than general revenue, t h a t other fund must reimburse general revenue i n proportion t o t h e amount of the employee's salary and beuef:.ts t h a t t h e other fund pays. A r i d e r t o an appropda.tion b i l l may d e t a i l , l i m i t , o r restrict t h e use of funds appropr:Lz~ted therein. Attorney General Opinion JM-343 (1985). A r i d e r may not, however, repeal. modify, o r amend an e x i s t i n g general law. The r i d e r you ask about merely d e t a i l s the way appropriated funds are t o be used, and it does not c o n f l i c t with t h e general l a w regarding 'workers' compensation payments t o s t a t e employees. *V.T.C.S. ar:,, 8309g. Therefore, it is a v a l i d r i d e r . We note, hawever, t h a t r i d e r s a f f e c t only appropriations made i n t h e Appropriations Act. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 980, a r t . V, a t 7729. The Texas Surplus :?xoprrty Agency receives no appropriation under t h e current Approprir.tions Act. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 980, a t 7496-7499 (recapitulation of appropriations made t o executive and administretive departmt!tits and agencies). Therefore, t h e r i d e r ~ r Marvin . J. Titzmen - Page 3 (JM-497) you ask about does n o t c o n t r o l t h e t r a n s f e r of funds from your agency. But s e e Attorney General Opinion JM-479 (1986) (money c o l l e c t e d by t h e surplus Property Agency must be deposited i n t h e s t a t e treasury and appropriated by t h e l e g i s l a t u r e before it may be expended). .Cf. - Attorney General Opinion JM-417 (1985) (reimbursement requirement t o general revenue fund f o r state retirement contributions o r s a l a r i e s paid from f e d e r a l o r p r i v a t e grants). You a l s o ask whether t h e Texas Surplus Property Agency may purchase workers' compensation insurance. The l e g i s l a t u r e r e q u i r e s t h a t t h e s t a t e be a self-insurer. V.T.C.S. a r t . 8309g, $2. There- f o r e , a s t a t e agency may noc purchase workers' compensation insurance. Artorney General Opinion H-681 (1975). The Texas Surplus Property Agency i s a s t a t e agency. Attorney General Opinion JM-445 (1986). Therefore, t h e Texas Surplus Property Agency may n o t purchase workers' compensation insurance. Apparently you ask whether a s t a t e agency may purchase workers' compensation insurance because you assume t h a t a s t a t e employee could not receive workers' compensation payments i f t h e fund t h a t pays h i s s a l a r y and b e n e f i t s were i n s u f f i c i e n t t o pay a workers' compensation claim. See a r t . 8309(g) (providing f o r workers' compensation b e n e f i t s f o r s t a t e employees). That assumption i s incorrect. A s we pointed out before, a l l workers' compensation payments t o s t a t e employeos a r e made out of money appropriated t o t h e attorney general's o f f i c e f o r t h e purpose. The source of t h a t money is t h e general revenue fund. The r i d e r t h a t you ask about merely r e q u i r e s o t h e r funds t o reimburse t h e general revenue fund f o r workers' compensation payments already paid by t h i s o f f i c e . It does n o t change t h e f a c t t h a t , unless s p e c i f i c a l l y exempted, a l l s t a t e employees a r e e n t i t l e d t o workers' - compensation b e n e f i t s under a r t ~ c l e8309g. See V.T.C.S. §1(2) (exemptions). We do not resd t h e r i d e r a s attempting t o change a r t . 8309g, a r t i c l e 8309g. I f it d i d attempt t o do so, i t would be an invalid attempt t o amend geueral l e g i s l a t i o n . T h e r ~ f o t e , although t h e r i d e r i n qgestion may cause a s t a t e agency o r o t h e r u n i t of s t a t e government t o be accountable t o general revenue, it does not exclude any s t a t e employee from coverage under a r t i c l e 8309g. SUMMARY A r i d e r t h a t r e q u i r e s other funds t o reimburse the general revenue fund f o r workers' compensation payments is v a l i d . That r i d e r does not a f f e c t t h e Texas Surplus Property Agency. A s t a t e agency has no a u t h o r i t y t o purchase workers' compensation insurance. Unless s p e c i f i c a l l y exempted, a l l s t a t e employees are eligible for workers' compensation benefits under article 8309g, V.T.C.S. M r . Marvin J. T i t - - Paga 4 (34-497) J*nk Very truly your , J I M M A T T O X Attorney General of Texas JACK HIGHTOWER F i r s t Assletant Attorney General MARY KELLER Exscutive Assistant Attorney General ROBERT GRAY Special Assistant Attorney General RICK GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by Sarah Woelk Assistant Attorney General